Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 79 Harvest (Second Change)

Biquge, the fastest update to ask the question!

In the dark passage of the spaceship, Xia Zhi looked around and asked, "Babata, what are you doing now?"

"Go along the passage, now hurry to the 'command room' and plug the 'signaler' into the interface of the spacecraft's intelligent system."

"Only by intelligently connecting with this spaceship, can I find a way to overcome its intelligent defenses and control it," Babata said.

"Understood." Xia Zhi nodded, and at the same time caught the object that appeared in front of him, which looked like an earth USB drive.

Under Babata's guidance, Xia Zhi quickly moved forward in the black dragon spaceship...

When he entered the command block of this Black Dragon Mountain x81 spaceship, he actually alarmed the automatic defense of the spaceship's intelligent system, and three metal robots rushed over to kill the intruders.

The space around Xia Zhi's body was shrouded in green and black energy.

Within the shrouded range, the wind fluctuates in the air, as if it has become water, and the power of light is mixed in it. The three metal robots seem to have fallen into a quagmire, and their speed and power are greatly reduced.

The 365 blades on the arc cutterhead are now like a small golden fish, swimming around the robot with the help of wind fluctuations.

Each small fish is an arc-shaped throwing knife, which can easily penetrate the body of a king-level monster. At this time, it cuts on the robot's body, but there is barely a mark, not even a wound.

The three robot attacks are not strong, but the metal body is too hard.

"Babata, hurry up and think of a way! I can only trap this robot first, their metal bodies are too hard to destroy."

Xia Zhi urged.

Looking at the robot in the knife array formed by the arc cutter, relying on the metal body to block the attack and trying to attack the robot, the third level of unique moves is more focused on individual attacks, and the second level of knife array is suitable for group attacks and trapped enemies. .

In the past three years, Xia Zhiben had a comprehension of the origin of the wind element. Later, with the help of the "Zhouji Enlightenment Jue", combined with his own light abilities, he formed a wind element field space to suppress and attack the enemy.

"It's done. Xia Zhi, these three robots have been controlled by me." Babata said.

Sure enough, the three metal robots in the field had stopped moving and stood still.

"These three robots are all made of C-grade tungsten-yttrium metal. It would be very difficult for a universe-level powerhouse to destroy them. If it wasn't me, even if you can trap the robots, but you can't destroy their bodies, you will have to escape in the end." Get out." Babata said proudly.

"Okay, let's go into the command room, there shouldn't be any danger, right?" Xia Zhi asked.

"It must be gone. After so many years, the intelligent system of this spaceship can still maintain these three robots, which means that the big man put a lot of energy in the spaceship, and there is no other way, otherwise they just killed them all together. " Babata said affirmatively.

Xia Zhi nodded, pushed open the silver door of the control room with a little force.

This door has not been opened since the spaceship sank!

The moment it was opened, the command room and the outside world formed a weak air convection, forming a breeze in the spacious and luxurious command room!

The soldier sitting on the central seat in the command room turned into powder like dust.

Behind him stood three guards in black uniforms, and the uniforms on their bodies were also turned into powder.

"Wealth and status are not worth mentioning in front of time, only eternal strength is fundamental."

Looking at the scene of 800,000 years ago, a soldier who might have been a big shot turned into powder the moment he opened the door, Xia Zhi said with emotion that his yearning for strength was even stronger in his heart.

"Don't be emotional, Xia Zhi! These three guards are a special product called 'Liuyin Guard'."

Babata exclaimed: "The main material of this flowing silver guard is the 'flowing silver' metal that is much more precious than 'tungsten and yttrium metal'. It contains an intelligent system, and it can talk and do things just like a real person. Generally, A bodyguard for a big shot with high status."

"For example, if they are assassinated, they can completely block them with their bodies. Although the lethality is not too strong, but if they are entangled by them, it will take a little time for even the strongest in the universe to get rid of them! They are the best bodyguards."

"First insert the annunciator into the green slot on the far left side of the control." Babata said, "After the spaceship is controlled, I will crack the intelligent systems of the three Liuyin guards for you, and then we will go to the universe. If you carry them, others will know that you are a big shot with status, and they will not dare to provoke you."

Xia Zhi took out the U-disk-style annunciator, and inserted it into the green slot that Babata said.

In the wrist smart virtual space, looking at the head of the blue-haired woman on the console screen of the Black Dragon Spaceship, Babata sighed and shook his head: "Next, let me ravage her!" He said, showing his pair of fangs.


Suddenly the entire command hall sounded harsh sirens.

A large number of characters also quickly appeared on the console screen.

"Warning, the system is under attack." The universal language of the universe sounded. "Please enter the password within 30 seconds! Otherwise, the spacecraft self-destruct procedure will be activated. 30, 29, 28..."

As soon as the voice sounded, Babata, who was originally smiling strangely, suddenly became anxious, "Damn, self-destructing the program? Xia Zhi, this is troublesome! The owner of this spaceship is such a jerk, that he even set the intelligent system to be attacked without entering the password." If it is released, the self-destruct procedure must be activated!"

"Then what should we do? Can you crack the code?" Xia Zhi asked.

"There is no other way. Even the strongest intelligent life is impossible to crack the code of unknown digits in such a short period of time." Babata's helpless voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "To keep the spaceship, we can only That's it."

"chi chi one"

I saw harsh sounds from the entire console, a large number of characters floating up on the screen crazily, and even a large number of buttons on the console unexpectedly sparked.

In a burst of "bang bang—" sound like a light bulb bursting, the entire console screen went dark, and the lights in the control room went dark.

"Brutally destroyed, the consequence is that the control system of the entire spacecraft is damaged, and many transmission systems may be burned." Babata said helplessly, "But if it is not brutally destroyed, the consequence is... the spacecraft activates the self-destruct device, and the entire ship will explode!"

At the beginning, Babata wanted to use gentle methods to conquer and control the intelligence of the spaceship.

This can avoid damage to the spaceship to the greatest extent, but unfortunately conditions do not allow it!

And in order for the spaceship not to explode, this is the only way to go.

"It's okay, Babata. I've been waiting for several years. I don't care about this moment. It's better than nothing." Xia Zhi comforted, "And you did your best, Babata, thank you!"

In the virtual space of the wrist.

Babata, who was a little frustrated at first, was obviously a little sad for this unfavorable start. He slapped his chest loudly before, saying that he could bring Xia Zhi into the universe soon, but the formation of the spaceship has never been successful. Finally, he hoped that with this black dragon spaceship, he could Going on a space adventure, but encountered such a situation.

After hearing Xia Zhi's words at this time, Babata, who was originally a little frustrated, raised his eyebrows, grinned, and said: "Hey, that is my devil, Mr. Babata. This barbaric destruction also depends on strength. I am far superior in intelligence level." It, instantly manipulates a large amount of traffic to make it unable to respond, and then crashes!"

"Otherwise, we can only watch this spaceship self-destruct!"

"That's right, Lord Babata, the great devil, thanks to you!" Xia Zhi also complimented with a smile.

Babata was complimented by Xia Zhi, and he became elated again, and said: "Being able to afford the black dragon spaceship and having Liuyin guards is considered a good position in the Milky Way. You put away all his relics, Xia Zhi."

Xia Zhi nodded, and put away the officer's ring and other relics that had been turned into powder.

Babata also took away the Liuyin guard, "I'll repair it, and I'll use it for you when I'm done. I'll put away the wreckage of the spaceship and the command ship after I go out, and take it back to repair it. If it's quick, it should take a few months." It will be fixed."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Babata." Xia Zhi said.

"Hey, small matter, Xia Zhi, just wait for me to take you on an adventure in the universe. The vast universe is where the strong should go. The earth and the Milky Way are too small!" Babata said with a serious look after a chuckle.

"Yes. I want to enter the universe as soon as possible, time is running out..." Xia Zhi said meaningfully.

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