Qing Jiujiu felt that the Demon King had not caught up, so she looked back.

As expected, she saw the Demon King standing still.

"What's wrong? Why don't you leave?"

After saying that, Qing Jiujiu remembered that the demon tribe had not been subdued by her yet. There was no barrier set up here, and the Demon King was out of her control.

Qing Jiujiu pulled out a rattle from her storage ring.

I haven't used a rattle for a long time, and I have forgotten how it feels to use a rattle.

Qing Jiujiu held the rattle in one hand and raised it to the Demon King.

"I'll give you two choices: one, surrender to me directly. Two, surrender to me after I beat you up."

The Demon King put down his hands and snorted disdainfully.

"What a joke! When I was in Qu Qianzhou before, I was defeated by you because I turned into a human, which limited my demonic power. Do you think I really can't beat you?"

"Believe it or not, I will turn into my original form and eat you directly into my stomach! In less than a cup of tea, your whole body will be rotten and die."

After saying that.

The 1.4-meter-tall body of the Demon King suddenly grew larger.

His hair grew longer and longer, his body became taller and taller, his face became longer and longer, and a pair of wings grew on his back, making him look like a dinosaur with red hair.

As his body grew larger, the demonic energy around him became more and more dense, and the demonic energy around him also gathered towards the Demon King, and black clouds pressed over in large pieces, looking very imposing.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at it.

Such a big scene.

This was when she just activated the system, she liked to do it.

What's the use of such nonsense?

"Hahahaha... Qing Jiujiu, let's settle all the old and new grudges today, prepare to die!"

Qing Jiujiu jumped up, holding a rattle, and aimed at his head, and hit him.


"Oh! Puff!"

The Demon King's head was directly knocked crooked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell to the side.

Before he fell to the ground, Qing Jiujiu hit him in another direction with another rattle in an instant.

"Ah! Puff——"

So, another wonder appeared in the sky of the demon clan - a single-player baseball game.

Qing Jiujiu's figure often flashed in various directions, hitting the Demon King to fly everywhere.

Lei Ze Abyss.

The demons raised their heads and looked at the sky.

"Look, is that the Demon King?"

"Yes, what is the Demon King doing? He is flying so fast, is he going to ascend?"

"Are you stupid? How can you ascend by flying left and right like this?"

"Wait, there seems to be another figure over there! Oh my God! Am I dazzled? It seems that the little human girl hit the Demon King and made him fly around."

"What on earth is going on!"

"Has the weather changed? We have only been hiding in the Lei Ze Abyss for a few days, has the weather changed?!"

The demon ancestor, who was practicing in a small cave and was about to recover his demon body, was annoyed by the noise. He opened his eyes and walked out with small steps.

"Stop making noise, you are making too much noise!"

The demons turned their heads to look in the direction of the demon ancestor, and saw a black crow looking at them with its head tilted up.

The demons thought it was someone else, but it turned out to be just a crow with some spiritual awareness, so they ignored it and continued to look up at the demon king who was beaten and flying around in the sky.

The demon ancestor also looked over with their movements.

His head turned left and right.

Damn, isn't this the stinky boy of the demon king?

He didn't listen to the advice and got beaten badly, right?

The demon ancestor shook his head, unable to bear it.

This little girl of the human race should be the new emperor of Jiuzhou.

Yes, yes, it must be, otherwise how can ordinary human beings have such ferocious fighting power?

The new emperor of Jiuzhou has already killed the demons, and it seems that Lei Ze Abyss is not safe either, so hurry up and run.

He turned and went into the cave, packed the storage ring with a small piece of cloth, and then picked it up with a small stick and carried it on his shoulder, staggering towards the outside.

The demon tribe spectators began to panic when they saw their demon king being beaten like this, but they didn't know what to do.

The demon tribe ancestor flapped his wings and cursed.

"A bunch of idiots, why don't you flee to Lei Ze Yougu? Are you waiting to die here?"

"Ah, right, right!"

"Yes! Run away!"

A bunch of demon tribe members reacted belatedly and went back to their respective places to pack their belongings and prepare to escape.

"Boom! Bang!"

The demon king smashed down from top to bottom, and a big hole was smashed on the ground. The demon king tilted his head and was unconscious.

Qing Jiujiu flew down slowly from top to bottom, and her purple clothes fluttered.

The demon tribe members jumped back several steps in fear, ten meters away from Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu dialedLanggu carried it on his shoulders and asked in a low voice: "Come out, ancestor of the demon clan. I will count to three. If you don't come out, I will kill all the demons here. If you come out, I just want to do something with you."

Her pair of beautiful phoenix eyes with lavender pupils slowly swept across their faces one by one.

Beauty is breathtaking.

But it is as cold as a cold knife.

The backs of the demons tingled, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

Ancestor of the demon clan?

Isn't the ancestor in seclusion?

Is there an ancestor among them? What if there is no ancestor? Then they will die! Woo woo woo...

So scary...

So scary...

Who will save them...

Qing Jiujiu's lips moved slightly and began to count.




No demon stood in front of Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu raised the rattle in her hand and said coldly: "It seems that I can only go on a killing spree."

She had a bloody smile on her face. She didn't believe that this demon clan ancestor would not care about the lives of his people.


"I'm here."

Qing Jiujiu's feet were pecked twice.

Qing Jiujiu lowered her head and saw... a little black crow?

Yes, it was a little black crow!

Demon clan ancestor?

Qing Jiujiu's eyes turned and she understood what was going on. The corners of her lips curled up. It turned out that it was struck by the thunder tribulation and became like this. No wonder.

The demon clan looked at the little crow with ridicule and sneered in their hearts.

How could this thing be the ancestor? Are you kidding? You brag without thinking. Wait, you will be beaten to death by this Jiuzhou Divine Emperor soon.

They looked at the little crow with sympathy.

Qing Jiujiu spoke slowly: "It's really the ancestor of the demon clan. It's a little unexpected."

"Okay, okay, it's just a little accident. I thank the new God Emperor for not killing the demon clan. I don't know what the new God Emperor wants us to do, we will definitely cooperate with us."

The ancestor of the demon clan bowed to Qing Jiujiu.

All the demon clans: ! ! ?

What the hell? Is this really the ancestor of the demon clan?

But this is too cowardly!

Oh! It's not the demon clan ancestor's cowardice, it's really that the demon clan was almost eaten to extinction by the previous God Emperor, and now the new God Emperor doesn't want to eat them.

How dare he not cooperate?

So, have you ever thought that the new God Emperor doesn't eat you because he only likes to drink?

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