It must be like this. If it is a spirit stone, then it will be difficult to deal with it, right?

Nan Guoche's lips curled up, and he smiled confidently. He stood up, took a step back, stood in an open space, and then waved his hand.

"Hua La La..."

One hundred million spirit stones were piled up into a small mountain on the side, shining with a gleaming luster, almost blinding the eyes of the monks who were eating in the distance.

"What do you think? If you are willing to join the first team! Then all these spirit stones will be yours!"

Humph! Now, she will definitely be impressed by my financial resources.

After all, in the entire Tianji Pavilion, he may be the only one who can easily take out one hundred million!

Qing Jiujiu took a deep breath, looked at Nan Guoche, and sneered, "Heh."

Nan Guoche was stunned. What kind of expression is this? Mockery? Contempt! ?

How could it be?

Qing Jiujiu slapped her little fleshy hand on the table, "You are a bit good-looking, but that doesn't mean you can play the role of a domineering CEO here!"

Nan Guoche:? Domineering CEO?

Just as he was stunned.

Qing Jiujiu raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

"Hua La La La..."

A pile of spiritual stones fell from the sky and smashed into Nan Guoche, burying him in an instant, forming a mountain, and knocking down all the empty tables and chairs on the side.

Everyone was shocked: Is this a spiritual stone? Am I dreaming? It turns out that there are so many spiritual stones in this world?

Nan Guoche struggled to dig his head out of the spiritual stone pile. When he opened his eyes, he saw Qing Jiujiu standing on the spiritual stone, supporting his legs, looking at him with contempt.

"Did you see it? One billion."

Nan Guoche: ... One, one billion?

This Qing Jiujiu is actually a rich man! What a family! Give a little baby 1 billion to carry around?

"What do you have to do to get into the first team?" Nan Guoche whispered.

"Don't waste your time. I just want to stay in Jiuxiu. Don't bother me anymore."

Qing Jiujiu snapped her fingers, and all the spirit stones were put into her storage ring. Then she turned around and waved her hand to put her plate into the storage ring.

There's no way to eat this meal properly. Let's eat it back in Jiuxiu.

She put her hands in her pockets and walked slowly towards Jiuxiu. People on both sides quickly moved aside to make way for her.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at her from the corner of her eye.

Oh! Invincible, invincible is so lonely.

Nan Guoche got up from the ground, his hands clenched into fists. He had already begged her so humbly to get into the first team, but she was actually unwilling.

Was she despising him?

Nan Guoche stared at her back.

Well, since I can't get her to join the first team by bribery, I will use force to force her to join the first team willingly.

"Qing Jiujiu!"

Nan Guoche shouted loudly.

Qing Jiujiu frowned and turned back slowly.


Nan Guoche's figure flashed, holding her out of the cafeteria, and a wooden ball was thrown out by him, which popped out a huge barrier space, covering the two of them in mid-air.

People everywhere looked up at the sky and found that it was the captain of the first team and a little baby.

This is a duel barrier.

You can't fight casually in the pavilion, but if you are in a barrier specially used for fighting, it will be regarded as a normal competition and exchange, which is allowed.

Could it be that the little baby who can make the captain of the first team challenge a duel... is the one who catches the demon alive?

Hiss! Everyone took a breath and was immediately full of expectations.

"Who will win? I guess the captain of the first team will win?"

"Not necessarily. I think maybe that little baby will win! After all, she caught a demon alive!"

"That's not necessarily true. The captain of the first team has been through hundreds of battles and has never had an opponent in the Tianji Pavilion. How can a new dark horse be as powerful as a veteran?"

"But there are always people who can tell for sure, right? If the captain of the first team is powerful, why didn't he catch a demon alive to do research?"

It seemed that the two were about to fight.

A man took out a big table from the storage ring.

"Come on, don't quarrel. I'll open a table and you can bet on it."

"Okay! I'll bet one thousand spirit stones on the captain of the first team to win!"

"I'll bet one thousand spirit stones on Jiuxiuqing Jiujiu!"

"I'll bet two thousand spirit stones on the captain of the first team..."


Ximen Yu, Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Yi and others also looked up and saw this scene.

In fact, last night, Nan Guoche came to them separately to inquire about Qing Jiujiu.

The three of them reminded Nan Guoche out of friendship that he should not mess with Qing Jiujiu. It would be better to recognize Qing Jiujiu as his elder brother like them. There would be many benefits.

But this reminder did not make Nan Guoche give up the idea.

Instead, it made himIt further stimulated Nan Guoche's fighting spirit.

The three looked at each other, sighed, and shook their heads.

Alas! There is no way, some things can only be understood after experiencing them.

Persuasion is useless.

The three looked back at the gambling table. Although there were people betting on Qing Jiujiu, there were still more people betting on Nan Guoche.

At a glance, there were probably about one million people betting on Nan Guoche, and only 100,000 betting on Qing Jiujiu.

"I'll bet 50,000 on Jiuxiu Qing Jiujiu!" Ximen Yu poured out a pile of spirit stones.


"I'll bet 100,000 on Jiuxiu Qing Jiujiu!" Dongfang Yi said.

Everyone: ! !

"I'll bet 200,000 on Jiuxiu Qing Jiujiu!" Dongfang Yu followed.

Everyone: ! ! !

The four people of Jin Jiemie who were attracted after taking a bath shook their heads.


"We Jiuxiu, bet 500,000!"

Everyone: ! ! ! !


Is it too late to change someone else?


Inside the barrier.

Qing Jiujiu did a backflip and left Nan Guoche dozens of meters away, frowning and asking.

"What are you doing?"

"Duel! If I beat you, you will join the first team! Do you hear me!"

Nan Guoche ordered condescendingly.

As the captain of the first team, she is recognized as the strongest person in the Secret Pavilion. Now, overnight, another Qing Jiujiu has appeared. How can she tolerate it?

So, either join his first team, or duel and let him beat her.

He, Nan Guoche, is still recognized as the strongest!

Qing Jiujiu finally got a day off, and wanted to have fun, so she didn't have the interest.

"I refuse!"

Qing Jiujiu crossed her hands and whispered.

She turned around and raised her hand to break the barrier.

Nan Guoche stared at her back with cold eyes. This was simply too much. He sincerely invited her to a duel, but she didn't want to. Did she think he was unworthy! ?

Nan Guoche snorted coldly and condensed his backhand.

A 50-string harp appeared in his palm. He circled his legs, put the 50-string harp on his legs, and plucked it with one hand.


A sound wave hit Qing Jiujiu's back.

Qing Jiujiu's ear moved slightly. Before the sound wave touched her, she stepped on her feet, flew into the air, and landed in a spinning manner in the distance.

And the sound wave suddenly hit the barrier, making a huge sound.

The people standing below and watching were shocked by the sound wave and covered their ears.

Hiss! As expected of the captain of the first team, the power of this sound wave is too strong!

This little baby, won't be injured?

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