Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 246 Another Fragment?

[Lone Wolf: Mr. Golden Shovel, the Halberd of Desolation in your hand is very important to us, and we can exchange it for a very high price! 】

"Tsk, here we come again..."

Frowning patiently after reading the speech, Xuan Sheng looked at the list of items sent by the other party:

A series of clue props, useful and useless mixed together....

"that's it?"

Just when Xuan Sheng wanted to speak contemptuously, a piece of debris made his pupils shrink!

【Mysterious Weapon Fragment】

Hiss... Why did this thing that moved his godhead fall into the hands of other people? !

No, I have to take it back!

Across the screen, Xuan Sheng was not worried that the other party would find out his eagerness, but calmed down and calculated how to get this fragment.

[Golden Shovel: Do you want to replace these rubbish things with growth weapons? 】

For this battle group that all members don't trust him, Xuan Sheng doesn't have the slightest sympathy degree, and he speaks unceremoniously, to the point.

[Lone Wolf: Boss Golden Shovel, you can't say that, many of the clues and items are linked to precious hidden missions, which are very valuable! 】

Oh, fart!

It's not bad to use this kind of words to deceive Mengxin. Xuan Sheng, who has the eyes of God, can tell at a glance that the tasks related to these clue items are simple errands, and there is no benefit at all!

The only thing of value was this fragment that interested him.

[Jin Shovel: Hmph, I'm not a fool. If you insist on the Halberd of Desolation, it's not impossible... But, take out your best things, I only give you one chance, go prepare! See you tomorrow afternoon! 】

After hanging up the private message, Xuan Sheng stopped talking to the lone wolf on the other end of the private message, and began to take out weapons on his own...

As long as he knows where the fragments are now, there's no rush...

Greedy Wolf is different from old man Ling Feng... Ling Feng is a Lv.90 legendary character, Xuan Sheng doesn't have that ability to move.

But this Greedy Wolf battle group... doesn't have the strength and confidence to make Xuan Sheng afraid.

Knowing that the fragments are in their hands, if they can't talk, just do it directly!

But this might expose the preciousness of the fragments, making it more difficult to find them later.

Therefore, it's better to make a fool of yourself and let the other party relax their vigilance.

Now, let's upgrade first.

Picking up the armor-piercing gun, Xuan Sheng moved forward suddenly, several spear flowers flashed, and the four damages had already taken away the life of a spirit wood swordsman!

These beings who were ten levels higher than him couldn't even take four damages!

The spirit wood monsters around all received the signal of the intruder's attack, and they swarmed up for a while, but they couldn't keep up with the flickering figure, so they could only be swept away mercilessly by Xuan Sheng! Not one left!

The experience bar is rising rapidly... Xuan Sheng also gradually forgot about other trivial matters, and concentrated on improving her level...


The world of dependents.

Outside the City of Qi, Kyle's farmhouse.

"It actually succeeded! It succeeded!!! There is no problem at all!!!"

The ecstatic Haili hugged Kyle who didn't know where to put her hands, and her legs couldn't stop bouncing!

Because, today... the first batch of colorful feather chickens caught from the wild, all the chicks hatched have grown into adults! ! !

These demonic birds, which could not be raised in other places, were able to reproduce normally in the territory of the Xuan Clan! ! !

This is simply shocking good news!

"How on earth did you do it!"

Haili, with bright eyes, stared at Kyle's face, her tone full of excitement.

"It's nothing... just use the soul-cleaning water to water the crops... and use the crops to feed these guys..."

The fragrance from the beautiful woman in his arms kept pouring in, making Kyle blush and not knowing what to do.

It has been about three or four months since the last time the colorful chickens were caught...During this time, Haili has been living in the farmhouse and taking care of these colorful chickens with Kyle.

However, because there are still tasks to go up the mountain, the two don't have much time to take care of them. More often, Kyle asks his neighbors to take care of them.

The result is... During the period of time that the neighbors took care of them, each of these colorful chickens lived very well, and none of them died due to emaciation or lack of nutrients.

On the contrary...the feathers of these devil birds are bright, their eyes are piercing, and they are completely better than they used to survive in the mountains and forests!

"The soul-purifying water? Is it the kind unique to the Xuan clan?"

As an outsider, Hai Li was either busy going to the mountains with the team during this time, busy with various things.

Or, living in a farmhouse, trying to get closer to Kyle... So, I haven't experienced the characteristics of Xuanzu.

As for the relationship with Kyle in the past four months, it can't be said that there is no gain, it can only be said that there is no progress at all.

No matter how Haili tried, Kyle was like a piece of wood, without any response, which often made the young lady sulky and ignored him for a long time.

But every time, the next day, the hot emotion in her heart made Haili completely forget the past unpleasantness, and continued to attack the wood. doesn't work at all...

"Yes, these colorful chickens seem to be doing better than in their previous residence."

Carefully extending a wooden pole, Kyle probed the birds in the railing.


Flapping its wings, the violent colored feather chicken immediately pecked off the wooden pole!


A terrible low growl came from the mouth of the black tiger on the side, which made the lawless chickens in the railing tremble.

These birds, whose feathers were bloated just now, have all shrunk now, lowering their heads carefully, lest they offend the devil tiger...

"Ah~ It's better to be black!"

Hugging this Brain Axe who temporarily lives in the farmhouse and is responsible for suppressing the colorful feather chicken, Hai Li, who is now familiar with the black tiger, is completely able to accept such a cute big cat...

Touching the hair on the big black neck, Haili buried her face behind the big cat.

Squinting his eyes, the corners of Hei Hu's mouth turned into a smiling big cat, which was obviously very useful.

The girl who gradually turned into a Xuan family has begun to love this land and the people on this land more and more.

She, who used to not understand Kyle's feelings, now fully understands why Kyle is extremely partial to the people here and will never allow others to comment.

"Okay, today we have to go up the mountain to explore the last area, let's go when we are ready."

Watching Haili and the black tiger fight with a smile, Kyle couldn't help feeling the popularity of this huge black tiger again.

Whether it's the Xuan clan or the foreign clan, even Lord Xuanshen, they all like this guy.


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