Qing Jiujiu nodded, "Well, it's exactly the same as what Qi Fanfan made. The wine is not good, and Qi Fanfan has never brewed wine. You learned it yourself, right?"

The Tianji Pavilion Master's back straightened instantly, and he was so happy that he almost bubbled.

The new God Emperor praised me for making it exactly the same as the master.

Qing Jiujiu looked at his happy look, a little puzzled, didn't he just say it was exactly the same as what Qi Fanfan made? Is it worth being so happy? He was originally Qi Fanfan's shadow, isn't it normal for him to make it exactly the same?

Mo Ye glanced at the food on the plate that looked unrefined, a little disgusted, but also a little curious.

Just these things, and Jiujiu praised them for being delicious?

I never saw Jiujiu say that the food made by Liulixian and others was delicious.

Mo Ye casually took a skewer of mutton and put it in his mouth vertically. He felt something was wrong, so he changed it to horizontal. He felt something was wrong with horizontal. He pondered for a while, moved his fingers, and a stream of spiritual energy scraped all the meat off the skewer. Then he poked a piece with a skewer and put it into his mouth slowly and elegantly.

Well, it really tastes different.

He looked at the wheat beer in the glass curiously again. It must be delicious. He took a sip and his whole face changed color.

This taste... is really unpalatable like horse urine.

He put the glass down silently and looked at Qing Jiujiu. She had already drunk two glasses in one breath.

He suddenly showed sympathy and pity on his face.

It seems that Jiujiu was too restrained when she was in Lingyun Peak because of the prohibition of drinking, and she actually thought this "horse urine" tasted good.

After eating for a while.

A stone hanging on the table next to him flashed.

The Pavilion Master of Tianji glanced at them, waved his hand back, and the high priest flew in from outside.

"What's the matter?" The Pavilion Master of Tianji asked in a low voice.

The high priest clasped his hands together and bowed: "God Emperor, Pavilion Master, Master Mo, someone is coming."

Qing Jiujiu put all the strings in her hand into her mouth, and her small face bulged on both sides. She mumbled twice and swallowed it.

Her cherry-like mouth was gently outlined.

It's coming.

She knew that she had withdrawn the shielding of Qu Qianzhou's strength, and the simultaneous fall of Qu Qianzhou and Beimeizhou would definitely cause them panic.

And this panic is different from the panic of the fall of Qu Qianzhou alone.

After all, Qu Qianzhou is not the strongest in Huangxing. Before Beimeizhou fell, they might still think that they can fight Jiuzhou. Now that even Beimeizhou has fallen, they will inevitably change from panic to fear, and begin to be wary and dare not deal with Jiuzhou directly.

At this time, there are only two ways in front of them.

Either unite to deal with Jiuzhou.

Or quietly surrender to Jiuzhou.

Before this, Qing Jiujiu had asked Tianji Pavilion Master and Master to tell all the grudges between the remaining states and Jiuzhou.

Except for Dayangzhou, which is an irreconcilable feud, Nameizhou is a revengeful feud.

The others are fence-sitters, who will follow whoever is stronger.

But surrendering also requires a certain amount of strength, so Qing Jiujiu guessed blindly that the people who came were from Xiyanzhou.

"The director of Xiyanzhou of the United State, right?" Qing Jiujiu's lavender pupils flickered, and her lips moved slightly, whispering.

The high priest looked at Qing Jiujiu in silence.

He hasn't said anything yet, how did the Lord God know?

Qing Jiujiu looked at the high priest's expression and smiled even more: "It seems that I guessed right."

The high priest nodded in admiration.

"Yes, it's Noah Heiman from Xiyanzhou."

"Well, let him come up."

Qing Jiujiu said lightly.

The high priest bowed: "Yes."

He stepped down and flew down.

Mo Ye looked at Qing Jiujiu thoughtfully.

The milk ball that fell from the sky and smashed a big hole in Lingyun Peak has finally grown into a god-king who can guide the world.

Qing Jiujiu sat down again.

After a while, Noah Heiman flew up under the leadership of the high priest.

Qing Jiujiu took a look and saw that the other party was only a teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old, with a small face as big as a palm and short hair. He was wearing a narrow-sleeved white shirt and denim overalls. What was outrageous was that he was holding a milk bottle in his hand and drinking half of it with a straw.

There was still a little milk stain on his lips, obviously he had just drunk before coming up.

Noah Heiman's eyes swept around and finally fell in front of Qing Jiujiu.

"Lord God Emperor?"

Qing Jiujiu raised his eyebrows: "Why? Don't you look like me?"

Are you looking down on me for being young? But you don't look that old either?

Noah Heiman smiled faintly and shook his head: "No, no, it's not that you don't look like me. I heard that the God Emperor of Jiuzhou was just a cute little baby who looked five years old. Now you look like you are eight years old, so I didn't dare to recognize you when we met."

"I see."

Qing Jiujiu asked again: "You are so young today.Tianlai, what news do you want to sell me? "

"As expected of the Nine Provinces Divine Emperor, you can tell at a glance that I want to sell you news." Noah Heiman smiled.

"Well, then tell me, I don't like to beat around the bush." ​​Qing Jiujiu said.

Noah Heiman glanced at the food on the table, pursed his lips, and continued to speak.

"In fact, it's nothing big. I guess with the intelligence of the Divine Emperor, I guessed what Dayangzhou wants to do. I just want to make it clear that our Xiyanzhou's attitude will never participate. Xiyan has always been a state that desires peace. Our people work diligently and practice peacefully, and don't want to compete with other states. "

"We sympathize and are angry about the experience of Nine Provinces a thousand years ago, but with our strength, we can only stand aside and watch, otherwise Xiyan will definitely be the next Nine Provinces. "


Seeing Noah Heyman talking endlessly, Qing Jiujiu couldn't help but raise her hand: "Okay, I know your Xiyan's attitude, please get straight to the point and tell us what they want to do in Dayangzhou."

Noah Heyman said slowly: "Oh, this... They want to let the demons deal with Jiuzhou first, let the demons attract Jiuzhou's firepower, and then they will launch a sneak attack, and they will definitely catch Jiuzhou and the demons at the same time. "

Qing Jiujiu nodded.

It's almost the same as she guessed.

"Okay. Then do you know when the demons are going to attack Jiuzhou?" Qing Jiujiu asked again.

Noah Heyman shook his head, "I don't know about this yet. But I will tell you immediately after receiving the news. Don't worry."


Qing Jiujiu nodded.

Noah Heyman looked at the food on the table eagerly.

Qing Jiujiu saw through it at a glance and waved her hand: "Since you are here, just eat a little before leaving. "

"Really!?" Noah Heiman's eyes lit up instantly.

"Then just go, no need to eat."

Qing Jiujiu rolled her eyes.


Noah Heiman sat down quickly, picked up two skewers of willow twig lamb without saying anything, and put them into his mouth horizontally.

Wow! The crispy aroma of lamb wrapped in oil stains instantly burst out in his mouth.

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