Surreal Games: I’m An Engineer

Chapter 377 Underground City

The super-large underground city No. 177 is the closest super-large underground city to Mingzhou.

Two hours later, the transport vehicle carrying the simulated human came to a huge and solid fortress.

This is the ground part of the large underground city. At this time, the convoy like a long queue is stopping in front of the fortress. Under the command and arrangement of the soldiers, a large number of people began to enter the inside of the fortress from the transport vehicles.

The simulated people also followed the flow of people into it, and the interior looked like a relatively large military base with various war equipment parked inside.

After the flow of people passed through the passage, they came to a huge lifting platform. The whole lifting platform can accommodate about 300 people at a time.

The whole elevator looked like a huge disc, and the elevator started to start after walking up according to the arrangement of the soldiers.

Then the height began to drop slowly, and the lifting platform stopped after about two minutes.

"Everyone, please follow the instructions to take a physical examination and receive a room number according to the family"

"If there are special patients or wounded, please immediately enter the medical area in front of the temporary passage for medical treatment"


As soon as the lifting platform arrived in the underground city, various prompts were heard on the radio, and then the city entrance gate was opened, and a spacious and bright space appeared in everyone's eyes.

This is a space about ten meters high on the first floor, even in the underground environment, it will not make people feel depressed at all.

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The overall structure is made of concrete and steel, which gives people a heavy texture, and the evenly distributed lights above the head illuminate every corner of the building.

Pieces of buildings not only play the role of support, but also use the underground space reasonably. The streets in the middle of the buildings seem to be narrower than the ground, and there are no vehicles on the road.

However, before entering the underground urban space, you must pass a security check.

Walking out of the lifting platform, people begin to enter different passages according to their own purposes, and start to allocate living rooms on a family basis.

The simulated person came to the physical examination channel with the metal box in his hand, but he was not here for the physical examination. After all, this body is full of steel machinery, no matter how impossible it is to pass the physical examination.

The simulation person came to a soldier on duty and said to him:

"I am a simulation person belonging to the rune factory. This time, I will move to the underground city with the people. Please make arrangements."

The heavily armed soldier was a little nervous when he saw Jiang Yang walking in front of him with a metal box in his arms, but he immediately relaxed after hearing what the simulator said.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will report to the superior immediately"

Then the soldier immediately got in touch with his superiors through the communicator, and then began the identification process.

The identity of the simulated person and the relevant information of the rune factory can be resolved only by comparing each other in the network system, and then a small army will come to arrange the rune factory store.

At present, the Rune Factory can be said to be the second largest supplier of props in the Dragon Kingdom, so the necessary arrangements and care must be taken care of.

"There is a special commercial area in the underground city. I don't know how big a store you need to be an engineer. Are there any special requirements for the specific location? Do you need to arrange ordinary living rooms?"

The captain of this team asked the simulation person as he walked.

"There are no special requirements, and because of the special nature of the factory, I only need a quiet shop, and I don't need to bother you about other things."

"Okay, this way please"

Simulators carry everything related to the rune factory shop, as long as there is an empty shop.

Soon, under the leadership of the team leader, the simulated person walked through a part of the public area and came to an empty shop in the business district.

"The above has already made arrangements. The right to use this shop will be transferred to the name of the Rune Factory. In addition, if the engineer has other requirements, we will solve them as appropriate."



The simulated person put down the metal box in his hand, and then took out items one by one under their gaze.

There are all things such as signboards, counters, and product introduction boxes, and the entire installation process is also extremely simple. You only need to place the corresponding things in the corresponding positions.

The strength of a simulated human is much greater than that of an ordinary person. Even if it takes two or three people to move something, a simulated human can solve it.

"Everyone, if you need anything in the future, you can come here to find me. We will give necessary discounts to the army."

After finishing these, the simulator said something to the soldiers, and then started working.

The whole process took less than ten minutes, and a store was already set up.

"Uh... ok"

The soldiers looked at each other, this was the first time they had seen this kind of scene, if they hadn't seen the whole process with their own eyes, they might have thought that they were dazzled, and a store was set up in a blink of an eye.

"By the way, these are some rules of the underground city. I hope you can abide by them. If there is an emergency, please contact the control center of the underground city directly. Thank you for your cooperation."

Then the team leader took out something similar to a leaflet and said to the emulator.

The simulation person took a look and found that it was about the code of conduct of the underground city.

For example, which areas are living areas, which areas are military restricted areas and cannot be approached, and how to deal with disputes or emergencies, etc.

"Okay, no problem"

The emulator agreed directly, after all, it would not leave the shop under normal circumstances.

"Okay, then let's take our leave."

After saying these words, the team turned around and left. It was impossible for them to serve the rune factory exclusively.

The arrangements made for the simulated people are already considered preferential treatment. After all, even those who come to large groups or wealthy families have limited resources as long as they enter the underground city.

It is impossible for a single group to control the entire underground city.

You must know that private wealth is their wealth, while the foundation of the country is the foundation of the people, and the two cannot be equated.

If you are reluctant to part with the wealth outside, then stay outside.

That's the only way, when disaster strikes it doesn't matter if you're rich or not.

According to the rules seen by the simulated person, the space of the entire underground city is quite huge, with hundreds of floors in total.

Every dozens of floors will have different functions, such as residential areas, production areas, training bases, research areas, areas specially arranged for players, and so on.

It can be said that the inner space of an underground city can accommodate tens of millions of people is definitely not an empty slogan.

Such huge urban energy supply, water supply, temperature control system, transportation, production and living problems have all been solved by the cooperation of various departments of the country.

The resources, manpower, and wealth consumed by the country during this period are incalculable, but the result is worth it anyway.

Compared with the ground that may be attacked by monsters anytime and anywhere, it is impossible for a huge city group to defend itself only by players or troops.

But it is much better to concentrate the people in the underground city. Both the army and the special mission can concentrate their forces together.

Even if a monster breaks in from a certain position in the underground, as long as the relevant layer or passage is closed, it will not spread immediately, and it will be much easier for the army and special mission personnel to deal with it.

In short, while considering cost, safety, and reliability, the engineers of Longguo have done their best.

In the Liangzhou industrial base, Jiang Yang looked at the information collected by Photon related to underground cities. At present, there are hundreds of underground cities in the whole country.

Among them, 28 super-large underground cities are the places where the main personnel live, and the rest of the medium-sized underground cities and small underground cities are mainly used for military purposes and other special purposes.

But there is no doubt that the entire underground city of Dragon Kingdom is the largest security project in the entire world.

The huge number and the concentration of security forces are the biggest reliance for the people of Longguo to survive this disaster.

"The energy source of the underground city is mainly thermonuclear fusion, but once you start raising and training monsters, the gems of the future can also provide a lot of energy for the people."

"The most critical issue is security. The country does not seem to have made any major breakthroughs in the military field. What problems can be solved by relying solely on nuclear weapons?"

Jiang Yang was thinking while browsing the information.

"Your Excellency, I think that the Dragon Kingdom must also seize the time to complete top-level military weapons, but the time is too short to deploy them on a large scale."

Photon didn't agree with Jiang Yang's ideas, and the entire high-level people in Longguo were not stupid, they only did some defensive work.

"Well, it makes sense, even if we want to mass-produce weapons now, we are restricted by various factors"

Jiang Yang nodded, but his thoughts fell on another point, which was the spiritual energy plan promoted by the state.

Since flame ants are able to combine psionic energy with each other, humans can naturally do it too, and the psionic energy network formed by the psionic energy between people will never be weak.

You must know that the total population of the Dragon Kingdom is more than one billion!

The number of students suitable for learning psionic abilities is at least hundreds of millions. This is an extremely huge force, and once combined, it can definitely produce extremely huge effects.

"As expected of a country, it really is far-sighted!"

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