【Rock monsters】

Level: Monster

Race: Elemental creatures (earth).

Power: 25

Physique: 30

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 5

Skills: Physical Unminus (passive), Rock Condensation, Rolling Attack.

Evaluation: One of the low-level earth element monsters, mediocre, without any outstanding points.

This is not Wang Hao’s first monster card.

Monster cards similar to Goblin Squad, a litter of rabbits, a tiger, etc., he has also drawn…. But the world, although it is said to be data-based.

But in many places, there is not much difference from reality.

Goblin’s combat effectiveness garbage, for clothing, food, housing and transportation, have certain requirements, even if it is not high, but eating and drinking these must at least be solved, and these, Wang Hao can not solve, summoned out, can not afford to raise.

Rabbits eat grass, tigers eat meat, all of them are similar.

The former can also fight the tooth sacrifice.

Although the latter is a good combat power, after all, there is no convenient condition for the Lord of the Labyrinth itself, and he can not eat or drink, and now Wang Hao can’t afford it!

Instead, rock monsters, such elemental creatures.

It is more special, they do not have any requirements for eating and drinking, but for the living environment, there are requirements, fire element life needs magma pools, water elements need lakes, rivers.

Other elements also require corresponding terrain.

There is a lot of dependence on the environment.

The same is true for the earth element.

But Wang Hao’s cave environment did not lack earth elements.

The rock monster is the most suitable guard monster for his early excess, of course, in addition to the requirements of the environment, elemental life also has the defect of slow reproduction and slow growth.

It is not comparable to flesh and blood creatures.

But in the same level, elemental creatures are not weak.

“The physique is the strongest, the strength is second, in addition, the speed and intelligence are weaker than the other…”

As a low-level elemental creature.

The advantages and disadvantages of rock monsters are obvious.

High blood and high attack speed is slow, it is said that this kind of monster, fortunately, the terrain of the cave makes up for the shortcomings of the rock monster, with the rolling attack, in this period.

Rock monsters can also exert not weak combat power.

At the very least, it is completely enough to deal with the adventurers of this period.

“With the garrison monster, I can make it easier…”

The lord of the maze, in a sense, is also a monster lord, the stronger the strength, the larger the chassis, now a person is fine, in the future, even compared to the territory of the continent, a monster can not be protected at all.

Of course, at that point, no master of the maze will be alone.

The larger the territory, the more monsters you can feed.

Wang Hao’s lair is small, 100x100x100 space sounds large, but in fact, it is only slightly larger than a standard football field (90-120 long, 45-90 wide), too small for a maze.

Of course, the two cannot be compared, really in terms of actual size, even the worst nest, is much larger than the football field, because in the early stage, in addition to bird monsters, other types of monsters basically do not need too much activity space, and the height can be greatly weakened.

Move to other aspects.

At the end of the day, 100x100x100 is just a standard size, not an actual size.

For example, Wang Hao’s maze, now actually, the overall space remains unchanged, but the actual value is 200x50x50, of course, here is just an example, for reference only, in fact, the size, length, width and narrowness of the maze are irregular.

Pure data doesn’t tell anything.

Pull away.

Back to business.

Nowadays, there are actually many monster cards in trading houses, and there are all kinds of them.

Wang Hao looked at it carefully.

Among them, there are many types with strong combat effectiveness, such as leopards, tigers, bears and other fierce beasts, but there is no fool who will choose these types of monsters as their subordinates at this time.

The reason is simple.

Can’t afford to raise.

Most of these monsters are flesh-eating monsters, and the consumption on weekdays is even greater, and the premise of raising them is to have sufficient food reserves, but at present, I have not heard of it.

Which master of the maze can afford to raise.

Everyone knows that when it develops, the value of this monster will increase, but it is not guaranteed now, who will think about it later?

It’s not that there are no smart people, but the risks in it are too great and disproportionate to the investment.

No one has that capital circle card.

After all, everyone has this type of card in their hands, or how much, and for a long time in the future, I am afraid that there will be no demand, and no one can afford it, this price.

Currently, the monster card is the most sought-after.

It is the element class.

No way, as long as the environment is suitable, elemental creatures do not have any pressure to keep in captivity at all, although low-level elemental creatures have the disadvantage of being stupid brains.

But just feeding this can cover up all the other flaws.

The current lord of the maze is a poor ghost.

Even Wang Hao is the same.

He is not bad card, not to mention the trading line, his daily natural card draw, is twice as good as others, all types of cards, there is a certain accumulation, among which the consumable trap card does not say.

What can be arranged, he has arranged.

It may not be known when it will be used.

All he has accumulated in his hands are some monster cards and resource cards that he can’t use temporarily.

It is temporarily unavailable for various reasons.

“With monster subordinates, I can think about increasing the maze resources…”

It’s a survival game, it’s a lord game, it’s a development game….

The cards in the hand can produce value if they are not played out in one go, and as the master of the maze, Wang Hao must grasp the balance.

Resource cards in idle hands before do not develop mazes.

Mainly he is alone, and there is no way to deal with adventurers who are attracted by a lot of resources.

Now there are subordinates.

He began to consider whether he could develop it properly.

The more resources, he can raise more monsters, and the more monsters, can help him resist more adventurers, the more adventurers die, the maze can harvest enough experience points, increase the maze level, and provide the core level.

As the master of the labyrinth, he can continue to become stronger.

It’s a cycle.

But if any link goes wrong, the price is his life.

That’s why Wang Hao is so cautious.

But…. You can’t stand still.

The adventurer will not die, as the master of the labyrinth, he can win countless times, but as long as he loses once, he will die!

Pressure level, just slow death.

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