Qing Jiujiu couldn't help but frown.

This was the first time she had seen such a bloody scene since she came to this world.

Ye Qing squatted down, drew out his bamboo sword, moved the wreckage, and examined it carefully.

"Judging from the extent of the wound, it was a medium-sized monster."

He checked the footprints on the ground again, stood up, closed his eyes, and his ears twitched slightly.

Then he opened his eyes and pointed to the misty forest in the distance.

"The monsters ran in that direction, and there are still survivors in their hands. Judging from the sound, there are at least... dozens of people!"

"The spirit gathering beads in this village have also been taken away." Ye Qing said again.

The four looked towards the center of the village, and sure enough, the whole village had no spiritual energy.

In Jiuzhou.

Every year, Tianji Pavilion arranges disciples to go to various backward villages and tribes.

Help them set up spirit gathering arrays to help them absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth faster and enhance their cultivation.

When the Jiuzhou barrier collapses, they will also have the ability to protect themselves.

When monsters invade, they will eat low-level cultivators to replenish their own demonic energy.

However, eating too much at one time is not easy to digest.

So sometimes they will take away the cultivators and keep them in captivity, so that they can continue to practice with the spirit-gathering beads and eat them when they are fat.

"Damn! This bunch of garbage!"

Zhu Xiulian cried out in a low voice and smashed the pig bone axe on the ground.

"Let's go!"

Jin Jiemie sneered, put the black sickle behind his back, and rushed to the misty forest.

Qing Jiujiu looked at them like this, and finally felt that as a cultivator, she had the feeling of shouldering the world, instead of competing with each other and suppressing each other.

Her eyes lit up, and she also took out a rattle from the storage ring and carried it on her shoulder.

Zhu Xiulian, Ye Qing and Hua Xizi were also ready to rush towards the misty forest.


"Shua shua shua!"

A series of black figures flashed quickly.

They were wearing uniform black clothes.

The leader was wearing a red dress.

His face was cold, he blocked their way and said coldly.

"This task is now taken over by our Secret Pavilion, you can go back!"

This voice was not a discussion, but a statement.

Qing Jiujiu stood aside and blinked in surprise.


Can the tasks of the Tianji Pavilion be "stringed" like this?

Jin Jiemie pursed his lips slightly.

Ye Qing and Zhu Xiulian were full of patience on their faces, and it can be seen that they did not dare to refute the Secret Pavilion directly.

Hua Xizi was a hot-tempered person who could not help but asked politely.

"Then I wonder if you have any memorials to let our cabinet Jiuxiu transfer this task to your Secret Pavilion."

The leader glanced at Hua Xizi with cold eyes.

A stream of air burst out from his back and pressed towards Hua Xizi, like an invisible hand, tightly pinching Hua Xizi's neck.

Hua Xizi coughed twice and her face was pale.


! ! !

Qing Jiujiu was annoyed, and the hand holding the rattle was ready to hit someone on the head at any time.

Jin Jiemie clasped his hands and responded quickly: "Okay, then this task will be handed over to the Secret Pavilion by our Jiuxiu of the Cabinet."

The Secret Pavilion then withdrew his spiritual energy, waved his hand back, and left with a group of Secret Pavilion disciples.

Hua Xizi covered her neck and stamped her feet in anger.

"Too much! This is openly snatching tasks and our points!"

"How can they play like this!"

Qing Jiujiu exclaimed in surprise: "Can you still snatch tasks?"

What rules? Tasks can still be snatched? This is too outrageous! Can the Tianji Pavilion still do something human?

Zhu Xiulian nodded, "Yes. The tasks issued are counted by whoever completes them, and the points are also counted. Our luck was a bit bad this time. I guess the people from the Secret Pavilion have just completed theirs nearby."

Hua Xizi couldn't help but exclaim. "We, Jiuxiu, finally gathered all the people. We were about to go on a group mission, but they were robbed? Just like that!?"

Qing Jiujiu looked at her furious look.

It is estimated that this is not the first time that the Secret Pavilion has done such a thing.

Ye Qing glanced at her, "What else can we do? Can we rob the Secret Pavilion?"

"Maybe we can." Qing Jiujiu's eyes were dark and bright.

The system reward she received from the entrance examination before was divided among the four of them, just to make up for their shortcomings.

In addition, the four of them are good at group attack, close attack, long-range attack, and lock respectively, and then add her own omnipotence. Although the realm may not be as good as those of the Secret Pavilion, when combined, they can definitely kill instantly!

Qing Jiujiu has this confidence.

The four people were stunned and looked at Qing Jiujiu.

Although she can beat the Secret Pavilion.

But they can't!

She really thinks too highly of them!

No one spoke.

Hua Xizi touched Qing Jiujiu's head: "Forget it, we have just formed a team of Jiuxiu, so we should be cautious. If we have a head-on conflict, they will steal our missions in the future, which will be bad."

In fact, the points of Tianji Pavilion are equivalent to resources.

The amount of resources allocated to each person is strictly allocated according to the points ranking.

Qing Jiujiu pondered for a moment.

Well, that's fine, then I will tell them about this after I get to know them better.

After all, Jin Jiemie and Ye Qing seem to have some grudges against her, so it may not be a good idea to tell them directly.

Anyway, there is no need to go on a mission now.


"Wow wow wow wow~"

A child cried, like a little kitten.

"Wow wow wow, woo woo woo..."

Several people stopped and looked towards the crying.

In a straw pile, there seemed to be a little baby who was much smaller than Qing Jiujiu hiding in it.

The five people looked at each other.

Hua Xizi walked over cautiously, opened the umbrella in her hand, and pushed the umbrella over the straw pile. Rays of light spread down, and she used the ribs of the umbrella to push the straw pile away.

It was a two or three-year-old child, white and tender.

No spiritual power.

No demonic aura, just an ordinary child.

At this time, he was stained with blood, crying pitifully, weak and powerless.

Hua Xizi's heart softened instantly.

"What's the situation?"

Jin Jimie asked coldly.

Before Jiuxiu, Jin Jimie had the highest cultivation level, and because of his calm personality, he was usually the captain by default.

Although Qing Jiujiu, who has a higher cultivation level, has joined now, Qing Jiujiu is not familiar with what Tianji Pavilion does.

Therefore, Jin Jimie is still in control of the overall situation.

"A child."

Hua Xizi replied, and she reached out to pick up the child.

"Set up a barrier for him, and then leave it alone. The outer court disciples will take care of it." Jin Jiemie said.

The outer court disciples are relatively weak, so they usually do some finishing work.

Hua Xizi glanced at the child again.

The child cried even harder, waving his hands at Hua Xizi, who hesitated for a moment.

"Wow wow wow wow~ Hug~ Hug~"

Qing Jiujiu frowned.

Children have an instinctive fear of strangers.

What's more, it's a child who just experienced a massacre?

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