Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 87 The Strongest Explosion

Biquge, the fastest update to ask the question!

Three days passed in a flash.

The five major countries of the earth, Xtreme Martial Arts, Raiden Martial Arts, HR Alliance and other national organizations, at the critical moment of the life and death of all human beings, contributed their atomic bombs in stock, and collected a total of 18 atomic bombs.

At this moment, these 18 atomic bombs are installed in 18 fighter planes contributed by top powerhouses from various countries.

As the secret trump card, it is a 150-million-ton super-yield hydrogen bomb that, according to calculations by scientists, is powerful enough to kill star-level fighters at close range.

This hydrogen bomb, which can be called the most "abnormal" in human history, was contributed by Russia, one of the five major powers, and it was installed in Hong's "Honghuang-class" fighter plane at this time.

There are a total of 19 fighters, all of which can be unmanned. From the outside, it is almost impossible to tell the difference.

All the forces of human beings are waiting quietly for the devouring beast that brought disaster to the people on earth to appear again.

At night, in the Pacific Ocean, in the cold and dark seabed area, the monster called Devourer is lying comfortably on the bottom of the sea.

There are a large number of sea monsters around it entrenched a kilometer away, as if the subjects were guarding their own emperor.

The devouring beast raised its head slightly, then stood up, its huge body stirred up a piece of sand on the bottom of the sea.

These days, it is very satisfied. It was born on this weak planet. According to the memory it inherited, there will be no existence that threatens itself. Everything is just food for its own growth.

When it was just born, it devoured a large number of sea monsters, but those monsters could provide too little energy for its growth.

Thinking of the metal gadgets built by the earth creatures that he devoured, it was not bad for his own evolution.

Thinking of this, after three days of digestion, it suddenly felt hungry again.


The devouring beast let out a low growl, flicked its tail, and rushed towards the sea like lightning.

The surrounding sea monsters rushed out, and the calm sea suddenly became turbulent.

Humans, who have been monitoring in real time with satellites, suddenly discovered the movement of the sea monsters.

"All fighter planes depart, proceed as planned!" Hong, who was in the base city of Hongning, gave an order in a deep voice.

All high-level personnel in the world are monitoring through satellites at this moment, and they can clearly see 19 fighters flying from various places. These 19 fighters are separated, with front and rear!

"It must be successful!" People prayed one after another.

At this time, Luo Feng was also at his home in Mingyue District, Jiangnan Base City, watching through the surveillance screen.

"The first one!" he thought to himself.

On the screen, a black triangular fighter plane is rapidly flying into northern Asia, and the devouring beast is flying towards Asia.

The Devourer, which is more than 160 meters long, has a wingspan of 200 meters.

While flapping its densely scaled wings, it flies through the air at extreme speed.

Its dark golden eyes are full of coldness, tyranny, and murderous intent!

Devour all the energy that can make oneself grow rapidly, whether it is metal or human beings.

Suddenly, it stopped, because it found a small dot flying towards it from the front at a very fast speed.

With the speed of a fighter plane, chasing the devouring beast from behind is impossible.

But use satellite monitoring to set a route, fly head-on, and you can run into it.

The devouring beast waved its right hoof and clawed towards the little one.

It knows this thing, the tool used by earth creatures, and it was also used by warriors to attack itself these two times.

But it's too weak to do a little damage to it at all.


Before the Devourer swung its right hoof, the fighter plane was remotely controlled and instantly exploded. At the same time, the 20,000-ton atomic bomb inside the fighter plane also exploded!

On the watching screen, I could only see a 'little sun' suddenly appearing in the dark night.

The mushroom cloud produced by the explosion enveloped the Devourer's body, and the shock wave of huge energy spread like a wave.

After the violent explosion ended, there was no Devourer at the original place, and it appeared in the sky above the sea a hundred miles away, without a single scar on its scales and armor.

A 20,000-ton atomic bomb exploded only 300 meters away from it, as if a gust of wind was blowing through the body.

The Devouring Beast moved its right paw, and it felt numb and comfortable where it touched the little thing just now.

At this time, another fighter plane flew over. This time it waited until the fighter plane flew 50 meters in front of itself before grabbing the fighter plane with the other hoof.


Another 'little sun' lit up on the sea.

The atomic bombs carried by the 18 cannon fodder are all between 15,000 tons and 60,000 tons.

Even if a 20,000-ton atomic bomb bombs a county town, the central area of ​​several hundred meters will be reduced to ruins, and the area of ​​two to three kilometers will be covered by shock waves and shatter glass.


The devouring beast felt that the hoof claw was shaken and it was very comfortable.

And it found that this numb, itchy feeling, and stimulation to the body, actually made its evolution and growth slowly accelerate!

Just like people need external stimulation to exercise their muscles, it has not been threatened at all on the earth since its birth, and this kind of stimulating feeling is even better.

Seeing another fighter plane flying towards him, he couldn't help bumping into it happily.

The third atomic bomb, the fourth atomic bomb...

The atomic bombs exploded one after another, as if setting off fireworks on the ocean at night, mushroom clouds soared into the sky one after another!

The high-level human beings who were watching were all very nervous at this moment, and their hearts were suspended.

Luo Feng at home, Hong and Leishen at Xtreme Martial Arts Gym were all so nervous that their palms were sweating!

Because, the "real guy" among the cannon fodder is about to appear!

A blood-red triangular fighter plane appeared in front of the devouring beast at this time, and the devouring beast looked excitedly at the little one who was getting closer and closer to him.

Just now it hit the fighter plane with its head, back, tail and other parts, enjoying the tingling feeling after the nuclear bomb exploded, this time it decided to let its stomach feel comfortable too!

The devouring beast spread its huge scaled wings and swooped over!

When it was about to approach the fighter plane, it straightened its belly, which was lighter in color than other parts of the scales, and bumped into it!

In front of the screen, the high-level human beings who were watching, when they saw that the Devouring Beast touched the hydrogen bomb with its belly instead of its tail and claws, everyone felt an uncontrollable excitement in their hearts!

"It will definitely succeed!"

"Kill it! God bless mankind!"

Just before the belly of the devouring beast and the blood-red fighter collided at an alarming speed, the atomic bomb in the blood-red fighter was detonated ahead of time!

The atomic bomb that exploded at the same time instantly detonated the 150 million-ton equivalent hydrogen bomb!

This most threatening weapon of human technology on earth exploded violently at the belly of the devouring beast.


The explosion, which was countless times more powerful than the dozen or so atomic bombs before, made the screens in front of the high-level human beings watching all white.

The Jiangnan base city of Huaxia Kingdom is thousands of kilometers away from the explosion site in northern Asia.

At this time, people in the urban area were surprised to find that a sun appeared in the northern sky.

When people want to make a phone call and upload the strange scenes they have captured through the Internet, they find that all signals and networks are cut off at this time.

At this moment, the entire Huaxia country, the entire Soviet Russia, and most of the European Union countries saw that dazzling sun!

The huge mushroom cloud was even more shocking and caused chaos.

But at this time, none of the high-level human beings paid attention to the possible chaos. Everyone was staring at the screen in front of them, as if waiting for the final sentence.

In the huge mushroom cloud after the hydrogen bomb exploded, a ray of golden light rushed out of it, and stopped after flying for nearly ten kilometers, suspended in mid-air on the sea.

The black scales of the Devouring Beast, and the scale armor doped with golden patterns, were stained by nuclear bomb smoke, making it look a bit dim.

But its head still held its head up to the sky, and that golden horn was still extremely sharp.

Only its abdomen, where it collided with the last fighter, suddenly appeared a huge wound of nearly ten meters, and a lot of blood flowed out.

But from the screen, the naked eye can see that its muscles are entangled like thick tree roots, and are quickly repairing automatically.


The devouring beast raised its head and roared, the noble starry sky behemoth was injured on this ant-like planet!

"It shouldn't be like this, even a stellar class can't stand such a powerful hydrogen bomb!" The white old man who was the first to recognize the identity of the Devourer, the scientist Clarence of the HR Alliance, looked at the screen in horror. , A mouthful of blood spurted out.

In front of the monitoring screen, all the high-level human beings are filled with despair at this moment!

There are even very few high-level direct cerebral hemorrhage deaths.

The devouring beast can still survive under the most powerful explosion, so what else can humans do?

Humanity can only be destroyed!

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