"Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and then Lin Yin's voice rang in their ears.

"Be careful, that female spider is out!"

"OK, received"

"Retreat one after another!"

Soon the three people in the building retreated quickly, and at the same time a female spider the size of an adult elephant crawled out of the nest waving its jointed limbs covered with hard black hair.

Seeing this play, everyone felt sick for a while. The eight scarlet eyes on the spider's head seemed to have a strong confusing effect, making Jiang Yang and the others feel as if they were covered with countless spiders.

【Extremely Calm】

Immediately, Jiang Yang immediately used his skills to resist this strange feeling, and then Zhuge Yue and Zhou Qiang also used other skills fiercely.

Zhou Qiang, who was standing at the very front, was bursting with heat, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in an invisible air current, and at the same time, his emotions were also extremely high.


Accompanied by his roar, he jumped up with all his strength on his legs, and slashed at the monster in front of him that could penetrate even the concrete wall.

On the other side, under her control, Zhuge Yue's puppets began to quickly gather together, and then continued to merge into a giant-shaped puppet, rushing directly towards the huge female spider.


However, it wasn't the two of them who moved the fastest. Lin Yin, who had already prepared an ambush, replaced an armor-piercing bullet and shot it directly at one of the female spider's eyes.


In an instant, a scarlet eyeball was hit, and then exploded directly.


Then Zhou Qiang swung his knife and chopped it down, but when such a violent knife hit the female spider's body, there was the sound of metal clashing.

The black knife in Zhou Qiang's hand only cut half an inch into the female spider's carapace before being stuck, and then the female spider lifted a jointed limb and knocked it flying.


Zhou Qiang who flew upside down directly collided with a wall, and his life and death were uncertain for a while. At this time, facing the female spider was Zhuge Yue's large puppet, and all kinds of weapons on the puppet kept shooting at the spider.


However, even in a small building, this female spider is still extremely flexible, with its eight jointed limbs moving rapidly, facing the onslaught of the large puppet, the spider silk ejected from its abdomen quickly forms a web, restricting the movement of this large puppet.


However, as flames erupted from the puppet, the spider web was gradually burned, and it began to confront the female spider face to face.

"Bang! Bang!"

Outside, Lin Yin wanted to support by shooting, but she failed several times inside the building, and then she began to change positions constantly, using her ability to fire bullets.


Another eye burst, and the female spider began to fall into a state of rage, frantically destroying things in front of her eyes.

Jiang Yang, who had been making soy sauce by the side, finally seized the opportunity to let the mummy activate his skills immediately!

【Eye of Fear】


As the female spider fell into a sluggish state due to the effect of this skill, the large puppet extended a cannon barrel to hit its head, and then exploded.

Seeing that a big hole was blown out of the female spider's head, but the life of this thing was surprisingly large, it didn't die immediately at all.

As a layer of shell fell off, the ghost rushed towards Jiang Yang and the others like crazy again.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Facing this thing, Jiang Yang immediately raised his gun and fired continuously. At the same time, Zhou Qiang, who didn't know when he crawled out, jumped up again and slashed fiercely at the back of the female spider.

I don't know if it's because the outer shell just took off, but this time Zhou Qiang's attack worked, and the whole black knife penetrated deeply into the female spider's body.

However, with the scream of the female spider, Zhuge Yue succeeded,

The somewhat broken large puppet manipulated several sharp thorns into the female spider's body.

Soon, the female spider lost its vitality and stopped moving.

It's just that Jiang Yang's mission is not over yet, and there are still many little spiders fleeing outside at this time.

In the process of dealing with the female spider, Jiang Yang, who didn't intervene much at all, began to clean up these little spiders, and the others did the same. Among them, only Zhou Qiang was injured, but it was not serious.

The defensive ability of his armor is still extremely strong, but the action is relatively slow.

Two hours later, the entire building was cleaned up. Jiang Yang and the others also found people who were used as food reserves in the building. They were all bitten by these spiders and fell into a coma. There is no good way to deal with the accident urgently.

Only when the medical staff outside took over, because they were poisoned, if Jiang Yang was injured, he could still intervene.

"The monsters here have been eliminated, and the follow-up will be handed over to you. If there is any abnormal situation, please contact us immediately."


After dealing with all the monsters, Zhuge Yue began to hand over the situation on the scene to the police and the logistics department of the special mission bureau, and let them deal with the aftermath.

Jiang Yang and the others' task is only to deal with the enemy by hand.

Get in the car and go back to the hotel, when the sky is completely dark.

Jiang Yang was a little embarrassed along the way. After all, he really didn't do much in this battle, and he had no relevant experience before.

Whether it's cooperating with teammates, or facing monsters like giant spiders alone.

"Don't rest anymore, we will start the battle review now"

"In addition to the terrain reasons in this battle, there are still considerable problems in our cooperation"

Following Zhuge Yue's voice, everyone began to think about the course of this battle.

"Zhou Qiang, as a frontal combat force, you were knocked into the air by the opponent at the beginning, and you have no effective effect against the enemy at all."

"Jiang Yang, as an auxiliary person, the most important role is not to fight, but to contain and rescue. However, there are still big problems in the cooperation between us in this battle, which makes you unable to intervene at all."

Zhuge Yue didn't pay attention to any subtleties, and directly pointed out the problem. Although the battle was completed this time, it was only based on the fact that the opponent only had one large spider. If there were two or three spiders, it would not be annihilation It will also fail the mission.

Then Zhuge Yue began to explain how to cooperate in the future. First of all, they need to know their position in the team, what they are responsible for, what they should do, and the abilities of their teammates.

"Okay, I hope you will remember the lesson this time!"

In the end Zhuge Yue ended with this sentence, Jiang Yang and the others could only nod obediently.

According to what she said just now, Zhou Qing and Jiang Yang were somewhat disgraced, and the two big men were suppressed by them, and they couldn't accept it!

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