Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 418 Yumi's Visit

"Hey... I can finally catch my breath..."

After being taught a lesson by many legends in turn, it was almost after being bullied by those unreasonable guys in turn...Those satisfied guys let themselves go, and the meaning of the previous education was completely lost.

Moreover, if they hadn't played in person and used their respective strengths in an unusual way without restricting them, Xuan Sheng wouldn't have been beaten one by one...

What are these old legends doing... that is, Venerable Qinghe can still watch the show with a smile...

Forget it, wait for the big competition to be completed, then go to other main cities for a stroll.

Whether it's the demon king's seal scroll, or the weapon fragments that haven't been heard for so's worth Xuan Sheng's time to visit several other main cities.

Sitting outside the meeting room, Xuan Sheng put her face on her face, temporarily forgetting the previous unhappiness, while the girl next to her pursed her lips slightly, as if she was still thinking about some fighting skills taught by her uncle.


With a bit of attention, Xuan Sheng scratched his head as he looked at the mighty troops outside Qi Zhi City who had begun construction.

I always feel that the action is a bit big... Although he did help to persuade the servants from other countries, so that they can work hard with peace of mind, but...

Such a big movement by the Xuan clan should not cause any undue attention...

"Xuan Sheng, shall we go back?"

Seeing that many players in the hall left as if realizing something, and realizing that it was getting late, Yi Qing also asked Xuan Sheng who was distracted.

"Ah... let's go."

There shouldn't be any thorns in the slave team, and Case is very reliable in his work. The help of these new students should be able to provide a lot of help for the future of the Xuanzu.

As long as the help is not too great and won't attract the attention of the land of gods, Xuan Sheng thinks it's better to let them do it themselves.

Well, no problem, though.

"Is Yi Qing in such a hurry to go back today?"

It stands to reason that there will be a competition tomorrow, so it is best to spend more time on improving your strength today...

"Well! Because my uncle said, I'm going to see my master."

Yi Qing rubbed his lover's chest, and leaned on Xuan Sheng with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Huh? Go to Blood Qiangwei? Both the uncle and the ancestor?"


Hiss... Youmi's injury... better not be done by Lilith.

Feeling that many problems might arise during this visit, Xuan Sheng scratched his head.

But...Anyway, Ha Yin will know the past sooner or later, and it would be a good thing for Ha Yin to let Yumi go to make Ha Yin feel at ease.

I just have to watch Lilith a little bit...


"Blood Rose, is this here?"

Pushed by You Li in the wheelchair, the emaciated old man had a kind smile on his face, which made Xuan Sheng next to him not want to look directly at him.

After knowing that this legend's appearance is just a disguise, the God's Eye can easily see through all of this, and see You Mina's and Yi Qing's relatively similar faces.

However, it happened that the legend came to Blood Rose... It doesn't matter if he doesn't care...

"Yes, please come in."

Sighing secretly in her heart, Xuan Sheng opened the door and looked at the surprised Sui Qin inside Blood Qiangwei...

This very casual 'elf' lady in Blood Rose is now wearing a thin nightgown, the flimsy fabric is even slightly transparent, revealing Suicel's creamy white skin.

"Ahem, Venerable Youmi, you are here..."

Knowing that her image was wrong, Suiqin covered her chest and greeted the legend with an apologetic smile.

"'s okay, I came here uninvited..."

Glancing at Mo Rui who was also flushed in the distance, You Mi shook her head, secretly sighing that the teachers of the academy are so casual.

But... wait! With the character of an elf, it shouldn't be like this.

Could it be Teacher Suiqin, she...

You Mi's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he scanned Sui Qin and Mo Rui again.

Could it be that...

Tsk tsk tsk...Young people these days can completely disregard gender...

"I'll make tea first..."

She was taken aback by You Mi's glance, but she adjusted her mentality instantly, and Mo Rui's expression didn't reveal anything.

"No, I'm just here to see that kid Ha Yin...Let's go, Lily."


After receiving Ha Yin's location guidance from Mo Rui, and nodding towards Suiqin and Mo Rui, You Li pushed the old wheelchair and began to move towards her senior sister.

"Where's little Lilith?"

Xuan Sheng was shocked when he didn't find the jumping girl.

"Li...the child should be in the small courtyard behind the tavern..."

In front of Yi Qing, it's not good for Mo Rui to speak directly to Lord Demon God about Lilith Demon Lord.

"I gonna go see."

It's okay to say anything else.

If that guy met Yumi, there would be a big problem!


His eyes were like torches, the brilliance in Xuan Sheng's eyes flickered in the shadows, and he saw everything in Blood Qiangwei almost instantly.

"Huh? This person is..."

Lilith in the small courtyard noticed the two who had entered Blood Qiangwei, and the doubt in her eyes flashed away.

The other party has a breath of his own...

This woman in a wheelchair...


Just as she was about to explore further, Lilith covered her mouth with a big hand behind her and pulled her back into the grass...

"Let go, woo woo..."

Her body was touched by others at will, and the shadow in her heart directly caused Lilith's spirit to go berserk!

Who the hell can make her defenseless...

"Still struggling? Be careful...don't do anything to those legends."

The first time he saw this guy who didn't think it was a big deal to watch a movie, Xuan Sheng understood what this vile devil was doing before...

What I didn't even know... was this guy telling Ha Yin directly?

Ha Yin is not in the right condition now?

Tsk... I can't help but I don't see help, and I'm messing around in the back while I'm not around...

This mental tyrant was always adding to the chaos, which made Xuan Sheng, who was furious for a while, tighten his arms even more, restraining Lilith tightly.

"...don't... push too hard..."

Xuan Sheng covered her face with one hand, and surrounded her sensitive waist with one hand. Lilith, who had never been touched like this before, blushed and was about to strike in anger!

Even a demon god can't...


The counterattack from her mind made Lilith tremble suddenly, her charming body was as limp as water...

Damn it! That damn girl...

Her heart was filled with that guy's wondrous feelings, Lilith shyly even felt inexplicable intimacy and further desire...

Damn damn damn damn! That girl I created, who is...

just crazy...

Body tensed, Lilith gritted her teeth, trying to forcefully suppress the guy's resistance.

But... that emotion is pervasive like water, piercing her state of mind and emotions to the point of being riddled with holes...

The beating of her heart became more and more violent, and Lilith gave up her resistance completely.


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