Looking at little Lilith who was crying with her head in the corner, the expression on Yetis's face was so cold that it could freeze...


The trembling Mo Rui was overwhelmed by the burning black flames, and almost subconsciously obeyed the order of the other party, and stepped out of the basement dullly...


"We should have a good chat..."

After locking the door, Yetis raised Lilith's head, with anger like looking at a pest in his eyes...


"Everything looks fine so far..."

Slightly closing his eyes, Xuan Sheng counted everything the family members needed to start the war...

In recent years, due to the existence of 'tools', the manufacturing industry in the family is almost overloaded.

All the materials needed for the war have long been prepared by those fanatical manufacturers.

Even, Nan seems to have come up with an interesting external armor...

Food, daily liquidation.

The population and strength should also be absolutely sufficient.

That Ater could only come up with an eighth rank of less than a hundred even in the blitzkrieg, presumably what he had in his hand was actually not very good.

And Xuan Sheng's only worry is the guy's own strength...

Caifeng's ability is around the tenth level, not much higher, and her control over power is still not enough after all.

The same is true for Ti...Kong has extraordinary strength, but because he is different from a fighter who trains frequently, he may not even be able to display 70% of it in battle.

If it can be stabilized for a longer period of time, it should be no problem for these two children to completely control their strength and defeat the self-proclaimed 'God of War' Attel.

but now...

"It's not good! Yetis is going to do something to little Lilith!"

Mo Rui slammed open the door in a panic, and looked at the young man on the seat in a panic.

In Succubus' cognition, only the Lord Demon God can control the girl from the upper realm named Yetis.

The girl who used to be no better than ordinary people is now so scary that she can't even think of confrontation...

Now that she is attacking little Lilith suddenly, Mo Rui can't even muster up the courage to stop her!


The family members are still preparing for the war, but Xuan Sheng is free at the moment.


"Yetis did anything to little Lilith?"

In Xuan Sheng's memory, the relationship between these two is quite good...

In a sense, it can be regarded as sympathy for each other.

"I gonna go see..."


"Hmph, demon?"

"Cough cough cough..."

What kind of monster is this? !

The pink light flickered in Lilith's eyes... This girl, who was lifted by Yetis' neck with one hand, is now kicking her feet feebly...

"Let... let go of me..."

She, Lilith, finally found a chance to completely suppress that little girl's thoughts... but just after she came out, she met such a terrifying guy!


The blush on her face was gradually taken up by the paleness of lack of oxygen... No matter how many times Lilith urges the purple mental shock, it will be difficult to shake the woman in front of her!


Blood overflowed from the corners of the nose and mouth at the same time... Lilith's eyes finally revealed the fear of death!

This woman from the upper realm who came out of nowhere...

The strength is not under the demigod? !

"no, do not want."

The immature voice sounded from the girl's mouth, causing Yetis's expression to slow down, and then angrily shook off the thing in his hand.

"Cough cough cough...hehe, I didn't expect the majestic Lilith Demon Lord to be saved by one of my clones..."

Finally got a respite, but on Lilith's face that could charm all living beings, there was infinite self-mockery.

"You should thank that child for giving you the chance to live."

Taking a step forward, Yetis stretched out his hand and forcefully pressed Lilith's head against the wall.

"Listen well...she asked me to let you go...but if you kill that child, then you don't need to live in this world..."


For the first time showing such a ferocious expression, the anger in Yetis' heart was almost stronger than the moment when his father hurt him!

In Yetis' heart.

That timid, cautious girl.

Children who prepare food and water for themselves when they are exhausted.

It's exactly the same as my former self...

To her, little Lilith is just like a sister of the same mother... And this demon that came out of nowhere to occupy her sister's body... is like a parasite, damn it! !

Although Yetis also knew that she and little Lilith were inextricably linked, but when she saw this guy stabbing the little guy's soul without any scruples, she still couldn't contain the killing intent in her heart!

"If she hadn't stopped me, you would have died long ago..."

After all, he let go of his hand. Looking at Lilith, who was breathing heavily and returning from the brink of death, Yetis wiped his hands.

"Cough, damn..."

The spirit was backlashed, and Lilith's dominant consciousness fell into decline again, being suppressed by little Lilith's consciousness...

"Sister Yettis..."

The innocent eyes widened, tears rolled down from the little guy's eyes...

"It's all right now..."

Embracing this girl whose seductive temperament was gone, Yetis knew very well that what she was protecting now was that innocent girl.

"Why don't you let me kill her?"

If the little guy nodded, Yetis could easily kill that guy's soul with Black Flame.

"She's my sister..."


Are you willing to accept even if you are injured?

It doesn't matter if he pays for that guy so stupidly, even if he is completely wiped out by that guy one day?

"Little fool..."

Holding the little guy's arms more and more, Yetis leaned against her cheek and said softly:

"If it still hurts in the future, remember to tell your sister, or tell Li Big Brother, understand?"

Holding this girl who is trembling slightly now.

Yetis suddenly remembered his mother...

Once upon a time, didn't she comfort herself like this?

It's just... that mother who can't even take care of herself... can no longer comfort herself like this...


He nodded obediently, lying in Yetis' arms, the little guy's mood was very relaxed...

Outside the door, Xuan Sheng and Mo Rui stood dumbfounded, staring wide-eyed.

"That's what you said... two kids fighting?"

"This...wasn't like this before..."

After discovering the two girls hugging each other, Xuan Sheng silently turned his head and looked at Mo Rui who was completely shocked.

"Before they...they..."

"It's okay, this is their freedom... Let's stop watching..."

Two 28-year-old girls who seem to be in their youth hug each other intimately... It's inappropriate for him to be watching here...

Although little Lilith is indeed a bit like a child at ordinary times...

But in fact, she doesn't look much smaller than Yetis!

These two kids hug each other...


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