How could it be?

Why does she have the power of Taichuyu?

And... it's so powerful!

Zhang Yan's reason was defeated little by little by Qing Jiujiu's power. His eyes, which had been resisting, dimmed and his head drooped slightly.

"Zhang Yan pays homage to the Lord God."

Qing Jiujiu waved her hand back, and the black and red air flew towards the other people in Taichuyu.

The other people in Taichuyu followed with a low cry.

"Greetings to the Lord God."

Qing Jiujiu withdrew her hand and raised her chin slightly.

"Very good. From now on, you are my people, but I really can't stand the way you look. It makes me either look up at you or fly up to see you. Can you become about the same size as me?"

"Of course."

Zhang Yan responded, and then quickly formed seals with both hands.

A red light flashed, and Zhang Yan and his people gradually became the same size as Qing Jiujiu and the others.

Qing Jiujiu touched her chin and looked them up and down, then snapped her fingers.

"Nice! Perfect!"

"Whether you want to go back to Taichu Prison or stay in the Supreme God Realm in the future, it's up to you. But if you want to go back, you have to think it over. If your superiors find out that you have been taken in as my God Servant, you may not be able to survive."

"I don't want to. I didn't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me."

"Ah?" Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, "Who is Bo Ren? Why didn't you kill him? He also died because of you?"

Qing Jiujiu: ...

"This is Earth language. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. The general meaning is that I don't want you to die because of me. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yan nodded as if he understood.

"I understand."

"God Lord, since we are already your God Servant, then naturally we are where you are!"

Zhang Yan clasped his hands together and shouted to Qing Jiujiu.

"We swear to follow God Lord until death!"

Other people in Taichu Prison also shouted loudly, with great momentum.

Qing Jiujiu waved her hand, and the voices of Zhang Yan and the others stopped.

Zhang Yan suddenly thought of something and exclaimed to Qing Jiujiu.

"By the way, Lord God, you should go and block the Chaos Abyss first, otherwise, it won't be long before the six emperors of Taichu Prison will get the news and rush over!"

"Six emperors? Listen, they seem to be stronger than you." Qing Jiujiu said.

"More than stronger than me, the combined strength of the six of them is at least as strong as that of Lord Taichu Yanluo, so Lord God, you should go and block the Chaos Abyss quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

Zhang Yan shouted again anxiously.

"Block it? How to block it? How to block it?"

Qing Jiujiu asked three times in a row.

If she knew how to block it, why would she wait until now?

It's already blocked before they come!

"Lord God, don't you have the cultivation of Taichu Prison? Just use your cultivation to refine the Chaos Abyss, and the entrance will shrink by itself and be blocked."

"By the way, how did this Chaos Abyss come about?"

Qing Jiujiu asked curiously.

She looked at the way Zhang Yan spoke so clearly, as if he knew a lot about this Chaos Abyss.

"It's a long story. There used to be a tree here. Its roots were in Taichu Prison and its crown was in your world. Later... we'll talk about the things that happened later. Lord God, go and block the Chaos Abyss. It's not too late to talk about other things later."

Zhang Yan urged again.

Looking at his expression, Qing Jiujiu would cry if he didn't go.

Qing Jiujiu nodded.

"Okay, then you take your Thousand Machine Scroll first and let us go out."


Zhang Yan pinched the seal with one hand, his lips moved slightly, and then waved his hand back.

Everyone returned to the vicinity of the Chaos Abyss from the Thousand Machines Scroll.

Qing Jiujiu leaped and flew to the sky above the Chaos Abyss. With her palm turned, wisps of red and black energy gathered together and lingered towards the Chaos Abyss.

The periphery of the Chaos Abyss began to slowly twist.

However, it was not yet time to refine it.

In the Chaos Abyss, six beams of light flew out and surrounded Qing Jiujiu.

"You are Qing Jiujiu!? You are so bold to break into the Taichu Prison and steal the Rebirth Stone!"

"You are Qing Jiujiu!? You are so bold to break into the Taichu Prison and steal the Rebirth Stone!"


"Why don't you admit your mistakes!"

"Why don't you admit your mistakes!"


The six of them, led by the man standing in front of Qing Jiujiu, spoke.

Then he said something, and the others followed suit.

Looking at their appearances, each of them had a dark face, eyes like copper bells, and a star pattern engraved between their eyebrows.

If there was another person, Qing Jiujiu would vaguely feel like she was collecting seven dragon balls.

"The six people in Taichu PrisonGreat Emperor!" Zhang Yan was startled and shouted.

After saying that, Zhang Yan quickly covered his mouth, fearing that the six great emperors would hear him.

Fortunately, his body became smaller now, and his voice naturally became smaller. In the ears of the six great emperors, it sounded no louder than a mosquito's hum.

Qing Jiujiu's five senses were different from those of ordinary people. He listened to Zhang Yan's words and raised his chin slightly.

"Are you the six great emperors of Taichu Prison?"

"Yes, since you know who we are, why don't you hand over the Rebirth Stone and commit suicide to apologize!"

"Yes, since you know who we are, why don't you hand over the Rebirth Stone and commit suicide to apologize! ”


It was repeated over and over again.

Qing Jiujiu took the opportunity to turn her Nether Wheel Eye.

A ray of red light slowly shone from their backs.

This light represented their strength.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at Zhang Yan again.

Among them, the weakest of the six emperors was ten times stronger than Zhang Yan, and then the strength of the six emperors increased in sequence.

The second to last was ten times stronger than the first to last, and the third to last was ten times stronger than the second to last. ...

That is to say, the strongest one is stronger than Zhang Yan... well... I don't know how many times, anyway, it is much stronger.

Qing Jiujiu pursed her lips slightly.

In this case, it is really a bit difficult to deal with.

Seeing this, Mo Ye tiptoed and flew towards Qing Jiujiu quickly.

Qi Fanfan, Qi Fan, and Qing Jiu also flew over.

Mo Ye floated behind Qing Jiujiu and said softly.

"We will claim one each, and we will not lose."

"Then let Zhang Yan and the others unite to deal with the weakest one."

Qing Jiujiu nodded slightly.

"Well, this is the only way. "

Qing Jiujiu sent a message to Zhang Yan with her mind.

Zhang Yan was already Qing Jiujiu's divine servant, and he immediately understood what he meant, and was also full of fighting spirit.

In a one-on-one fight, he might be crushed into ashes in a second by Bruno, the emperor with the worst cultivation among the six emperors.

But if it was a group fight... that would be different.

"I claim this strongest one!"

Qing Jiujiu condensed the Xuanhuang Sword with her backhand, and in an instant, stabbed it straight into the abdomen of the strongest emperor, Moloye.

Moloye was stunned for a few seconds when he saw Qing Jiujiu's sword.

"Rebirth Stone? You actually made the Rebirth Stone into a sword!"

He opened his eyes wide and shouted in disbelief.

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