After everyone sat down.

The Purple Star God Emperor then sat down.

The other God Emperors were somewhat uncomfortable, thinking that the Purple Star God Emperor softened too quickly.

However, they dared to be angry but not to speak. After all, the three Sha Po Langs were beaten so badly, who dared to say a word more.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at the Purple Star God Emperor.

"What? Don't you want to talk? Why are you still raising conditions?"

The Purple Star God Emperor swallowed silently.

Raise conditions? Who dares?

He smiled lightly: "It's still Changle God Emperor who raised it. You are both from the lower God Realm and from our upper God Realm. The decision you make must be the fairest, and we don't need to say much."

Qing Jiujiu: Tsk tsk, see, conquering by force is still the most useful.

Her fingers slowly tapped on the table.

"Well, actually, our coming down from the God Realm has no effect on your going up to the God Realm. It just shortens the period of your falling into the Chaos Abyss from three years to one year."

"I originally promised the Empress that I would help you solve this crisis."

Speaking of this, Qing Jiujiu looked at the Empress Changle and smiled at her.

The Empress Changle was startled, her ears slightly red, and nodded: "Yes, yes."

After hearing this, the Ziwei God Emperor hurriedly bowed to the Empress Changle.

"I'm really sorry for what happened before. We believed the instigation of the three Sha Po Langs and misunderstood you. I'm really sorry."

The Empress Changle snorted coldly and ignored the Ziwei God Emperor.

The Ziwei God Emperor was a little embarrassed and could only smile to himself.

"Okay, that's it. If I can stop the Upper God Realm from falling into the abyss of chaos within a year, the matter of the Lower God Realm ascending will be settled. The two realms will have friendly exchanges and no discrimination or fighting."

"Understood, understood, definitely."

The Purple Star God Emperor nodded repeatedly.

Qing Jiujiu continued: "If not, the Lower God Realm will voluntarily cede half of the territory for you to live on."

The Purple Star God Emperor was stunned when he heard it.

Half of the territory...

"Then, what should we do? They won't make us slaves or servants or something. You should know that for those people, face is more important than anything else. I'm afraid..."

The Purple Star God Emperor glanced at the place where the other God Emperors were, and said with embarrassment.

Qing Jiujiu rolled her eyes at him and directly started to scold him.

"What? Do you think we are as despicable as you? Being slaves? You really can't imagine it. We are all gods, and the Supreme Gods, so why are we not civilized at all? Don't you understand such a simple truth as equality for all?"

"In my opinion, you in the Supreme God Realm should also abolish the hierarchy of gods. Being slaves is just an ordinary job. You pay them and they can choose to do it or not."

Qing Jiujiu's voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of the divine soldiers and generals on the opposite side.

They were already in their current positions when they arrived in the Supreme God Realm, and they have never changed for billions of years.

They want to improve their abilities, but they have to stick to their posts and have no extra time to practice.

They can only maintain their current level and slowly improve with people in the current class.

So, the generals oppressed the soldiers, the commanders looked down on the generals, and the commanders were just some minions in front of these God Emperors.

Their divine bodies were really bleak and they could not see any hope.

If it is really as Qing Jiujiu said, from now on they can choose to do it or not. After earning a certain amount of divine stones and having a place to live, they can also concentrate on cultivation!

The eyes of the divine soldiers and generals lit up instantly.

The lips of the Purple Star God Emperor moved slightly. He wanted to refuse, but seeing Qing Jiujiu's eyes that did not allow any objection, he had to nod his head.

"Okay then."

"You look so reluctant... Otherwise, you God Emperors will become my divine servants. Although your qualifications are a little bit poor, I will be reluctant to do it. It's not impossible."

Qing Jiujiu said faintly.

"What! Still can't, no force, no force, I'm very happy that everyone is equal in the Supreme God Realm, I'll do it right away."

The Purple Star God Emperor's forehead was sweating, and he spoke hurriedly.

Are you kidding? If they are accepted as divine servants, wouldn't it be a great shame!

How can they survive in this Supreme God Realm in the future? There is no way.

Later, they found out that being a divine servant could allow them to ascend directly with Qing Jiujiu, and they regretted it so much. Of course, this was...

"Okay, I got it. Then you can go back."

Qing Jiujiu waved at him impatiently.


The Purple Star God Emperor stood up.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, is there any place in your Supreme God Realm where I can buy the bestFood and medicine? I want to have a good gathering with my family tonight. "

"Yes! Jinrong Immortal Realm of the Supreme God Realm is the center of the entire Supreme God Realm, the most prosperous place. Everything is sold in the street market. In addition to food, medicine, and immortal wine, there are also magic weapons and even fragments of holy artifacts lost in the Holy Realm." Ziwei God Emperor said softly.

"What? Fragments of holy artifacts?"

Qing Jiujiu thought of something in an instant, raised her hand, and the Xuanhuang Sword appeared in her palm.

She slammed the Xuanhuang Sword on the table with a "clang".

Ziwei God Emperor was frightened.

"What is this for? Didn't you say that you would live in peace? Are you going to fight again?"

"What are you thinking? I am talking to you like a fart? You started to blame me for killing Wuwang God Emperor, and then turned around and blamed me for bringing the lower God Realm up. "

Qing Jiujiu couldn't help but roll his eyes at him again.

The Purple Star God Emperor clenched his fist awkwardly and coughed.

"Then what are you..."

"Take a good look and see if there are any such fragments."

Qing Jiujiu pointed to the three missing pieces of the Xuanhuang Sword.

The Purple Star God Emperor then realized that the sword was actually a broken sword.

"I haven't seen it, but someone may know it."

"Who?" Qing Jiujiu asked.

"He is known as the All-Knowing Person in the Supreme God Realm. He boasts that there is nothing he doesn't know about the lower three realms and the upper three realms. Some people didn't believe it in the past, and they also verified it. As a result, they were all right. His title of All-Knowing Person was established." Purple Star God Emperor said slowly.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at the Empress Changle.

"Isn't that the one who set up the gambling table downstairs during the martial arts competition to recruit a bride?"

"Yes, it's him." The Empress Changle nodded.

"Where is he usually? "

Qing Jiujiu wanted to collect all the Xuanhuang Swords as soon as possible, otherwise there would always be three pieces missing, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"I usually set up a stall at the market in Jinrong Immortal Realm, and I charge three million divine stones for each question. There are people lining up every day."

Ziwei Divine Emperor whispered.

This guy should be the richest person in the Supreme Divine Realm.

There are at least thousands of people lining up with him every day, and he makes a lot of money.

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