Everyone's eyes widened: ! ! !

What's going on? Didn't the Empress Changle already have her eyes on Qi Fanfan and would let her win? What's going on now? Is she going to kill her?

Qing Jiujiu barely managed to stand firm.

The Empress Changle said that her dantian was deficient, but her cultivation was still powerful, stronger than the combined strength of all the hunter monks yesterday.

Don't underestimate her!

The Empress Changle swung her sleeves with both hands, and two white silks rolled towards Qing Jiujiu's arms, one on the left and one on the right.

Qing Jiujiu pointed her toes and jumped into the air to quickly dodge.

"Bang bang!"

Two explosions, and the ground was hit by two big holes again by the white silk.

Everyone was shocked: ! ! !

The Empress Changle didn't mean to give in!

She even used all her strength!

Using all her strength at the beginning shows that the Empress Changle is determined to win.

It's over, it's over, I'm going to lose miserably!

You should know that Empress Changle is the only Empress among the twelve God Emperors, and she ranks third because of her high cultivation.

Qi Fanfan is bound to lose!

Their God Stone!!

On the stage.

Qing Jiujiu just dodged, but the white silk seemed to have eyes, and changed direction with Qing Jiujiu, and continued to roll.

Qing Jiujiu recalled the instructions of Empress Changle yesterday.

It seems that Empress Changle has guessed what will happen today, so she told her to win today.

In this case, then...

Let's start!

Qing Jiujiu opened her right hand, and the Xuanhuang Sword quickly condensed in her palm.

Seeing that the white silk was about to wrap around her, she swung her hand back.

The white silk was cut in an instant.

Empress Changle took two steps back due to inertia, and she looked at the white silk in her hand in surprise.

Her white silk was made of moonlight, but it was cut off so easily!

Her sword was also extraordinary.

The broken white silk of the Changle Empress rolled up, and countless silver needles flew towards Qing Jiujiu in an instant.

"Jinghong Xuanbing Needle!"

Everyone's eyes widened!

This is one of the killer moves of the Changle Empress.

The divine power is condensed into ice needles, and each ice needle amplifies the original divine power ten times, wrapping and attacking from all directions, and also comes with a tracking skill. Once it is chopped off, it will quickly recondense. Once used, it will never miss, and blood will definitely be drawn.

Qing Jiujiu swung her wrist, and the sword was as fast as a dragon, slicing the black ice needles one by one.

However, these black ice needles condensed together again at an extremely fast speed and continued to shoot at Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu was surprised for a moment, and her mind moved, and she disappeared from the spot in an instant and appeared behind the Empress.

Everyone was desperate and thought that Qing Jiujiu was doomed to fail, but suddenly their eyes lit up!

Yes! How could they forget that Qi Fanfan knew the art of instantaneous movement.

At this moment, he appeared behind the empress, and the black ice needle chased after her. If she dodged in an instant, she could return the favor and use the empress's black ice needle to defeat the empress directly.

Qing Jiujiu thought so too.

The black ice needle found that Qing Jiujiu disappeared on the spot, and then turned around to capture Qing Jiujiu's position and shot over quickly.

At this moment, if Qing Jiujiu performed another instantaneous movement, the black ice needle would shoot at the empress, turning her into a beautiful hedgehog, and she would win.


Hesitated for a moment.

Qing Jiujiu was still reluctant to part with the beauty, so she stood there and condensed a blue shield with a thought.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Countless black ice needles hit the blue shield.

The black ice needles failed to penetrate the blue shield, but were sucked onto it one by one.

The man in black hid in the dark and was annoyed.

Damn, what kind of background does this Qi Fanfan have, and he actually has so many treasures to bless him.

His fingertips moved slightly, and the silk thread pulling the empress also moved.

On the stage, the empress quickly formed a seal.

The black ice needles quickly turned into water, and then condensed into ice, wrapping the entire blue shield.

Ice flowers appeared on the blue shield.

Qing Jiujiu narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the ice flowers burst, and the blue shield burst with it.

The bursting ice flowers did not disperse, but turned into ice knives, and the empress's hands made a "collection" movement.

Countless ice knives stabbed towards Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu flew into the air in an instant.

Those countless ice knives then chased Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu was annoyed. She couldn't kill or injure such a person. It was really annoying.

Otherwise, she could just use a fatal move to kill her.

Qing Jiujiu took a breath.

Be kind to women, be kind to women.

Hold back, hold back. It wouldn't look good if you cut open a beautiful woman's head. Hold back, hold back.

Got it.

The magic used by this empress was all 'ice', which meant that her power was ice.System.

If it can't be cut with a sword, then just melt it with heat, okay?

Qing Jiujiu raised her hand and looked at the golden crow tail feathers inlaid on the sword.

It's been a long time since I used it, now it's your turn!

She flicked her fingertips, and countless lights suddenly bloomed on the Xuanhuang Sword.

The light was extremely hot, just like close contact with sunlight.

Those ice knives were melted in an instant.

Immediately, there were screams from the audience.

"Ah! My eyes, my eyes!"

"What blinded me!"

The Empress of Changle also covered her eyes in pain.

Qing Jiujiu smiled lightly, waved her backhand, and slapped the Empress's abdomen with the back of the sword. The Empress fainted on the ground with a "hmm".

Qing Jiujiu gently landed on the Hundred Flowers Mirror, waved her backhand, and put away the Xuanhuang Sword.

"I won."

"Don't scream, your eyes just swayed temporarily, now you can open them." Qing Jiujiu opened her lips and whispered.

The monks below the stage slowly opened their eyes when they heard it.

As expected, they could see, but their eyes were red as if they hadn't slept for two days, full of bloodshot.

They looked at the stage and saw the empress lying on the ground, having lost her fighting power.

"Win, win?"

"It seems like she won?"

"Qi Fanfan won, really won!"

"I didn't expect it! Qi Fanfan, who is at the realm of true god, can even beat the Changle empress, so powerful!"

They were surprised, then rushed to the gambling table and divided up the black-clothed man's divine stone.

The black-clothed man's heart was bleeding.

How could she actually lose...

Why can't the empress even beat this true god...

Why! This is unscientific!

But he had no time to think about it, he had to leave here quickly. While everyone was excited, he suppressed his grief and quietly retreated.

Qing Jiujiu locked his eyes on him.

When everyone was betting on her to win, this person bet on the empress to win.

Oh, who would believe it if he said it wasn't him?

Qing Jiujiu pointed her toes, flew up, stood in front of the man in black, blocked his way, and put the sword on his neck.

"Sneaky! Tell me, who are you?"

Qing Jiujiu sneered.

The man in black was startled and laughed.

"Of course you're here to watch the fight."

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