"Because the ingredients are precious, it's a pity that our family produces these wines...Especially the other envoys from the empire took away a lot of stock...Now a bottle of gold coins, my family also There are only a few hundred bottles left..."

With a smile on his face, Lan is like a sincere businessman.

However, how much profit was involved, even she was secretly shocked.

Although the gift from Lord Xuanshen is priceless, the amount of soul-purifying water mixed in these brewed wines is so little that it is almost none... As for the other needs of brewing, they are even more common.

Even taking into account the Xuanzu's perfect brewing technique and the labor required, the cost of these wines is less than one percent of the selling price...

Although the Xuan clan does not have currency, Lan still has a concept of gold coins commonly used by foreign clans.

This kind of gold coin doped with various precious metals in a specific proportion has a high value in itself.

And when used as currency, its purchasing power can even allow a simple family of three to live for one year!

However, there were only a few hundred bottles left, Lan did not lie about this.

It's not that I don't want to make more money...but, this kind of thing that my family doesn't drink at all, Cang Curry didn't prepare much...

As a result, as soon as this 'most inferior' wine came out, it was sold out by many foreigners and was well received.

After being looted by the former imperial envoys, there are only a few hundred bottles left in the warehouse. Lan deliberately lied that they were sold out, and deliberately kept them in order to take into account the face of the Holy Leaf Empire.

Otherwise, if other empires have it, but this last Holy Leaf Empire did not buy it, it may be what the other party thinks.

Although he is not afraid of any existence, but following the teachings of Master Xuanshen, he must be honest and level in his life, and he can't only cheat this family and not the other, it's not good.

It should be neat and tidy, with rain and dew evenly, that's right.

"Okay! We can buy them all! It's just... this gold coin, I didn't prepare so many..."

In such a situation, even diplomatic envoys with a thick skin like a city wall feel a little embarrassed.

He, Shengye, prides himself on being a great country, but when he visited a remote tribe, he didn't even bring enough basic coins, which made people laugh...

"Don't worry, if you don't have coins, you can sign a contract or barter."

In this world, there are gods standing above their heads.

Although, they may not care about those trivial and dirty things.

However, if the contract is signed in their name... then it will naturally have an inviolable binding force!

"Okay, this is the best!"

Coming to the Xuan Clan, the envoy of the Holy Leaf is really an eye-opener!

He really didn't expect that such a remote small tribe would have a deeper foundation than the Holy Leaf Empire that lasted for thousands of years...

The exquisite porcelain here, the finely carved wooden furniture, and the finest silk clothing, each of which deeply attracted his desire to buy.

These things all contain great business opportunities!

If the family can act as an agent for these things and sell them in the Holy Leaf, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money!

And those fine sea salts...those armor and weapons...even those rare minerals.

If he hadn't confirmed that the history of this tribe was less than three or four hundred years from its formation to now, he would never have believed that such a delicate operation came from the hands of these tribe people who had just escaped barbarism!

"And porcelain, these precious wooden furniture..."

"Of course, it can also be sold."

In the Xuan clan, these handicrafts are often inherited in the family.

With the teaching of Master Xuanshen, coupled with the inheritance from generation to generation, studying...

This is how these exquisite handicrafts come into being.

Even smelting and blacksmithing are inherited like this.

In this way, there is no reservation, and at the same time, it will flourish.

Hundreds of years of inheritance from generation to generation, coupled with the extremely serious Xuan clan spirit, have created such a grand event.

"Okay... Apart from these, I actually have an unfeeling request... It's a personal task."

Putting away his businesslike expression, the messenger spread his hands and asked Lan:

"My younger brother Kyle, he should be in your tribe. This kid went out and messed around without telling his father... It's time to go home now."

"So, I also ask the leader of Lan to bring my two brothers to meet, so that I, the big brother, can call that guy back."


I didn't expect that the handsome man in front of me would be that elder brother, so Xia Lan was a little surprised.

"...Since it's a matter between brothers, it's easy to talk about it."

As Kyle, who is at the tail end of the family in his later years, he must be a little homesick...

"Please follow me."

After gesturing to Case, Lan got up from his seat and directly guided the elder brother to the direction of the temple...


"Come on! Kyle! You will succeed!"

"Come on! The big brother who has been unable to open the Ten Thousand Laws Dictionary!"

"come on!!!"

Encouraged by a group of children, the man who wanted to cry without tears came to the center of the temple, and stretched out his hand to the thick and delicate code...

After joining the Xuan clan, Kyle has been working hard every moment...

He wants to break through himself... break through the shackles of the family, and reach a level that no one before has reached!

But... He still can't open the Canon of Ten Thousand Laws, which even the children of the clan can flip through at will...

This code, not even a single page, has never been turned because of him...

After being stuck for so long, today, Kyle is confident that he will be able to do it!

Having stayed in the Xuan Clan for several years, the once childish young man has now reached the time to start a family and start a career.

If it's all this time, if you still can't break through yourself...

"Huh? Why is my brother here?"

After being led into the temple, Case, who knew how high the Xuanshen was to the Xuan clan, couldn't help being taken aback.

"Because Kyle has already believed in Lord Xuanshen, just like the Xuanzu, so...he is already a compatriot to us."


The Holy Leaf Empire, but the whole people believe in the goddess of the four seasons, this...

Although the teachings of the Goddess of the Four Seasons did not exclude other beliefs, but...

Such an existence in the family still surprised Case, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

'broken! '

Brother, oh brother... You have caused trouble!

Thinking of the stern face of the old father at home, Case couldn't help but sweat coldly for his silly brother.

As a younger generation, he was able to accept what his younger brother did.

However, those seniors with corrupt ideas in the family, they can't see this kind of thing!

In case Kyle's beliefs are exposed and his family finds out, house arrest will be light!

No, you have to reverse his beliefs!

Hurriedly entering the hall, looking at Kyle who was holding the code of law, Case couldn't help feeling angry.


This stupid idiot!

If this matter cannot be concealed, how can he protect this stupid brother from being hurt!

Don't stop soon! ! !


Hearing the familiar call behind him, Kyle's body trembled while holding the tome.

Nervousness and urgency made him tense, and at this moment, the incomparably mysterious code...finally turned slightly...reluctantly...

Turned over the first page.


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