Surreal Games: I’m An Engineer

Chapter 204 Production Test

Such a factory that can meet all kinds of needs in Jiangyang is now finally completed.

"Your Excellency, the factory has been completed, but if it is going to run for a long time, it needs refrigerant fluid and lubricating oil."

This is what Photon said to Jiang Yang.

"Well, how much do you need?"

"Refrigerant fluid needs about 100 liters, and lubricating oil needs 20 liters"


Jiang Yang nodded, then took out his mobile phone, logged into the mall of the Special Police Bureau, and made this request to the customer service.

Since there are people who help run errands, it is naturally not in vain.

With the previous experience, things went much smoother this time, and the order was soon completed, and Jiang Yang paid a point to the expressionless deliveryman.

"Oh, convenience is quite convenient, but there are not many points left."

When the delivery man left, Jiang Yang looked at his reduced points and began to sigh.

The special agency's points for producing rune bombs will only be given to him at the end of each month, and he must find a way to get some more points.

Otherwise, how will the follow-up development and research start?

As the saying goes, money is not everything, but without money nothing is impossible.

Not to mention points, which are more valuable than money and have more purchasing power.

"No, I have to hurry up and earn some points, and test the production capacity of the factory by the way."

Jiang Yang walked into the box laboratory with refrigerant and lubricating oil, and began to think about this issue in his heart.

"Photon, this is refrigerant fluid and lubricating oil. After adding it to the factory, it is ready to make rune bombs."

"Produce a thousand pieces first, this is the rune bomb sample"

"In addition, this is the Holy Water of the Holy Cult, and the serum of the Wulong seems to be a little insufficient. I will extract some later."

While taking out related items, Jiang Yang explained to Photon the things that need to be paid attention to in making.

"Your Excellency, it is not difficult to deconstruct this weapon. It is recommended to adopt a stamping solution and then assemble it at the end."


It's up to you"

After Jiang Yang finished speaking, he explained which materials it should use.

At present, all the scraps he got from the game can be used, but there is a mechanical structure that Jiang Yang wants to study later.

"Your Excellency, the gunpowder is not enough at present and needs to be replenished"

"Well, I'll go to the logistics side to get some later"

Jiang Yang nodded. He didn't have much ammunition reserves.

With these things arranged, the factory's foundry furnaces began to melt scrap metal.

The whole process is under the care of photons, so Jiang Yang can leave the box laboratory or do other things during the process with peace of mind.

At present, the raw materials that need to be supplemented mainly include gunpowder and sub-dragon serum.

He first went to the warehouse to get some ammunition and bulk gunpowder, and then returned to the laboratory to summon Yalong to draw blood.


Seeing the completely changed box laboratory, Yalong happily called out to Jiang Yang.

As a result, Jiang Yang took out a large needle, and he was completely dumbfounded.


"Don't be afraid, actually drawing some blood is good for your body~"

Jiang Yang comforted it with a smile all over his face.


Yalong saw Jiang Yang's smile and the whole dragon backed away.

I believe you, you bastard, you are very bad~

But after all, the arms couldn't hold back the thighs, Yalong was finally pressed to the ground by the rune mecha, and a large tube of blood was honestly drawn.

After the blood was drawn, Jiang Yang took it back.

Then start to speed up the separation of the serum and mix it with the holy water.

"This is a mixture. After stamping the runes, just apply the mixture on the runes and let it dry."

"Okay, Your Excellency"

Photon controlled the robotic arm and the mixed solution Jiang Yang gave it, and then sucked it all into a device similar to jet filling.

"Well, let me see the production speed of this factory"

"No problem, sir"

At this time, the foundry furnace had already melted the scrap iron and began to pour it into temporary molds. Before the molten iron had cooled down, the stamping machine began to print grids and runes.

Two different runes, inside and outside, are printed at once, and then the patch is transferred to the next process to shape it into a spherical shape, and then the spraying needle starts to fill the mixed solution on the runes, then dries, and finally fills with gunpowder and install triggers.

After a few processes, a rune bomb is ready.

Jiang Yang picked up one of the runes and glanced at it, and the system immediately gave relevant information.

After the system confirmed that there was no problem, Jiang Yang immediately felt relieved.

"Okay, haha, not bad"

"Your Excellency, our current production speed can produce 24 pieces per minute, and it only takes 42 minutes to produce a thousand pieces."

The photons have now been produced with extremely high precision.

"Very good, continue the production and call me when the production is over"

"Sir, yes"

Jiang Yang was extremely happy to hear that the efficiency was so high, and he could take this opportunity to take a good rest.

After speaking, he returned to the lounge, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but the noise produced in the factory at this time feels extremely pleasant to his ears.

This kind of sound is the sound of points colliding one by one, which is extremely pleasing.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as after-sleep income, right?

Soon, more than a thousand rune bombs were manufactured in the factory. This simple prop does not even use the computing power of the photon itself, and only the factory's processor is enough.

However, it didn't wake up Jiang Yang immediately, but waited for two hours before flying to Jiang Yang's lounge and waking him up.

"Already done?"

"Yes, sir"

"Well, okay, let me have a look first."

Jiang Yang moved his body, then came to the factory area and began to carefully inspect these rune bombs. He didn't want any defective products to be mixed in them.

"Not bad, not bad, this will sell for a good price!"

Jiang Yang was very satisfied, but he also knew that it was impossible to sell one for 50 points.

After all, now that the special mission has the method of making rune bombs, it is impossible to buy them at the selling price.

But selling 40 points is still no problem. After all, the Special Commission can sell food, so there is no need to worry about sales.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yang immediately took out his mobile phone and started to contact the customer service of the mall.

"I want to sell some rune bombs, what is your current recycling price?"

Seeing the familiar ID name, the customer service lady immediately became nervous, so she immediately replied to Jiang Yang, "Excuse me, how many do you have?"

"One thousand pieces"


This young lady was trembling all over at this moment, it was really unbelievable.

Rune bombs are not Chinese cabbages on the roadside, this man has a thousand of them!


Finding the supervisor in case of indecision has become a conditioned reflex in the past two days.

"what happened again?"

That supervisor really couldn't complain, these two days and nights, does he really have that much free time as a supervisor?

"That, that guy is here again, he, he wants to sell a thousand rune bombs"


The supervisor almost jumped up, and immediately walked to the workbench of the customer service lady.

"I'll go, does this kid run a factory?"

Seeing the message from Jiang Yang, he couldn't hold back at all.

No wonder they were asked to help buy various materials these days, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

But where did he get a factory?


And it's only been two or three days!

Even the special mission is not as fast as him. Currently their new factory is still under construction, and there are still several days before completion.

The rune bombs produced in the past two days were all processed by the old factory.

The supervisor is completely confused now. He has always thought that he has paid enough attention to this young man, but now it seems that he still does not pay enough attention!

"Director, what should we do?"

The customer service lady next to her saw that her supervisor's face was changing, so she asked.

"Accept, why don't you accept it, or he will sell it directly in the forum, and we will be the losers"

"However, lower the price, um, let's set 30 points, try it first, and see if he is willing."

The supervisor suddenly came back to his senses, and then said to the customer service lady.


Jiang Yang waited for a long time with his mobile phone, but there was no response. Just when he thought the network card was broken, he finally got a reply.

"Sorry, due to the large quantity, our recycling price is set at 30 points per piece. I wonder if you accept it?"

"No, the difference is too much, the minimum is 40, otherwise I will sell it to others"

Jiang Yang frowned and replied.

"What should the supervisor do?"

"40 is 40, anyway, as long as we sell it, we will make money for nothing"

The executive didn't let go of his mouth. On the one hand, he was making money, and on the other hand, he wanted to ensure that they were the only ones in the market that could sell rune bombs in large quantities.

Otherwise, it is very likely that vicious competition will form later, making both parties more ugly.


"Yes, it will be calculated according to 40 points, and the deliveryman will come to collect it later, please pay attention."

"no problem"

Putting down his phone, Jiang Yang heaved a sigh of relief.

It's nonsense to sell to others. No player can eat so many rune bombs in one go.

If it is sold in batches, the time cost, management cost, and the commission of the special distribution bureau are not as cost-effective as 40 points.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jiang Yang finds it troublesome, and he definitely doesn't want to mess up things that can be solved at once.

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