Survival [End Times]

55. Zombie Apocalypse 11 (double update)

This door opens outwards, and it knocked down two people at once.

Yu Heng lay on the ground and fired left and right, squinting his eyes to adapt to the light. His hands were still accurate, and he knocked down two people. Then he rolled out to sweep the lower body of the remaining standing man, and rushed up to hit his temple with his elbow, and shot the two people on the ground with his other hand.

Everything happened in a flash. □□ was wrapped by Yu Heng with clothes and simply silenced, so the sound was not loud. There were a few muffled sounds, and people on other floors only thought that it was the sound made by the zombies on the third floor biting people. After all, there were people struggling desperately at the last moment, making a lot of noise.

Everyone in the room was stunned, but without Yu Heng saying anything, many people reacted immediately and rushed out in a crowd.

Fortunately, Yu Heng dodged quickly, otherwise he would have been trampled.

"Aunt Chen, hurry up!" Yu Heng shouted in a low voice, and Aunt Chen hurried out with the child. She didn't see Wu Yue, and Yu Heng didn't care, and pulled Aunt Chen to run.

A bunch of people staggered out, and the chaotic footsteps finally disturbed others.

"What happened downstairs?"

Someone was talking on the fourth floor, and Yu Heng felt that he couldn't go down the stairs, and he would definitely be blocked. He pulled Aunt Chen and walked back, hiding behind the door.

"Shh, don't talk."

Soon someone ran down, pushed the half-closed door open with force, and swept the flashlight quickly.

"Damn, except for one woman, they all ran away!"

"Chase them!"

The footsteps of four people ran towards the stairs, regardless of the woman lying on the ground, and did not take her seriously.

Aunt Chen was very nervous: "What should we do? How to go?"

"Follow me."

This is a five-story residential building. He walked carefully in other directions. The unique stench of zombies came from the next room, but there was no zombie roar. He passed the stairs and heard shouting and cursing at the bottom of the stairs, so he went around to the side. He could vaguely see that this was a small living room.

The French window in the living room opened with a push.

"Aunt, hurry up and climb down."

"This is the third floor."

"Hide first."

The next moment, footsteps approached, and the flashlight passed by inadvertently. The curtains by the window swayed slightly, but did not attract attention.

"Come, follow me."

Yu Heng moved to the water pipe not far away and slowly climbed down. He stood at the foot of the wall and waved to Aunt Chen and the others.

"This--" Aunt Chen was very embarrassed. She touched Niuniu's head, "Niuniu, be good! Climb down quickly."

The little girl hugged her waist and shook her head, sobbing softly.

Aunt Chen pulled Niuniu back and planned to go downstairs from the stairs.

Yu Heng shouted, but Aunt Chen did not turn back. He stood in the corner with his back to the door, and he could hear the noise from the door.

With such a big noise, he didn't know how many people could escape.

But it was already like this, and there was nothing he could do. What he needed to think about now was whether to rescue Chen Bing, a fellow traveler who got along well with him, or to run away immediately?

Speaking of saving people, he didn't have a deep friendship with Chen Bing and the others, so there was no need to sacrifice himself to save them.

But he couldn't swallow that breath, and there was a sense of unwillingness to admit defeat in his heart.

Those who treated people as if they were not human beings and treated them casually like garbage, he had to do something.

Thinking of this, he climbed over the wall first, and didn't go anywhere else, but found a place nearby to hide.

The movement over there gradually stopped, and no one chased out, or searched the empty rooms here. Maybe in their opinion, those who escaped must have run far away, and how dare they dare to be under their noses.

He waited until night. Yu Heng quietly climbed over the wall back. He was good at climbing walls, water pipes, and trees. He quickly climbed to the third floor, where two people were constantly walking.

He went around to the room where he was locked up before and found the small window.

He hooked his head through the water pipe and looked inside quietly.

There were candles and flashlights inside.

His eyes widened as he saw that the woman who was caught was the sharp-tongued woman. The zombie with bound hands and feet bit her arm and tore off a piece of flesh. She laughed and cried, and soon fell into a coma.

"How about this?"

"It doesn't look good. Look at the spots on her face."

"Useless things, wait a little longer, and if it doesn't work, just deal with it."

He said to the other people in the room who were almost crazy with fear: "See, this is your fate in the future. If you dare to run around again, we will not divide you into batches, and we will deal with you all at once tonight!"

After a long time, so long that Yu Heng felt his hands were particularly sore, so long that the door of the room was closed again, and the people inside cried desperately, he came back to his senses, holding the water pipe with both hands to slow down.

Continue to climb up. His movements were gentle, his breathing was long and slow, and he didn't alarm anyone after climbing to the fourth floor.

There was no one in the corridor on the fourth floor, it was pitch black. It seems that if this is not a floor that does not need to be guarded, it is the floor where their own people live.

Yu Heng pushed open the window, waited for a while before climbing in, and after walking a few steps, he heard footsteps coming down from the right front!

He immediately tiptoed out of the window and hung out.

"Dong Dong."

"Come in."

"Brother Zhuang, the woman upstairs is almost level 5!"


"She said so herself. She has already felt the barrier, and she has been fed so many beads recently, so she is almost level 5."

"Walk up and take a look!"

The light of the flashlight illuminated the corridor on the fourth floor. Two men walked out of the room. They walked to the front and turned right. They heard footsteps, which must have been going upstairs.

Yu Heng thought for a while and climbed to the fifth floor.

However, there were two people standing in the corridor on the fifth floor. They were guarding outside a room and greeted people who appeared at the stairs.

"Hello, Brother Zhuang."


Watching the two people go in, Yu Heng saw clearly that one of them was the feminine man with plant-type powers in the afternoon.

There must be something important to make this seemingly small-time boss "Brother Zhuang" stay up late at night and come to the fifth floor.

Yu Heng estimated the direction of the window in that room and moved over cautiously.

As soon as I got close, I heard Brother Zhuang’s voice:

"As for you, you'd better be honest. If you lie to me and say you reached level five, I'll find out after I dig your head open that it's not you, and you will be the one who suffers."

Hearing this, he felt cold in his heart.

In the room, Zhuang Qiusheng squatted down, lifted the chin of the woman tied by vines on the ground, and said this with a smile.

The woman raised her head, her eyes were dull: "I'm not lying to you, it's really almost level five."

Zhuang Qiusheng threw away his hand: "How many beads are left?"

"One level three bead should be enough."

After hearing this, he felt distressed for a moment. After all, level three beads are not so easy to find now, and most of the zombies nowadays are level two. The third-level beads I just got today haven't been warmed yet, and they're about to fall out from between my fingers.

After my daughter absorbed the beads, she quickly reached level five. Just being restrained by the vines, she still couldn't move even half of her powers. She lowered her head, as if she didn't care at all about what happened next.

"Okay, all of you, please go out and don't bother me. I'm going to reach level five."

"Brother Zhuang, do you want to eat something first? It will take you a long time to reach level five. You will definitely be hungry."

Zhuang Qiusheng was anxious and wanted to immediately dig out the superpower beads in this woman's head to break through his bottleneck at level four.

But this does take time. It’s better to eat first and then do it.

"Watch her, I'll be back later."

The door was closed, and when Zhuang Qiusheng came back, all he saw was his two men lying in a pool of blood, one of whom was a level three fire superpower!

The delicious dessert in the corner also disappeared. Zhuang Qiusheng looked ferocious. Just as he was about to shout, he heard the whistling wind behind him.

A wall of vines was erected behind him, and two thick vines sprouted from his hands and he swung them back——

"It's you! Impossible, how did you escape my poison ivy?!"

The woman smiled coldly, "Go to hell!" It was her first time to use supernatural powers, and she was very unskilled, but Zhuang Qiusheng was only better than her. After all, he had been following a different path. The higher the level of the woman, the stronger his reaction, and the fight was almost even for a while.

The fighting here quickly attracted the attention of others, and many people gathered in to help.

The woman gradually found her touch in the battle. She couldn't deal with Zhuang Qiusheng, but the others were very relaxed.

Yu Heng took the opportunity to find Chen Bing and Wu Yao.

"Zhang Hengyuan? How did you find this place? Where are my mother and daughter?"

Yu Heng didn't say much. After breaking open the door, he used a knife to cut off the vines on his body. When Chen Bing's powers were not suppressed before, these vines could not be cut with a metal knife, but he did not expect that he could break them with an ordinary knife.

"Let's go! They're on the third floor, be careful."

Chen Bing also knew that there seemed to be some movement outside just now: "I have recorded your help, thank you!" After saying that, he ran downstairs.

Yu Heng climbed the water pipe to leave. He slid down the wall like a silent gecko, and suddenly there was a sound of wind behind him.

He quickly dodged, and then jumped down. Fortunately, it was not too far from the ground, so he was not injured. After landing, he rolled on the spot, and sure enough, he avoided a vine that was stuck in place.

The only plant-type psychics around here are——

Yu Heng immediately retreated away. When he was retreating to dodge, he saw from the corner of his eye that the woman was attacking him.

The woman watched the man dodge left and right flexibly and quickly disappeared outside the wall.

Just as she was about to chase after her, she suddenly heard movement on the other side of the gate—the sheep that had been raised had also escaped?

She didn't know that Yu Heng had just returned to the fifth floor and let Chen Bing go, otherwise she would be even more angry.

Human thoughts are truly ever-changing.

Without freedom, at the moment of life and death, all she thinks about is living. After gaining freedom, her only thought is revenge! I can't wait to eat that demon's flesh, drink his blood, and dig out his supernatural beads!

And she finally succeeded, but at this time, her mind changed again. Seeing the man who saved her flexibly climb out of the window, she thought: This man knows her secret and the secret of becoming stronger. Could he also be the second person to covet the superpower pearl in her brain?

And everyone else in this building is a potential threat!

We can't let him go, we can't let them spread this secret. She can do what Zhuang Qiusheng can do. She will definitely be stronger. Only she can be so powerful.

She is the strongest level five superpower in the future!

A woman's mind can change completely at will, in just a few seconds.

She attacked Yu Heng, but he still escaped, and then focused on the running experimental subjects at the gate.

She was filled with violent emotions. She threw out a vine and fixed it on the ground. She slid down and approached with a sneer.

On this side, Yu Heng was hiding in a house. The zombies outside the door kept banging on the door. He took out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it outside the door. He sprayed a whole bottle.

After a long time, the zombies outside gradually dispersed.

"Mad man." He recalled what happened today. He really could only smile bitterly.

This is all crazy! !

He took off his clothes, poured mineral water on his back, and then wiped it with a paper towel, and then sprayed Yunnan Baiyao.

"Superpowers are really... elusive creatures." He saved the fifth-level superpower, but she took revenge and took care of him in return?

Even though Yu Heng was experienced and good at carefully analyzing various situations, he really couldn't figure out the woman's thinking.

It's really hard to figure it out.

However, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Just don't encounter it in the future. The most important thing now is that he needs to continue on his way, and he needs to be more careful this time!

Who knew that in addition to looting and robbing for supplies, there are also people who capture people for experiments and artificially cultivate supernatural beads to become stronger?

It is simply a loss of human ethics.

It can be seen that human desires are endless. When there is no food, they want food, and after gaining strength, they want more powerful strength. Of course, this is understandable, but extending the claws to the same kind makes Yu Heng feel a kind of hurt.

"Even superpowers are not safe." He sighed, but if he could become a superpower, who wouldn't want it.

He decided to find a place to take the gene improvement solution quickly. He had just escaped from the office building for only half a day when he was caught by these people, and he didn't have time to implement the plan.

He waited for another two days, healed his injuries, and then went out.

It is really inconvenient and unsafe without a car.

He didn't want to stay in this area, and he went on the road alone, so it was very laborious. Although he was not bitten by zombies, he had all kinds of scratches and bruises on his body.

After finally encountering a car dealership, he immediately tried to kill his way in and cleared out the zombies inside. One of them was a fire zombie, which burned all his hair and burned his scalp.

But it was all worth it. He found a car inside. Even if it was not an SUV, he was very satisfied. After all, he couldn't find a car to drive on the road these days.

Yesterday, he happened to pass by a gas station and collected a lot of oil. He even found a gas pump that was still full of oil. He disassembled it and put it in the newly bought storage ring.

After testing the door and finding that it was still closed by pulling it down, Yu Heng planned to stay here temporarily.

He checked all the doors and windows on the first floor, and repaired the damaged ones with local materials. Then he found a kitchen, a lounge, etc. behind the hall, but he didn't like them. He liked the warehouse inside.

There were a lot of things in the warehouse. Yu Heng picked up some parts and materials that he would need in the future and put them away. The door of the warehouse was very strong and could be locked from the inside. There were also two exhaust ports, so he decided to stay here and take the gene-enhancing liquid.

But before that, he had a good sleep.

He even had a beautiful dream. In the dream, he walked among the zombies as if no one was there, like a superhero. After waking up, he sneered. The content of his dreams was getting more and more high-end.

After getting up, he ate first. There was no condition to cook food, so he ate a pack of instant noodles, a box of biscuits, a bottle of milk and a bottle of water. It was rich in nutrition and varied in variety.

After eating, he took the gene-enhancing liquid in a somewhat pious posture.

He really hoped that he could get what he planned, but even if he didn't - he was mentally prepared. Anyway, the instructions for the use of the gene-enhancing liquid said that after taking it, it might stimulate the body's potential, unlock the mysterious gene lock, and gain some kind of power.

Of course, the worst thing is just the improvement of physical fitness. Even the worst is what Yu Heng urgently needs, and then [General Principles of Physical Fitness] should be able to practice more smoothly.

After taking it, he soon felt hot all over, and the painful memory of the previous zombie transformation came to his mind, even more painful.

He fainted and woke up, struggling to eat something on the way. The mineral water spilled all over his face and he didn't have time to put the cap back on, and he fainted again. He could only be thankful that he had carefully checked the store before taking it, and hid in a double-insured warehouse.

He finally woke up after a few days, and his stomach was burning with hunger. He couldn't care about anything else, just stuffed food into his mouth.

When he started to open the fourth vacuum-cured egg, he suddenly smelled a foul odor. This smell can't be thought about carefully, if you think about it carefully, you will subconsciously smell it carefully-then his eyes went black and he was almost suffocated.

"What is this smell?"

Yu Heng covered his nose and threw the half-opened boiled egg back into the storage ring. He really had no appetite after smelling this smell.

He saw that he was covered in dirt and smelled sour, but not the kind of extremely rancid smell.

Yes, rancid. Yu Heng caught this point and was shocked. His first reaction was that zombies had broken in?

Picking up the gun, he looked around the warehouse. The door was locked. He leaned his head against the door and listened carefully. There were no footsteps or other noises outside the door. He opened the door carefully and carefully checked the outside. He found that the store was still fine and there were no zombies.

He was still worried, so he checked the doors and windows again. There were no zombies, not even zombie rats.

Yu Heng breathed a sigh of relief, but the stench was still with him. Now he had to face his body: the stench was on him.

Without the conditions to take a shower, he had to change his dirty clothes and wipe off the dirt on his body. The sour smell was much reduced, but the stench increased instead of decreasing.

"What is going on?"

If it weren't for his intact muscles, he would have suspected that his body was rotten.

Unfortunately, he hadn't entered the [General Rules for Physical Fitness] yet. If he reached the third level, he would be able to control the breath and isolate the stench.

After cleaning his body, he began to sense the changes inside his body.

He began to circulate his mind to experience his current state of cultivation, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his cultivation was going more smoothly!

In the past, when he practiced, no matter how hard he tried, he always felt powerless and blocked, which was simply despairing.

But this time, after circulating for a week, he grasped the sense of qi, planted qi in his body, and entered the first level. The Qi has been lowered, and from now on, it will be able to automatically absorb the pure spirit from the outside world and continuously strengthen the body.

Yu Heng continued to practice happily, and the effect was particularly good. However, after seven cycles of mind movement and several sets of bodybuilding techniques, he had already touched the threshold of the second level, which surprised him very much.

"The effect of the gene improvement liquid is quite good." Yu Heng finished the practice with satisfaction, and then he realized that he didn't know if it was because he was immersed in practice that he didn't notice that the rancid smell on his body had disappeared.

This is a strange phenomenon. Yu Heng thought: Could it be a temporary defect caused by taking the gene improvement liquid?

However, until the evening, he still didn't find the answer. Since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it for the time being. He practiced day and night, intending to improve his strength quickly, and planned to reach at least the third level. After reaching the third level, the whole person's physique will have a qualitative leap, and the five senses such as strength, speed, and vision will have a significant improvement.

By then, he will be on the road, which will be more secure.

He set off on the third day, and at this time he was already at the second level. He didn't dare to be too radical, and was very conservative in his driving. He would avoid the places where zombies gathered in advance. Sometimes when he met other cars, if the direction was on the way, he would follow others, so that the safety would be improved. If there was something wrong on the road ahead, he could avoid it in time.

He would find a place to hide at night. He never hesitated to put his patience into finding a safe place to live. If he couldn't find it, he would rather not sleep.

Fortunately, his current cultivation state is good. Even if he often didn't sleep for a whole night, he didn't collapse.

Until one day he passed by a building, which was a library in a cultural square. He saw the five words "xx library" at a glance, and his heart moved.

After coming to this world for so long, by chance, this was the first library he saw.

He squinted his eyes. His eyesight had improved a little bit recently, and he could see things much more clearly. The original owner actually had more than 100 degrees of myopia.

There were many zombies scattered in the square, and there were many zombies on one side. Yu Heng saw that the sign over there was a certain m fast food and xx movie paradise. There were fewer zombies on the library side, and the door was closed.

He drove closer carefully and saw a wooden board lying on the withered green pot at the door, with large characters on it: Closed for rectification from now on, reopening on October 15th.

The zombies next to him shouted and jumped on his car. He lowered the window by one-third and fired, clearing all the zombies beside the car, then got out of the car quickly, stepped on the flower bed at the door before the next batch of zombies arrived, and jumped on the decorative step-shaped sloping wall next to him.

At this time, there were zombies raising their hands and grabbing at him only ten centimeters away from his feet. There was a zombie nearly two meters tall in the zombie group, and Yu Heng was the first to kill it, and then continued to climb up. His right foot, which was the last to be retracted, was burned by the flames, and his trouser legs caught fire all of a sudden.

He sat on the protruding part outside the window, took out water and poured it on his feet to put out the flames.

There were already a lot of zombies below, and because the wall was designed to be sloped, they even climbed a distance with their hands and feet.

Yu Heng did not stop, and stood up to pry the window. The window was a sliding window, so he directly broke the lock with a wrench and pushed the window open smoothly.

Before crawling in, he took a look inside, and all he saw was an empty long table and a wall rack with newspapers on it. The door was locked, and it looked like this was a study room.

He jumped in with confidence.

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