Along the way, the fairy envoy saluted Qing Jiujiu: "Lord Xuanhuang."

Qing Jiujiu felt that it was very troublesome to deal with it. She closed her eyes and moved her body in a few moments.

Weak Water Fairy River.

The other end of the Heavenly Dao Gate was directly opened.

A white figure fell out directly from it, and then gradually sank to the bottom of the Weak Water Fairy River.

Mo Ye opened his eyes.

He knew that he was in the river, but he found that his body was like a lead block and could not move.

He could only watch helplessly, desperately, sinking to the bottom of the river.


A green figure jumped into the river and swam quickly.

Mo Ye looked at the familiar face and smiled slightly.

Qing Jiujiu's eyes flickered.

It was Master, really Master.

It was not a dream, but a guide.

She sped up, opened her hands hard, and reached towards Mo Ye.

The slender hand held his hand.

The other hand held his waist and swam quickly towards the surface of the water.


Qi Fanfan opened the door and came out of the house with messy hair and clothes, looking a little embarrassed.

The immortals looked at Qi Fanfan with ambiguous expressions.

It was as if Bai Yusu had done something to him.

Qi Fanfan said unhappily: "What are you doing! What are you doing! It's just a fight! Everyone's mind doesn't think about cultivation all day long, I don't know what they are thinking."

Inside the house.

Bai Yusu was relieved and relieved.

She understood that Qi Fanfan was a heartless person, who came and went lightly, and didn't even have a friend, so how could he find a fairy partner to bind himself?

Qi Fanfan was angry and wanted to find Qing Jiujiu to vent his anger.

He asked Han Ying, "Where is Jiujiu?"

"Lord Xuanhuang is resting in the room." Han Ying said.

As a result, when Qi Fanfan opened the door, he found that Qing Jiujiu was not there.

Qi Fanfan ran to question Han Ying angrily.

"Don't lie to me! Jiujiu is not in the room at all, where is she?"

"Not there? How could it be? Impossible!"

"She told me that she was hungry. If you come out, she will ask you to cook. She will eat when she wakes up."

Han Ying walked towards Qing Jiujiu's room while not believing it.

When he opened the door, he was surprised to see Qing Jiujiu.

"How, how could this happen?"

Han Ying's lips moved slightly, a little unbelievable.

Obviously, Han Ying didn't know why Qing Jiujiu suddenly disappeared.

Qi Fanfan pondered for a while.

With his understanding of Qing Jiujiu, he instantly locked the target.

"Guard the Wanxuan Gate well, I'll go out for a while."

Qi Fanfan said coldly.

"Where are you going? Lord Xuanhuang, is there something wrong?" Han Ying's heart was lifted instantly.

"No, maybe he went to Ruoshuixian River again, I'll go find him."

Qi Fanfan said.

"Okay, then you should be careful too."

"Okay, got it."


Qing Jiujiu carried Mo Ye directly to the shore.

He has always been a clean person, and he never likes his clothes to be dirty or torn. Once they are dirty or torn, he will change them directly.

At this time, Mo Ye's clothes were ragged, stained with mud and some unspeakable things in the water.

The most important thing is that he was covered with wounds.

The fine and dense wounds seemed to be cut by someone with a knife.

His face was pale and bloodless.

As Qing Jiujiu looked at it, tears rolled down.

"Master, Master..."

She trembled her lips and called softly.

Mo Ye closed his eyes and did not respond to Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu remembered something and quickly took out the immortal Nine-Turn Soul-Restoring Pill from her arms and tried to feed it to Mo Ye.

The system suddenly spoke.

"He is not an immortal body yet. The immortal Nine-Turn Soul-Restoring Pill is useless to him. Moreover, it is very likely that his injury will become more serious because his mortal body cannot withstand the immortal energy of the immortal pill."

"What should we do then?"

"Mortal, yes, I have a mortal!"

Qing Jiujiu remembered and quickly searched in the storage ring.

The system spoke again.

"I am afraid that even a mortal will not work. After all, the wound on his body was injured by the immortal energy."

"And he has been soaking in the Weak Water River for so long... so..."

The system paused and could not continue.

Qing Jiujiu cried out.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Master won't die! Master is so powerful, how could he die!"

Isn't it just drowning? Can't he just spit out the water?

Qing Jiujiu clenched her fists and pressed against Mo Ye's abdomen.

Once, then again.

Mo Ye's face was dead silent, without any reaction.

And he could feel that heThe soul power is getting weaker and weaker. If it continues like this, it won't be long before the soul leaves the body. By then, even the Great Luo Immortal may not be able to save him.

When Qi Fanfan chased after him, he saw this scene.

Qing Jiujiu pressed Mo Ye's abdomen while calling her master, and tears rolled down her cheeks like money.

He had only seen this scene when his parents divorced.

Jiujiu looked like him to outsiders, a heartless and happy child.

In fact, only Qi Fanfan knew that his parents were always busy, and the family finally got together, but his parents always quarreled.

Jiujiu and he were so optimistic and cheerful, never discouraged, just wanting to bring some warmth to the family that was not warm to begin with.

However, on the day when his parents divorced.

Jiujiu leaned on the car window, stuck her head out, and kept crying, crying...

Qi Fanfan will never forget that scene.

When they met again later, they automatically ignored the fact that they hadn't seen each other for ten years, and they played and quarreled like they did when they were children.

To outsiders, the "hurt" seemed to have been deleted from their minds.

Only they themselves knew that the "hurt" was just archived and sealed by them.

This person must be very important to Jiujiu.

He must be as important as her parents and him, otherwise she wouldn't cry like this and be so afraid of him leaving.

This person...

Is it the person Jiujiu knew in the lower world?

The person who has been trying so hard to get up?

Qing Jiujiu pressed for an unknown period of time, but Mo Ye didn't move at all. Finally, she broke down and crawled on Mo Ye's body.

People who find it difficult to be sincere to others, once they have given their sincerity, it is difficult to bear losing it.

Jiujiu is such a person.

Qi Fanfan didn't want Jiujiu to have any ties in this world.

Qing Jiujiu only regretted at this moment.

Regretted that she couldn't find the gate of heaven earlier.

As long as she went down to pick them up, maybe Master would not be in trouble.

Or, if she came up, she would have cut off all ties with the lower world and not said she would come to pick them up or go down to see them.

Would Master not have thought of opening the gate of heaven and got into trouble?

Qing Jiujiu's mind was in a mess, and the immortal energy in her body was running rampant, and some black air was faintly floating out.

Qi Fanfan was surprised when he saw this scene.

This is...

Devil's energy...

How could this happen?

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