Survival Game For All: I'm Playing A God

Chapter 517: Followers Of The Evil God

Blue sky, white clouds.

Under the clear sky, everything on this land looks so clean and ethereal.

It seems to have come to a paradise... All the filth in the world no longer exists in this land of gods.

Only clean and pure colors make up such a beautiful city.

Elegant gray renders the whole street, regular and exquisite buildings are arranged along the street, emerald green shrubs dot this quiet and empty city, and dreamy flowers are blooming in clusters, like brocade clusters Gem-like embellishment of cool-toned street spots.

"Nice place..."

Stepping off the ship and coming to the port, looking at this dreamlike city, Qian Qian straightened his messy hair, feeling the shock and throbbing in his heart.

Even if he has been to the homeland of the elves... he has never experienced such beauty.

As expected of the area governed by the god of beauty... In the residential area of ​​the believers of that god, there is almost nothing that can disturb or disgust people.

Everything is so pleasing to the eye and exquisite... It even gave Qian, a foreigner who just ran away, a lot of comfort from leaving his hometown.

"This is the sacred place in the minds of the believers of the goddess of beauty... and also the temple where the goddess lives."

Looking at the tallest temple spire in the distance, Weiner bowed his head excitedly.

Originally, she was just a priest in a remote area... Otherwise, she would not have gone to find the continent that is not in the land of the gods.

It is rare to have the opportunity to come to such a core area...but now because of the Xuan Clan, even the Goddess of Beauty is waiting for her to return!

What an honor!

"Mr. Qian, please come this way, you can live in the Temple of the God of Beauty during this period of time."

Obviously even I can only live in a hotel in the city...but God of Beauty gave such a foreigner such honor...

Putting aside the little jealousy in his heart, Weiner walked ahead, guiding the direction of the temple for Qian.

During this voyage, she failed to bring anything back to the temple.

There are no exotic and interesting merchandise, and no proper believers.

But... she brought the information of the Supreme God!

Just this is already considered a great credit!

Although now she is just a priest who is not inferior.

But once the situation of Xuan Clan is true, the overjoyed Goddess of Beauty will definitely give her a grand reward!

At that time...she will have the opportunity to become an gain a higher status in the church!

"I live in the temple? Is that okay?"

Qian Po was a little flattered that he could be so valued.

If it is in the Xuan clan... no matter how noble the outsider is, it is impossible to live inside the temple...

Unless one is already determined to join the Xuan clan, it is impossible to rest in the temple of Xuanshen.

But, on the side of Beauty God...

"If it's an ordinary guest, then of course not."

But... you are the messenger of one of the supreme gods! ! !

With such an identity, even the God of Beauty would respectfully salute her existence!

After all, the majesty of the Supreme Lord...but no god can ignore it.

Weiner, who was emotional in his heart, smiled all over his face:

"Your status is special... you deserve to be treated like this, please don't blame us for neglecting..."

"No, no, it's time to work."

After chatting for a while, I came to the gate of the Goddess of Beauty Temple, watched Weiner pass the inspection smoothly, and got the shocking attention of the gatekeepers after reporting his identity... I humbly smiled and nodded back, somewhat uncomfortable...

In the past, when he went to other places... he always concealed his identity. He visited as a marcher, so naturally he never received this kind of treatment.

But now...he always feels overly respected, and is worried about whether he can still get normal information...

I won't be stared at all the time, and then I won't even have time to move freely.

Entering the resplendent temple with Weiner, I found that the priests here looked at me with respectful eyes, and the bad premonition in Qian's heart became stronger...

Under such circumstances... It may be difficult for me to obtain real intelligence and security information.

"What? God of beauty...Of course, please make your own decision, Lord Beauty God."

After chatting with the superior priest, Weiner's expression changed.

"I'm very sorry...Mr. Qian, the God of Beauty has been entangled by other gods for some reason, and is currently unable to meet with you."

The banquet that should have ended was suddenly delayed a lot, which made Weiner quite puzzled.

"However, the Goddess of Beauty is already on her way back to the temple, and she will probably arrive tonight, you..."

The meeting was later than expected, and Qian was overjoyed.

"Huh? No! This is better!"

Qian Qian here has no cognition at present, let alone time to explore. In this situation, when he meets the gods, he worries that all the information he gets is just the other party's deliberate efforts.

If he could go to see the city alone before, Qian felt that it would be beneficial to his mission.

You can't mess around with the teleportation array... It must be confirmed that it is absolutely safe before it can be placed.

"Then before we meet, let me take a stroll around the city."

This beautiful city has a special charm for Qian who has not been out for too long. Qian is extremely curious about the customs and customs of this land of gods.

"Then I'll show you the way..."

"No, no, I'm best alone."

If there are always people from the temple around me... then I must have no chance to see the real appearance of this city.


Qian came to this kind of place... In addition to confirming whether the teleportation array is suitable or not, there is something worth getting here.

If the establishment of the teleportation array turns out that there is nothing that the Xuan clan needs in the land of the gods... wouldn't that increase the threat for no reason?

"I'll go to the market alone... If God of Beauty is free, just ask the staff of the temple to come to me directly."

"Of course, you pay attention to safety...Although this is a holy place for the god of beauty, but..."

Frowning, Weiner, who let go in an instant, stepped forward and handed Qian a note.

As a priest of Beauty...she shouldn't have doubted the safety of this city.

But... the identity of the person in front of him is very important, now is not the time to be concerned about such a face.

However, Qian's strength should not be underestimated, and there shouldn't be any problems. As a VIP, if he doesn't need guards himself, if he forcefully increases the number will appear to have ulterior motives.

"OK, all right..."

Putting the note away, Qian left the temple alone...

Open the small note, there are only a few words on it:

‘Be careful of evil gods and their followers. '


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