Hua Xizi did not dare to neglect it. She circulated her spiritual energy again, supported herself on the ground with one hand, and shouted: "Bi Luo Formation!"

The electric current traveled from the ground, then suddenly rushed up into the sky, locked onto Crusdada, and struck him from top to bottom.

Crusdada, who was standing still, suddenly went berserk. Suddenly, he raised his hammer and hit it hard. With a "bang", there was a flash of lightning and thunder, and a current struck Hua Xizi's.

The two currents exploded in the air, and sparks flew everywhere.

Hua Xizi's eyelashes trembled, and her pupils shook violently.


This evil maggot man from Qu Qianzhou actually knew lightning spells?

Hua Xizi pursed her lips, her heart skipped a beat, and she said to herself-"Oh no!"

She formed a seal with one hand again, ready to release the formation.

Crusdada flashed in front of her, raised two hammers and smashed Hua Xizi's abdomen and back.

One before and one after, extremely fast!

Hua Xizi couldn't react at all, and couldn't deal with it. She staggered back and forth and fell to the ground, and thick black blood spurted out.

She couldn't bear the heavy blow of the peak Mahayana period. She blacked out and fainted.

"Stinky woman!"

"Shame on you! Aren't the women of Jiuzhou for us to enjoy? I told you in a nice voice, but you are still arrogant. I'll let you be arrogant!"

Krusdada said while kicking Hua Xizi hard, without any sympathy for her.

"Fuck! Too much! How dare you do this to a woman!"

"A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated!"

"I can't stand it! If we stand it at this time, are we still Jiuzhou monks!?"

"That's right! No matter if we live or die, let's go! If we don't go today, the Jiuzhou barrier will be broken, and we will be the next to suffer miserably!"

"That's right, we have more than a hundred monks here, and we can't beat their eight monks?"


For a while, the male and female monks in Baiyun Town who were hiding in the dark were so angry that their eyes turned red and they lost their minds.

Holding their own scraps of copper and iron, they rushed up with a cry of "Ah!", and even the female monk who was favored at the beginning rushed up without hesitation with the determination to die.

There was no other reason, just because they were all Jiuzhou monks, and when fighting against foreign enemies, they must be united!



People surrounded Crusdada from all directions, some holding swords, some holding knives, slashing at Crusdada.

Crusdada and his eight companions were shocked by this scene of unity. Didn't Jiuzhou have already ordered that when encountering danger, they should first protect themselves and not rescue their companions? Why is it the same death look as a thousand years ago, rushing up regardless of their lousy cultivation? Do they want to die, leaving no one alive! ?

All the swords and knives were chopped on Crusdada's eight people, but Crusdada was not injured, not even a hair was lost.

Everyone was shocked, Crusdada's eight people sneered, and suddenly a powerful spiritual energy burst out from their dantian, which immediately shook hundreds of low-level cultivators away.

Some of those with too low strength died directly from the dantian explosion.

Some of those with slightly better strength were seriously injured and dying.

No matter how strong they are, they will be injured and lose their ability to fight.

For a moment, they were like lambs to be slaughtered, watching this scene helplessly.

"Sir! What about those monks?"

The subordinates behind Crusdada asked in a low voice.

Crusdada glanced at them, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Kill them all!"


They raised their swords and went towards those people.

Hua Xizi opened her eyes slightly and looked at their movements.

No! No way!

As a monk of Jiuzhou Tianji Pavilion, her responsibility is to protect Jiuzhou.

Weakness is not scary.

Giving up is scary!

Can't give up...


Hua Xizi's mind appeared Jiujiu's smiling face, and her sweet grandmother's cry of "Sister Hua Xizi" seemed to be right beside her ears.

Hua Xizi's heart suddenly jumped, and she gritted her teeth. There were large pieces of blood on her chest and hands. She grabbed the mud on the ground tightly, took a deep breath, and exclaimed.

"Infinite blood recovery!"

"Infinite mana recovery!"

A red light and a blue light suddenly appeared.

The eight people of Crusdada paused and looked over in surprise.

What the hell is this?

Hua Xizi's injuries were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her spiritual energy was instantly replenished.

Crusdada's lips trembled.

"Ah, it can actually repair injuries and repair spiritual energy instantly, what kind of skill is this!"

There is actually such a skill in this world! ?

No! It's Jiuzhou. Jiuzhou should be the only place in the entire Yellow Star that has this skill!

Hua Xizi stood upShe came forward, her eyes narrowed slightly, full of sinister intent, a face as beautiful as a rose, with a murderous aura, her right hand opened, the broken umbrella flew back into her hand, then she raised her eyes, locked onto Crusdada, and spoke in a cold voice.

"I am, Jiuxiu Hua Xizi of Jiuzhou Tianji Pavilion!"

"I will kill you!"

Crusdada's heart stagnated and his back felt cold when he saw this look.

What happened, he was actually a little scared.

But in a moment he came back to his senses, and laughed in anger.

"Hahaha... who are you trying to scare! Even if you can replenish blood and spiritual energy, so what? You are just at the peak of Hedao. I just need to use all my strength to beat you to ashes and dissipate your body. Can you still replenish it?"


The seven people behind Crusdada couldn't help laughing.

"Oh? Really?"

Hua Xizi snorted coldly, and swung the umbrella backhand. The umbrella unfolded and flew over the heads of Cruz and the other eight people, covering them.

Hua Xizi formed a seal with one hand.

Cruz Dada found that he couldn't move!

Hua Xizi jumped up and stepped on the top of the umbrella with one foot. "If I can't kill you with my cultivation, can I kill you by self-destruction!?"


Cruz Dada took a deep breath.

Hua Xizi suddenly released all the spiritual energy in Dantian, condensed it between her palms, and slowly formed an energy ball.

Now only self-destruction can kill them, otherwise everyone in Baiyun Town will die.

I hope that when I self-destruct, I can leave a trace of spiritual energy and use automatic blood recovery to save my life? Maybe, maybe...

Hua Xizi smiled bitterly.

As a soldier, dying on the battlefield is fate.

She was never afraid, but she was reluctant at this moment.

I hope there is an afterlife, I hope I can still be in Jiuxiu in the afterlife.

The energy ball condensed bigger and bigger.

Crusdada found that something was wrong, and he yelled, this woman is really serious!

He tried his best to break free, but found that he couldn't. No, it seems that he can only use the Golden Cicada Escape Technique. Although he will lose half of his cultivation, at least he can save his life. !

Crusdada looked at the people around him again. As for them... he could only offer sacrifices to the gods.

Damn, it's really a bad start, and he ran into a tough guy right at the beginning!

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