"I say, are you reliable? Where can I see anyone?" Bao Mingming, the master of the Mars Fairyland, couldn't help but look at Shi Ke, the master of the Suixing Fairyland, with contempt.

Shi Ke, the master of the Suixing Fairyland, glanced at him.

"You can't see it with your eyes, don't you know how to feel the fairy air around you?"

"There is clearly a wisp of fairy air fluctuating around here."

Bao Mingming closed his eyes, calmed down and felt the fairy air fluctuating around him. He found that the fairy air around him was flowing in one direction at an extremely slow speed.

And this direction is exactly one of the ten large jars.

And these fairy airs can only go in but not out, which means...

These fairy airs are absorbed by the things in this large jar.

The four looked at each other and walked towards the large jar at the same time.

The four walked slowly and were full of vigilance.

After all, no one knew how powerful this so-called twin gods and demons were. What if they really destroyed them in a blink of an eye?

The four of them swallowed silently, walked to a distance of five steps from the big jar, and stopped at the same time.

Bao Mingming's eyes turned and whispered.

"No, we can't go up at the same time. If there is a trick, won't all four of us be finished?"

Shi Ke nodded quickly: "Yes, we still have to be cautious and preserve our strength. In my opinion, among the four of us, the strength of the Lord of Chenxing Fairyland is the strongest. Brother Lan, you go forward to check, and the three of us will protect you, how about it?"

Lan Tianran was about to refuse and curse, and the Lord of Zhenxing Fairyland Jing Jianfeng whispered: "Yes, you are right. Brother Lan's strength has reached the pinnacle now. We can only look up to him. I believe that these fledgling twin gods and demons can be killed at will."

Jing Jianfeng bowed to Lan Tianran.

Lan Tianran's eyes trembled.

They are all a bunch of cowardly old foxes.

That's all. I just went forward to check it out.

He continued to walk forward.

The remaining three people condensed the immortal energy in their hands, paying attention to the movements in the jar at any time, ready to hit it if there was any movement inside.

Lan Tianran came up and took a glance, but he didn't see anything.

Lan Tianran was surprised.

It shouldn't be.

With such a strong flow of immortal energy, how could there be no one inside?

At this moment...


A loud noise came.

Lan Tianran was so scared that he jumped back instinctively, and the other three fairyland masters also jumped back and retreated ten steps away, and then each of them slapped the big jar with one palm.

Smoke filled the air and dust flew.

The four people didn't dare to make a sound, and in a moment, the immortal energy just dissipated.

As a result, a blue barrier-like shield appeared outside the wine jar, covering the whole jar.

The snoring sound resounded even louder through the sky.

"Hulululu~ Hulululu..."

Bao Mingming, the master of the Mars Fairyland, felt a sinking feeling in his heart.

"It's probably the twin gods and demons in here! Judging from the snoring, he is probably eight feet tall, with a green face and fangs, and a body like a tiger, and is extremely ferocious!"

The master of the Suixing Fairyland nodded and said, "Yes, seeing how huge this jar is, the person inside must be quite big."

The master of the Zhenxing Fairyland also agreed.

"Yes, this snoring sound is as powerful as a rainbow, shaking the mountains and rivers. The flow of immortal energy just now must have been sucked into her stomach with her breathing. Only the ancient immortal emperor can have such a powerful method. Master of the Chenxing Fairyland, what did you see when you approached just now?"

Chenxing Lan Tianran was a little skeptical about life.

Just now, he clearly didn't see anything.

The three people saw that his face was not right and asked anxiously.

"What's wrong? Did you see an extremely terrifying scene?"

Lan Tianran nodded and shook his head.

"What did you see? It's so frightening!" Bao Mingming, the master of the Mars Fairyland, asked.

Lan Tianran's lips moved slightly, his expression was frozen.

"I didn't see anything."

"I didn't see anything? How is that possible!" The master of the Suixing Fairyland exclaimed.

The master of the Zhenxing Fairyland, Jing Jianfeng, had a dark look in his eyes: "Could it be that... the cultivation of the twin gods and demons has reached this level? They don't need the support of the immortal body, but only need the divine consciousness to carry the cultivation of destroying the world?"

The face of the master of the Chenxing Fairyland, Lan Tianran, also changed.

Indeed, there was such a legend.

In ancient times, there were immortal gods without immortal bodies. They could transform into countless forms with just a breath of clear air, come and go freely, and shuttle through various spaces without being bound by the laws of heaven.

Could it be that... the twin gods and demons have really reached this level of cultivation?

The four people's faces suddenly turned bad, and they looked at the big jar where Qing Jiujiu was.

"We don't wantIf you come too close, while he is sleeping, quickly use a fatal blow and kill him!" Lan Tianran chuckled.

Suixing, Yinghuo, and Zhenxing Fairyland Master nodded in response, and then condensed fairy energy at the same time.

Four fairy energies were mixed with the four elements of wood, water, fire, and earth, and smashed towards Qing Jiujiu's blue shield.

First, countless vines came out from the bottom of the big jar, and pushed the big jar up in the air, but this did not break the shield outside the jar.

Then, countless water columns condensed into ice columns and pierced Qing Jiujiu's shield, piercing the shield into a dent, but it just couldn't pierce it, and it bounced back, almost Some of them hit them.

The water column was useless, so he started to spray fire again, burning the vines and thorns. The blue flames burned more and more vigorously, and the blue shield burned red, but he couldn't burn the shield at all.

Finally, countless yellow sands formed a sandstorm and rolled towards the shield. The fine sands moved quickly, like a series of fine blades cutting Qing Jiujiu's shield, but... only a few small scratches were worn on the shield, and there was no damage.

The four people took a step back in astonishment.

"What is this! Can it defend against all our attacks?"

"No wonder! No wonder the master of Qiming Fairyland was killed!"

"Such a powerful defense system, even if the strength is not good, attack and hide, attack and hide again, just like this, it can directly kill the master of Qiming Fairyland!"

"Not bad! "

The four of them were talking to each other, their hearts numbing with fear.

This is too outrageous!

"What should we do now?"

The three of them looked at Lan Tianran at the same time.

Lan Tianran swung his sleeves and pretended to be calm: "Don't worry, I have a magic weapon in my hand that can pierce everything in the world."

After speaking, he spread out his palms, and saw three inconspicuous silver needles lying quietly in his palms.

The three of them were full of expectations, and they were a little disappointed when they saw that there were only three needles.

That's it? Can it pierce the shield of the twin gods and demons?

Why don't they believe it?

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