The aurora dissipated, revealing a passage full of light.

The few people were delighted and flew to Qing Jiujiu's side.

"So powerful! This sword destroyed it!"

"Jiujiu! I almost suspected that you are the daughter of this Creator!"

Qi Fanfan gently patted Qing Jiujiu's shoulder.

Qing Jiujiu pressed the back of Qi Fanfan's hand with her backhand, and Qi Fanfan instinctively shrank back and took a step back.

"Tsk, why are you so scared?"

Qing Jiujiu glanced at Qi Fanfan.

"What do you think?"

Qi Fanfan: Just kidding, if I don't shrink back, I'm afraid I'll be thrown over my shoulder.

Qi Fan and Qing Jiu couldn't help but laugh.

Mo Ye looked at them and couldn't help but smile.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at Mo Ye's expression from the corner of her eye.

Well, Master seems to be getting warmer and warmer.

In the past, when he was in front of people, he was very serious.

(In fact, Jiujiu knows that Master is a very warm person when no one is around. It was only when he was the leader of the sect in Jiuzhou that he developed such a personality.

"There is no danger now, let's go."

Qing Jiujiu raised her voice and walked in front to lead the way.

The ground of the entire passage, when stepped on, was like walking on the clouds, soft and comfortable.

Several people did not dare to relax their vigilance and continued to follow Qing Jiujiu.


Qing Jiujiu's feet were empty.

The whole person fell rapidly.

Mo Ye waved his hand back, and a wisp of divine power wrapped around Qing Jiujiu's arm, but before he pulled her up, the whole person fell down.

Qing Jiu quickly pinched the formula, and the blood moon wheel spun, suddenly became larger, and fell at their feet.

Holding them, they did not continue to fall. Fall.

Several people smiled at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, several tentacles stretched out from the barriers on both sides, wrapped around Qing Jiu, Qi Fan, Qi Fanfan and Mo Ye, and pulled them upwards before they had a chance to react.

Qing Jiujiu was startled and quickly reached out to pull them in a few moments.

However, another tentacle wrapped around her ankle and pulled her downwards with force.


The light and shadows danced.

Qing Jiujiu couldn't open her eyes because of the strong light, and she fell to the ground with a "pop".

The ground was the color of natural wood, as if it was made of wood.

The surroundings were filled with a breath that was different from the Supreme God Realm.

Very heavy.

Every time Qing Jiujiu took a breath, she felt suffocated.

She covered her chest uncomfortably and closed her mouth. When she looked up, she felt the black sphere in her dantian containing her cultivation level shaking constantly, and the portable space also shook.

It seems that the portable space is really closely related to her cultivation level.

She held on and looked around.

A fog covered the front and she couldn't see clearly.

I don't know what happened to my parents Qi Fanfan and my master? Where were they taken?

Qing Jiujiu's mind moved.

Qi Fanfan's voice came in her mind.

"We are fine. We were taken to the Supreme God Realm. Where are you?"

"Qi Fanfan?"

Qing Jiujiu looked around.

"I am talking to you with my mind. Have you forgotten that I once borrowed your sea of ​​consciousness to nourish my soul, so our consciousness is connected." Qi Fanfan asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Since we can use our mind If we can talk to each other, it means that we are still in the same world. I have not been to the outside world. "

Qing Jiujiu continued to walk forward.

Suddenly a voice came.

"Don't sleep, it seems that someone has come out."

"How is it possible? It is impossible for someone to come out. We have been guarding here for so many years. How could someone come out?"

Two voices, one rough and one thin.

Qing Jiujiu raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound, but she could not find the source of the sound.

It sounded like a three-dimensional looping sound from all directions.

Qing Jiujiu frowned.

The meaning of these two people's words seemed to be that they were guarding the door and not letting people out?

In the case of not knowing the strength, it is better to be cautious.

Qing Jiujiu pinched the formula with one hand, waved his backhand, a ray of light flashed, and Qing Jiujiu became invisible directly.

The two voices called out again.

"No, someone came out from inside. I just felt the breath flowing, and this breath does not belong to our Taichu Prison. Someone must have escaped from inside."

"In another year, the Supreme God Realm will fall into Taichu Prison, and the divine power will be reincarnated and return to chaos. The people inside must be unable to hold back, and asked me to blow away the fog and take a good look at where this person is hiding."


A hurricane suddenly blew around.

The fog was blown away in an instant.

Qing Jiujiu was almost swept away by the hurricane.

She quickly condensed the Xuanhuang Sword, held it with both hands, and pushed it hardThe ground cracked and Qing Jiujiu was not blown away.

She looked up again and looked in the direction of the sound.

She saw two giants as tall as Mount Tai, with reddish complexions, eyes like copper bells, mouths full of fangs, holding giant palaces, standing on the left and right of a cave.

And that cave was obviously the Chaos Abyss where Qing Jiujiu fell out of earlier.

"Eh? Gan Yi! Where do you see people? I think you are just dazzled. The power in this Chaos Abyss is so fierce. The power of the Supreme God Realm has been weak for billions of years. Except for the power of the ancestor gods who fell in the early years, how can there be any new gods who can resist it?"

The giant named Gan Yi frowned strangely.

Could it be that he really saw it wrong?

"Well, Zhu Ming, although that's what I said, I remind you that it's always a good thing to be careful. If anyone from the God Realm who was named by the higher-ups to be sent to Taichu Prison escapes, it will be our fault."

"Yeah. That's right, that's right." Zhu Ming smiled awkwardly.

The invisible Qing Jiujiu's eyebrows jumped again.

Taichu Prison?

Is it the legendary hell?

It shouldn't be.

People go to hell after death.

The Supreme God Realm is more powerful than the God Realm.

Qing Jiujiu shook her head, and her divine power moved. The hand holding the Xuanhuang Sword moved a little, and the ground that was only pierced with a small crack, "cracked" and cracked all the way forward.


"Who is it!"

Gan Yi raised the giant axe and chopped it hard in the direction of the crack.

The fierce force pressed towards Qing Jiujiu before the giant axe fell.

Qing Jiujiu frowned, pointed her toes, and rolled sideways in the air to dodge quickly.

But because the so-called Taichu Prison gas was too heavy, her body fell uncontrollably to the ground. She backhanded a palm, supported herself on the ground, and spun again, and then she stood steadily.

Zhu Ming pinched a seal with one hand, placed it in front of his forehead, and suddenly a third eye stretched out from his forehead.

The third eye burst out with strong light again, covering the ground, and the invisibility talisman on Qing Jiujiu's body instantly dissipated, and the whole person was exposed in front of the two.

"Sure enough, there is someone!"

"You are very courageous! You gods of the Supreme God Realm have enjoyed all the glory, and now your luck has run out. It's time to enter Taichu Prison. Why struggle and disrupt the law of the cycle of all things!"

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