Jinzi took it from Qing Jiujiu, held it in his palm, looked around, and then looked serious.

"Master, this is a good thing. Let me study it first. When I figure it out, I will eat it with other monkeys."

"Uh... I have some here. You can eat it first." Qing Jiujiu was surprised.

Jinzi waved his furry paws: "No, I want to challenge myself."

Qing Jiujiu: "... Uh... OK then."

I am ashamed of myself, I am ashamed of myself.

Jinzi grinned.

"Then see you next time."


Qing Jiujiu came out of the space and prepared to go to bed.

Lying on her bed, she rolled around, empty, as if something was missing.

Qing Jiujiu jumped off the bed and ran to the yard.

She first quietly pushed open Ye Qing's room, and a big jade tail fell from the beam and hung in front of Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu twitched her lips and waved her hand, "Excuse me."

She pushed open the door of Jin Jiemie's room again, and saw a pit on the ground as soon as she entered the door. Jin Jiemie was lying in it with his hands crossed, sleeping very 'peacefully'.

Qing Jiujiu pursed her lips and smiled, and closed the door with her backhand.

She pushed open the door of Zhu Xiulian's room again, and saw Zhu Xiulian's huge body pressed on the narrow bed. The bed looked a little pitiful, and he also looked a little pitiful.

Qing Jiujiu's face trembled and she retreated.

Finally, she walked towards Hua Xizi's room.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled a scent of flowers, and Qing Jiujiu's eyes curved up.

This smells too good.

Qing Jiujiu smiled and stood by the bed.

Hua Xizi slowly opened her eyes and looked at Qing Jiujiu in confusion.

"Jiujiu, what's wrong?"

Qing Jiujiu poked her finger and asked presumptuously, "Well, I think it's too cold to sleep alone, can I sleep with my sister?"

"Of course you can!" Hua Xizi narrowed her eyes when she heard it.

She has always wanted to have a sister who is not annoying, and then practice together, eat together, and sleep together.

She wanted to sleep with Jiujiu before, but she was afraid that Jiujiu would not want to.

Hua Xizi picked up Qing Jiujiu with her backhand and held her on the bed.

Qing Jiujiu rolled on the bed.

It is indeed a girl's bed, fragrant and soft.


On the other side.

Demon Island.

The Demon King who waited for a long time but did not get any feedback.

It has already assumed that Mokri is dead.

Unlike the demon clan, demons can get a life stone to show whether the other party is dead or not. Demons are originally mutated after "death".

The Demon King had two horns plucked from some demon beast's head and put them on it. He sat in the armchair with a heavy face.

"I didn't expect that Mokli really couldn't deal with Qing Jiujiu."

"Isn't this what you want? Didn't you say that Mokli has been coveting your position as Demon King for a long time?" The Demon King pinched a piece of dried human meat and put it into his mouth to chew.

The Demon King glanced at him and saw that he was eating very chewy. He also took more than a dozen pieces from the plate. The Demon King glared at him, patted his backhand, and then stuffed him with two pieces.

The Demon King curled his lips, reluctantly put it into his mouth, well, it was indeed fragrant, and then continued to speak.

"That's what I said, but you have to know that Mokli's cultivation is half of my demon body. If half of me can't beat Qing Jiujiu, how powerful must Qing Jiujiu be?"

"You're right!"

The dried human meat in the Demon King's mouth suddenly didn't smell good.

If he can't even beat half of the Demon Emperor, then he certainly can't beat him either.

Isn't this a complete mess?

The two looked at each other, and the Demon Emperor spoke.

"It seems that this Qing Jiujiu must die."

"You are right."

"How about asking your ancestors to come out of the mountain?" said the Demon Emperor.

"Ancestor? No, the ancestors are still sleeping at the bottom of the Demon Sea. It is not appropriate to disturb them suddenly."

"Then what should we do? The conflict between us and Jiuzhou is so big. If we allow Qing Jiujiu to rise to a level that we cannot restrain, then won't the Demon Island and the Demon Sea be doomed?" The Demon Emperor exclaimed.

The Demon Emperor nodded, and suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, why don't you ask the ancestors of your demon beast clan to come out of the mountain?"

The Demon Emperor was startled, coughed twice, and then took another piece of dried human meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

The Demon Emperor was annoyed. Good guy, trying to trick me again.


Qing Jiujiu woke up from a nap and felt a little hungry.

Seeing that Hua Xizi was not there, he squinted his eyes and thought for a while. It seemed that Hua Xizi said that she went to the top-grade spiritual energy pool to practice.

Because Jiuxiu's points exploded, they went toAny place in the Secret Pavilion is unobstructed.

After the Ten Thousand Demons Valley was attacked by Qing Jiujiu, many cracks were sealed and there were no tasks to do.

In addition, Qing Jiujiu will attack the Demon Sea in a while.

So Hua Xizi and the other four took this opportunity to practice madly, wanting to catch up with Qing Jiujiu. Although they knew it was impossible, they also wanted to narrow the gap a little.

Qing Jiujiu thought that she hadn't seen her senior brothers for several days, so she jumped off the bed and ran towards the cafeteria.

When passing by the square at the junction of the outer and inner cabinets.

Qing Jiujiu saw a group of people gathered together and curiously moved over.

Then she saw a familiar person tied to a huge pillar, oh, no, it was a demon.

Mokli was tied up on it.

The high priest held a stick in his hand and pointed it at Mokli.

"Look, this is a demon horn. Most demons have it. Some have offensive functions, some are just to intimidate opponents, and some are simply because of the aesthetic bias of the demons, thinking that having horns is a very cool thing. And the bigger the horn, the better. Sometimes the size of the horn is related to certain abilities. For example, the horn of the demon king brought back by the cabinet Jiuxiu before was very large. And the horn of this demon is a little smaller..."

Mokley: ┭┮﹏┭┮...

My ability is fine... You don't understand, you can't talk nonsense...

Qing Jiujiu almost couldn't help laughing while holding her belly, but after thinking about it, it was not very kind, so she got out of the crowd and turned to continue walking to the cafeteria.

Qing Jiujiu looked around, but she didn't see the second brother.

She frowned strangely, walked into the cafeteria, took the wooden plate, tiptoed, and stuffed it into the window for getting food.

Liulixian was still there, and she almost cried when she saw Qing Jiujiu.

Woohoo... I thought I could see Jiujiu often after applying for the job in the cafeteria, but I found out that I didn't.

I've been here for so long, and including today, I've only seen him three times.

"Big Brother! Hehe, I'm here, did you miss me?" Qing Jiujiu stuck out her tongue and shouted crisply.

"Of course I did, look at you, you've lost weight, are the recent missions very tiring?"

Qing Jiujiu put his hands in his pockets and shook his head, "Not hard, not hard."

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