Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter Nine First Arrival

"Welcome to Armed Base No. 1049 in Jiangnan Base City."

"Now, everyone get out of the car!"

Stepping out of the compartment of the fully-enclosed armed train, a huge military camp came into view.

The entire barracks is surrounded by reinforced concrete and military barbed wire.

A large number of heavy thermal weapons are densely covered, and the densely packed muzzles are aimed at the outside of the barracks.

There is also a tall tower every kilometer. The black tower wall is densely covered with dark red plaques, and the metal-colored weapons on the top are shining brightly under the sun.

Most of them are soldiers with all kinds of sophisticated weapons. Each of them has a sturdy temperament, and they look like elite soldiers who have experienced bloody battles.

Xia Zhi and his group of prospective warriors participating in the actual combat assessment are standing on the playground at the entrance of the barracks.

"Look outside." Someone shouted excitedly.

Xia Zhi looked back, and outside the barracks cordon, some monsters whose bellies were deflated were uttering strange screams towards them.

Saliva dripped down their scarlet tongues, their eyes glowed green, but they didn't dare to approach the cordon of the barracks.

"Quack quack ~"

A group of bird-like monsters flew high above the barracks, and the clear sky seemed to be covered by dark clouds for an instant.

"Sure enough, only after leaving the base city can we see the reality of this world."

Yang Ming, who was traveling with him, said next to him: "Human beings can only live in the base city protected by the army and weapons."

"If you want to survive outside the city and fight monsters, only warriors can do it."


A somewhat familiar rough voice came.

"Welcome to Armed Base No. 1049 in Jiangnan Base City."

"This actual combat assessment for warriors is scheduled to be held in our Northern Military Region."

"You 1742 boys who participated in the assessment, I hope to see that most of you can pass the assessment, and I hope that all of you can pass the assessment alive."

The person who spoke was a strong man with a height of 2 meters. The camouflage military uniform was bulging by his strong body. A gold star shining on the shoulder strap indicated that the strong man was an officer of the rank of major general in the army.

"I am Dong Hao, Commander of the Seventy-Second Army of the Twelfth Army, who is in charge of this actual combat assessment."

"Warriors who pass the assessment, if they are willing to join our group army, become a glorious soldier, defend their home and country, they will be directly awarded the rank of lieutenant."

"A quasi-warrior who has not passed the exam and is willing to join the army can also be awarded the rank of warrant officer."

"In China, our army is undoubtedly the strongest!"

"Join the army and become a glorious soldier, but wherever in our country, you will have the strongest backing!"

"Okay, now everyone enters the barracks first, and the assessment will start at 18:00 in the afternoon."

The summer solstice walked into the barracks with the flow of people. As soon as they entered, there was a wide square, and the neat barracks were in the distance.

The square was very lively, and the barracks prepared a sumptuous lunch for the prospective warriors who came to participate in the assessment.


1,742 prospective warriors stood in an open space in the square. On the high platform in front of the open space, stood some high-level officials from the Army of the Northern Military Region, the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, and the HR Alliance.

"Next, those who have reported their names will come out and receive their combat uniforms and weapons."

"Liu Hong."

"Li Gan."


In the receiving area, there were ten officers shouting their names.

Those whose names were called ran out quickly, went to the corresponding receiving area, and received their combat uniforms and weapons.

"Summer solstice."

A loud voice came clearly.

Xia Zhi, who heard her name, immediately ran out and rushed to the front.

When the high-level officials of various forces and organizations on the high platform heard this name and saw the young Xia Zhi running out, they all shot over.

"This is the young man who signed the A-level agreement in your martial arts school this time?"

The burly major general Dong Hao asked Zhuge Tao beside him.

"A very nice young man." Zhuge Tao responded without saying anything.

"It looks average, but it's definitely not as good as Zhang Lei, the talented rookie in our martial arts school this time."

Wang Zhiheng, the president of the Thunder Martial Arts School next to him, pouted and said.

"Then it depends on their performance in this assessment." Zhuge Tao replied with a smile.

in the pick-up area.

The officer in charge of distributing the equipment pointed to a pile of equipment on the ground in front of him and said, "This is your combat uniform and combat boots."

"This is the blood shadow sword you want. We can only provide the heaviest one here, the 2 series, 98 kg. We are not prepared for any heavier ones this time."

The officer looked at Xia Zhi suspiciously, very few would-be warriors demanded such a heavy weapon, especially a saber.

"This is a communication watch. It has functions such as positioning and communication. In case of an accident, you can call for help. This is a six-edged shield."

Ignoring the officer's puzzled eyes, Xia Zhi smiled at him, and quickly ran away holding the pile of nearly two hundred kilograms of equipment.

Soon, the 1,742 quasi-warriors participating in this assessment all received combat uniforms suitable for their bodies, as well as weapons of various specifications they required.

Everyone can only use cold weapons, and the combat uniforms are of the same model with equal defense.

This is the requirement of the actual combat assessment of warriors, and the use of hot weapons is prohibited.

Under relatively fair conditions, the assessment tests whether each prospective warrior who participates in the assessment has the strength of a warrior.

After all the equipment is received, everyone disperses, returns to their respective resting places, and changes into combat uniforms and combat boots.

There was laughter in the empty square.

Xia Zhi wears alloy combat boots on his feet, and the military trousers and combat vest on his body are all special materials containing Cro alloy.

The hexagonal shield and the blood shadow sword were carried on his back, and he was with Yang Ming who came with him at the moment.

Yang Ming also put on his whole body, holding a blood-drinking series spear in his hand, and excitedly said to Xia Zhi: "Just this set of equipment will cost nearly a million dollars."

"Xia Zhi, it should be the first time you wear this."

"Don't underestimate this combat uniform. Although it is the lowest combat uniform, it can withstand the claws of the weakest H-rank monsters."

"Ordinary people in the base city can't see it, only warriors can have it."

"Well, I haven't worn it before. Warriors make money fast, and spend money fast."

Xia Zhi touched the cold feeling on the surface of the combat vest and said.

"Who said it wasn't?"

"After passing the actual combat assessment, the start-up funds given by the martial arts hall are used to purchase equipment and learn cheats."

"Otherwise, go directly out of the city to fight the monsters, and you will die."

Yang Ming also said with emotion.

"As small as, as small as." A voice came.

Xia Zhi looked over and saw Jiang Tao, the instructor of the martial arts gym, walking towards him hurriedly.

"Brother Yang, the instructor called me, I'll go there first."

Xia Zhi greeted Yang Ming and walked towards Jiang Tao.

Looking at Jiang Tao who was wearing a black combat uniform in front of him, he looked anxious.

Xia Zhi couldn't help asking strangely: "What's wrong, instructor?"

"Just now Li Qiang was inquiring about your situation with others. I felt something was wrong. I came here to talk to you."

"This time Li Wei and the others will participate in the assessment. I haven't seen where Li Wei is yet."

"I only saw Li Qiang discussing your situation with the warriors in our community."

"I think they are going to do something against you in this assessment."

"Aiming at me? You still want to settle accounts with them. If you want to come, come together!"

After hearing Jiang Tao's words, Xia Zhi thought to himself.

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