One pot is too little?

Liulixian felt like she was about to get drunk smelling the alcohol on Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu nodded vigorously, "Yes, it's too little!"

It was so little that it couldn't activate the invincible system in her body.

Ye Youqing followed with her arms around her chest, holding the sword in her arms, and said angrily.

"Qing Jiujiu! The first thing you did when you came down the mountain was to drink. Do you know that we can't drink alcohol in our Chiyun Sect!"

"I know, so I came down the mountain to drink."

Qing Jiujiu jumped down from Liulixian's arms and pulled Ye Youqing's clothes.

"This apricot blossom wine is delicious! Come on, let's drink together!"

As she said that, Qing Jiujiu pulled Liulixian with her left hand and Ye Youqing with her right hand and sat down.

Ye Youqing instinctively wanted to refuse, but she was pulled and sat on the bench.

She couldn't refuse even if she wanted to.

As we all know, Qing Jiujiu is a lolita with strange strength.

"So you three are disciples of Chiyun Sect, I'm sorry."

Bai Ruochu put away his fan and bowed to Liulixian and Ye Youqing.

"Big Brother, it was this young man who invited me to drink. This young man is a good person."

"By the way, Big Brother, Sister Youqing, just tell them that I'm a hundred years old, otherwise they won't believe me."

Qing Jiujiu said in a loud voice.

When I was in the mountains before, why didn't I realize that this small body would bring so many inconveniences?

Qing Jiujiu wondered.

Ye Youqing looked at Bai Ruochu and saw that he was full of luxury. It was obvious that he was of noble status.

Such a person invited Qing Jiujiu to drink. Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of Chiyun Sect?

Everyone in Jiuzhou knows that Chiyun Sect prohibits alcohol!

Yes, it must be like this.

Ye Youqing became alert.

Her mind was filled with her master's teachings of "putting the overall situation first".

Playing is playing, but don't joke with your own interests.

Liulixian also looked at Bai Ruochu.

He looked so delicate and tender, almost catching up with her.

She was immediately full of hostility.

This man doesn't look like a good person. He must want to kidnap Qing Jiujiu.

The waiter brought two people to carry a large jar of wine and placed it in front of their table.

The young master said he wanted the biggest one.

This is the biggest one in their store.

"Dear guests, your wine."

Qing Jiujiu's eyes were bright, and she stood directly on the stool and reached for the jar of wine.

Liulixian and Ye Youqing stood up in unison.

One on the left and one on the right, they carried Qing Jiujiu's stool and moved her behind them.

The two held their swords horizontally and protected her behind them.

"I have reason to suspect you now. You'd better tell the truth for tricking a minor into drinking. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless with my sword!"

Liulixian's beautiful face was filled with murderous intent, just like a peacock protecting its calf.

Her feathers all exploded.

"Not just a minor, but an underage girl, no, a girl!"

Ye Youqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

Bai Ruchu was stunned.

"Actually... it was this little girl who said she was a hundred years old, so I invited her to drink."

"Yes, I thought she was too young at first, so I refused. She insisted that she was a hundred years old, so this young master invited her."

The waiter came forward to smooth things over at the right time.

Ye Youqing and Liulixian glared at Bai Ruchu again, and looked at each other in unison.

"You still say it's not intentional?"

"That's right, the store owner refused, but you still forced my little sister to drink. What's your intention?"

"Why are you talking nonsense to him? Just do it!"

Ye Youqing snorted and drew out the sword with a "swish".

"What?" Bai Ruochu wanted to explain.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Dark shadows flashed from all directions, more than 20 people blocked in front of Bai Ruochu.

A glance.

These 20 people, the lowest is the peak of the Golden Core, the highest is the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

And Liu Lixian is the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and Ye Youqing is only the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

The power disparity is really too big!

And you still say it's not a long-term plan! ?

These people may be sent by Fengze Sect, which broke away from Chiyun Sect.

At this point, we must protect the wine.

We must take the initiative!

Liulixian waved her hand back to put the sword back, and took out a glazed folding fan from the storage ring.

It was transparent and emitted a mottled and dreamy light under the sunlight.

Everyone recognized it at a glance.

This is a top-grade immortal weapon, and its power can instantly raise the cultivator's cultivation to a higher level.

Liulixian is now in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and raising one level is equivalent to the peak of the Nascent Soul!

ThoseThe black-clothed man who was protecting Bai Ruochu suddenly showed nervousness in his eyes.

From the middle stage of the Nascent Soul to the peak stage of the Nascent Soul, it sounds like only one realm has been raised, but in fact, there are 10 middle stages of the Nascent Soul in between.

In other words, under normal circumstances, a peak stage of the Nascent Soul can beat 10 people against a middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and can beat 100 people against a peak stage of the Golden Core!

Qing Jiujiu's dark eyes widened.

Wow, this fan is so beautiful.

It looks very powerful, too. She touched her waist again, and there was nothing except two brocade bags.

She frowned, everyone had a handy weapon, but she didn't.

Not happy.

But... she could take the opportunity to drink and get a reward...

The two groups of people were confronting each other.

Everyone's breathing stagnated.

The people coming and going outside also stood still.

The battle was about to break out.

Qing Jiujiu lay on the wine jar and took a deep breath of the wine aroma.


This wine is much purer and more concentrated than the one in the small pot just now.

The wine in the small pot just now seemed to be made by mixing the wine in this big jar with water.

Qing Jiujiu couldn't wait to take a big sip.

After taking this sip, Qing Jiujiu's internal organs were instantly filled with fairy spirit.


So comfortable!

She no longer hesitated and drank it in big gulps.

"Gulp gurgle gurgle..."

In this quiet time, it sounded particularly harsh.

Everyone looked over.

They saw Qing Jiujiu lying on the wine jar, burying her whole little head in it and drinking one sip after another.

Everyone was dumbfounded and forgot to fight for a while.

They looked at Qing Jiujiu in amazement.

Liu Lixian and Ye Youqing knew that Qing Jiujiu could drink.

But they didn't know that she could drink so much!

You know, with so much wine, let alone Qing Jiujiu, if it is evenly distributed to the people of Chiyun Sect, I am afraid that the entire sect will get drunk.

"Plop!" With a sound.

Just when everyone was shocked.

Qing Jiujiu fell in.


Liu Lixian shouted, tiptoed, and flew over.

Ye Youqing followed.

More than 20 men in black looked at each other and looked back at their master.

Bai Ruochu waved his hand back, and more than 20 men in black quickly disappeared.

Liu Lixian and Ye Youqing came to the wine jar, and the two of them were petrified in an instant, looking down at the jar in disbelief.

He frowned, hiss, this... little baby, could he be drunk to death?

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