Survival for all: practice a hundred times faster at the beginning

Chapter 93 If you can’t afford to lose, stop practicing martial arts

"If your brother also practices boxing like this, then your brother is also a waste."

Chu Feng's words stung Bai Zihao's heart like a sharp sword.

He can tolerate being insulted.

But no one is allowed to say that his brother is not the best at all!

Chu Feng's words also made the fans present crazy.

Led by the fat girl with acne on her face, she started to criticize Chu Feng verbally and writtenly.

"Do you know what kind of person his brother is?! How dare you talk nonsense here!"

"Who do you think you are? Have you not become a warrior yet? Let me tell you, Brother Ziyuan is the eighth-ranked super being on the spiritual power gold list!"

"Compared with him, who are you? How dare you call him a waste!"

Chu Feng was not angry either.

Bai Ziyuan?

It seems to be one of his goals for coming here today.

I don't know yet how.

But it looks like.

There are quite a few idiot fans.

Plus a younger brother who has social anxiety.

Bai Zihao waved his hand and shouted angrily.


All the girls in the room immediately shut up.

Chu Feng suddenly felt that the world was quiet.


"Don't be unconvinced. Even if your brother is here, I will still say this. If it doesn't work, it won't work. Only by acknowledging the gap can we make better progress."

Bai Zihao's chest kept rising and falling.

I can't bear it anymore.

He said fiercely.

"Don't you want to taste my fist? Well, don't blame me for teaching you a lesson!"

Chu Feng yawned.

"Then hurry up, I have something else to do."

Such a disregardful attitude.

It made Bai Zihao even more crazy.

He instantly took the starting position of Five Elements Fist.

Chu Feng shook his head when he saw it.

"Oh, I started wrong. I don't know if it was your brother who taught me the wrong way or you who learned it badly."

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

Bai Zihao roared and punched out.

He used one of the Five Elements Fists, the extremely violent Fire Element Fist.

"The punching posture is low, resulting in increased resistance. When the spiritual energy is transferred to the right fist at the moment of punching, there is a half-second pause, which is not smooth enough. After punching, it goes straight and lacks change, not to mention the most important punching intention. I didn’t realize it…”

Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

There are too many mistakes.

As a being who once practiced Five Elements Boxing to perfection.

It’s really unbearable to look at.

That’s all.

Let me show you what the real Five Elements Boxing is.

at the same time.

Chu Feng also moved.

Seems to be the same starting position.

But it gives people a sense of unity.

It looks like a hedgehog covered with spikes, making it impossible for enemies to attack.

"Boy, watch out, the Fire Fist is not for you."

Chu Feng said lightly.

He only used a trace of spiritual power.

Not even as good as a reserve warrior.

But at this moment, in Chu Feng's hands, the Fire Fist seemed to be alive.

Bursting like fire.

Just don't move.

The moment it was activated, it was like a volcano erupting with overwhelming force.

Punch out.

The air seemed to be on fire.

He screamed in pain.

Chu Feng's fist came first and last.

It collided with Bai Zihao's Fire Fist.


There was a crisp sound.

Bai Zihao's expression suddenly changed.

The whole person flew out uncontrollably.

And his right fist was even deformed and twisted at this moment.

Bai Zihao was in pain and broke out in cold sweat.

until landing.

Bai Zihao still couldn't accept it.

His eyes were fixed on Chu Feng.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! My brother taught me my boxing skills, how could I be defeated by an unknown person!"

In Bai Zihao's thoughts.

His eldest brother represents omnipotence!

No one can surpass Big Brother.

Even the boxing skills taught by big brother should be invincible!

But Bai Zihao couldn't deny it.

The moment Chu Feng's punch struck just now.

He even felt like a violently erupting volcano was bearing down on him.

Unable to resist!

There's no way to avoid it!

Looking back now, I still feel scared.

Not even his eldest brother had ever made him feel this scared.

What was most difficult for him to accept was.

Judging from the spiritual energy fluctuations on the guy opposite him just now.

He is clearly just a reserve warrior!

I have just entered the C-level!

Such a huge gap in spiritual power.

The same punch.

But he still lost completely.

The group of idiot fans around them immediately shut up.

Some girls have written memos to celebrate Bai Zihao's victory.

But suddenly discovered.

He regards himself as a male god.

He was defeated at once.

It's easy to lose.

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Bai Zihao looked at Chu Feng in despair.

He asked in a somewhat hoarse voice.

"What you just used wasn't Five Elements Fist, was it?"

Even now, he still feels lucky.

The opponent must be using a super powerful magical power.

It just looks very similar to Fire Fist.

Chu Feng sneered and shook his head.

"If you can't afford to lose, stop practicing martial arts. It will only embarrass your brother."

Bai Zihao murmured at the corner of his mouth.

I wanted to say something, but I swallowed it all.

Maybe the guy in front of me is right.

But I lost, but that doesn’t mean my brother’s punches are not good either!

My eldest brother is invincible!

right! Go find big brother!

Let the elder brother compete with him!

Big brother can definitely defeat him!

Bai Zihao muttered to himself and walked eagerly outside the playground.

When Chu Feng saw this, he hurriedly shouted to stop.

"Damn, I almost forgot about business. Let me ask you something. Do you know Chu Sirou and Sun Keke?"

Bai Zihao no longer felt as proud as before and nodded hurriedly.

"We know each other, we are both classmates of the martial arts seed team."

"Where do they live now?"

"Dorm No. 7. All the girls in the seed team live there."

"Okay, you can go."

When asked about the address, Chu Feng had no intention of talking to Bai Zihao.

Turn around and leave.

Until Chu Feng walked away.

Only then did Bai Zihao react and slapped himself on the head.

"Damn, I forgot to ask his name!"

"Forget it, he should be looking for Chu Sirou and Sun Keke. When the time comes, we should be able to find him by looking for these two people."

Bai Zihao murmured to himself and hurriedly ran to find his elder brother.

He doesn't even care about his own stupid fans.

the other side.

Chu Feng didn't think so much at all.

As soon as I walked out of the playground, I turned around and forgot about this incident.

It's just a matter of teaching a little guy what it means to have a better world.

It's really not a big deal.

Asking for directions on the Kyoto University campus.

Finally found dormitory building No. 7.

Downstairs in the dormitory, Chu Feng was in trouble again.

He forgot his cell phone!

After staying in the abyss for a long time, it is easy to forget these technological products after returning to earth.

How can we call down the two sisters?

Just when Chu Feng was scratching his head.

Suddenly, Chu Sirou and Sun Keke just walked out of the dormitory building.

There was a girl next to her, but Chu Feng didn't recognize her.

The three of them were all a little anxious.

"Sister Sirou, sister Keke."

Chu Feng said hello.

Sun Keke discovered Chu Feng first and said in surprise.

"Hey, Xiaofeng! Why are you here?!"

But before Chu Feng could answer.

Sun Keke grabbed Chu Feng's arm and held him in his arms.

"Quick, go to the first lecture hall and grab a seat. Bai Ziyuan will give a public explanation of his Five Elements Boxing later. If you go late, you won't have a seat!"


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