Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 97 Changes in Hongyan County (Second update, please subscribe!)

"Brother Hou, where is the Xinhuo World?"

Xia Zhi was extremely curious about the great world of Xin Huo that Hou Xia Ge said before, where Chaofan would go.

Father is just a star-rated knight, and what he introduced last night is common sense that most of the world knows.

"Haha." Hearing Xia Zhi calling himself, Hou Xiage laughed, making Xia Zhi very puzzled.

In fact, Xia Zhi didn't know, according to the rules, he was in the Four Fan organizations.

The title level is a disciple!

Feitian-level extraordinary, protect the Dharma.

The holy level is the elder.

A demigod is the best.

Not the leader of the Fangfan organization, but also titles such as Supreme Elder, Deputy City Lord, Deputy Temple Master, and his status is equivalent to that of the leader.

So under normal circumstances, Xia Zhi would have to call out 'Elder Hou'.

"The mortal world we live in is a very stable and perfect material world!" Hou Xiage introduced, "Everywhere in the material world, some space folds, space gaps, etc. will also give birth to some extraordinary worlds that are not perfect."

"These extraordinary worlds are divided into large worlds and small worlds. Because they are not perfect, these worlds have condensed some special treasures! Even the original core of the entire world will be condensed into real objects. Many precious things that extraordinary people need, almost It's all from these worlds."

"The rules of the extraordinary world are too simple, and some magical powers are directly gathered into physical objects. Countless precious 'extraordinary objects' are the resources for our strength promotion."

"Small transcendental worlds have limited capacity, the highest can only accommodate saint-level transcendental entry, while large-scale worlds can accommodate demigod-level extraordinary entry."

"Xinhuo Great World is one of the extraordinary worlds controlled by our human Xia Clan, and it is also where our Xia Clan's inheritance lies."

"It's easier to understand the mysteries of the rules of heaven and earth there, and with the defense accumulation of our Xia clan's strong past generations, other ethnic groups can't enter, so the new transcendents are all in the fire world."

The Xia Clan nodded, thinking inwardly: "It seems that it is similar to the original universe that devoured the world."

Looking at Xia Zhi thoughtfully, Hou Xiage smiled and said: "More information, you will know when you arrive. You should spend time with your family today, and tomorrow we will return to Yunwu City, from where we can enter the Great World of Fire .”

Just when Xia Zhi learned more about the extraordinary life from Tang Yi and Hou Xiage, Fengyang County and even Hongyan County were in violent turmoil because of Xia Zhi's birth.

Many officers from Hongyan County, from the county lord to the city guard, were all kicked out.

"What are you doing at Longshan Tower! You are making an enemy of my Qiu family. Our Qiu family master is a foreign disciple of Yunwu City!" The city master of Hongyan County has always been proud of being a child of the Qiu family.

He even often fantasizes that the head of the family, Qiu Huating, can be promoted to an extraordinary life. At that time, what is the head of a county and city.

"Go back and ask Qiu Huating." The leader of Longshan Building who is responsible for gathering all the strength of Hongyan County is Tan Lin, the owner of Longshan Building in Fengyang County.

When Longshan Tower really showed its fangs, all the strength of the Qiu family in Hongyan County was uprooted.

At the same time, Yunwu City also sent an order to the title-level powerhouses in Hongyan County, telling them, "Tianfeng led Xia Zhi to step into the extraordinary, join me in Yunwu City, and Hongyan County will be in charge of Tianfeng Xia's family."

The Xuanyue Mountain Range is just an ordinary mountain range in the great world of the Xia Clan, spanning more than 300 miles from east to west. Before that, nearly half of the mountain range was under the jurisdiction of the Tianfeng Commander.

Moonstone Peak is named after the Moonstone Mine under the peak.

With a radius of nearly a hundred miles, only the main peak is higher. Surrounding that moonstone peak, there are six large villages with nearly 30,000 households.

During the management of the Xia family, the heads of the Xia family of all dynasties treated the people in the territory well. The whole Tianfeng led the people to live a prosperous life, and people who could not afford to live in other places often moved in.

But since three years ago, when the Baili territory that originally belonged to the Xia family's Tianfeng collar was acquired by the Qiu family, everything changed.

Moonstone Peak, Qiu's other courtyard.

The exotic flowers and plants in the garden are not inferior to the main residence of the Qiu family in the county.

A middle-aged man in a luxurious robe was sitting comfortably, with a group of women serving him.

He is Qiu An, the head of foreign affairs of the Qiu family.

She has been careful in the Qiu family for decades, and now she finally got the chance to let her out as the principal, so naturally she would not let it go.

"The moon crystal mine is really a great wealth. Even if I keep a little bit from it, it will be enough for me to eat and drink for several lifetimes."

Qiu An was very satisfied, and also disdained the previous Xia family, "Guard the treasures and don't mine them, and the untouchables in the territory don't use them, but spend money to buy slaves to mine mines. It's really pedantic."

Thinking of the secret instructions of the Patriarch before coming here, he couldn't help but feel even more proud.

The life and death of the people in the territory has nothing to do with him. The most important thing is to fulfill the requirements of the Patriarch and mine the moonspar as soon as possible.


Suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and an alchemy flying boat appeared directly above the other courtyard. A group of powerful knights and mages stood on the flying boat, looking down at Qiu An with cold eyes.

"Hmph! As the head of the foreign affairs of my Qiu family, I openly violated the order of the head of the family, let the people in the territory dig mines, and even poisoned the people. Seeing that you live a luxurious life, I think you have not been wronged." A loud shout came from above the flying boat. "Qiu An, hurry up and catch him!"

"I always follow the orders of the master of the family, I..." Qiu An was shocked, and recognized that it was the master of the master's house of the family county, and quickly argued loudly.

"You still dare to argue? Patriarch orders Yu, shoot and kill!"

From this early morning, the major families in Hongyan County, especially the families that had been involved with the Xia family, began to be violently turbulent.

Those involved in many private incidents were even directly arrested and killed.

The patriarchs and elders of each family can lead a family, and all of them are human beings.

A family with an extraordinary life is about to rule the entire Red Rock County, and it seems like the sky has turned upside down for them.

No one wants to provoke the hatred of the Xia family, and those who have had hatred must find a way to calm down the grievances!

As the turmoil continued, the news that the son of Xia Yi, the lord of Tianfeng in Fengyang County, Hongyan County, was born to be extraordinary spread throughout the county, even ordinary people at the bottom knew it.

Then it quickly spread to all parties, causing countless people to be shocked.

Many ordinary people in Hongyan County cheered even more.

There was a lot of discussion in restaurants and taverns everywhere, and they were all proud that their hometown could produce an extraordinary life, and it was a peerless genius who was born extraordinary!

No matter where in the Longshan Empire, there are many people who like to hear about extraordinary beings. To ordinary people, they are more like myths and legends.

Today, legends of the summer solstice have begun to spread in Hongyan County, and even more and more exaggerated.

Early the next morning.

An alchemy flying boat landed at the foot of Tianfengling Xia's castle, and a group of people walked up from the foot of the mountain.

"We are title-level knights and mages from Hongyan County, and we are here to ask to see Lord Xia Zhi." Five people stood at the gate of the castle to ask for an audience, all of them were title-level.

The leader was Qiu Huating, who looked about thirty years old and had a feminine temperament.

The ordinary guards at the gate of the castle could feel the powerful energy fluctuations faintly emanating from these five people.

But when I heard what Qiu Huating said, I was still surprised!

Are they all title-level powerhouses?

I haven't seen a title-level powerhouse come to Xia's Castle for many years before, and this is all influenced by that extraordinary young master Xia Zhi.

After a while, the five legendary powerhouses were allowed to enter, and the guards who sent the message were all honored.

"Your lord is over there." After entering the castle, there was a maid to guide her.

Qiu Huating and the other five people saw a middle-aged man sitting under the pavilion in the garden.

With only the strength of the star-rated knights, the five of them didn't react when they saw them, they just looked at them flatly.

"I've seen Lord Xia." Qiu Huating and the other five saluted politely. No one dared to despise the superpower's father.

Xia Yi stood up and smiled and said, "I don't know what's going on here today, everyone?"

Qiu Huating, the leader, smiled and said: "We have received an order from Yunwu City. From now on, Hongyan County will be in charge of the Tianfeng leader Xia's family, and we will do our best to assist. If the Xia family needs us to do anything, just ask!"

"Thank you." Xia Yi nodded.

"Patriarch Xia." Qiu Huating suddenly used the power of heaven and earth to control his voice to only ring in Xia Yi's ear, "Patriarch Xia exchanged a hundred miles of land for the 'source plasma fruit' from me. Ann, the anger and grievances done by the management there, everyone has been dealt with, my Qiu family's management of this hundred-mile fiefdom is not effective, so let's return it to the Xia family.

"In addition, I have prepared some other gifts, just as compensation for this time."

Seeing Xia Yi nodding slightly, Qiu Huating couldn't help being overjoyed, and asked, "I don't know if Xia Zhi protector is here, let me wait for my disciples to visit."

"There's no need to meet, my son Xia Zhi has already gone to Yunwu City." Xia Yi said.

Soon after Qiu Huating and the others expressed their loyalty, they left.

As an extraordinary life, Xia Zhi has nothing to say to ordinary people in the material world. After seeing Tang Yi, the main owner of Longshan Building in the Southern Region Province, and making it clear that his father will be the future Marquis and manage Hongyan County, he waits for Xia Zhi. Song went to Yunwu City.

The extraordinary world similar to the original universe is more interesting to him.

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