The nights in Decheng are full of chaos. In the corners of the hidden streets, you can always hear faint roars and noises...

The existence of the heads-up mechanism makes the entire Rips always fall into chaotic conflicts.

And for the chaos in the city.

As long as it is a conflict between outsiders, the guards will rarely interfere.

But on this silent night.

Those who are ready to do it are far more than the 'players' from other places...

"No tracers, all safe."

The cold-faced maid has already detoured several times on the street... After confirming that she walked out of that big family, no one with any malicious intentions followed her.

"Everything is safe... then you should rush back as soon as possible."

Obscure black light flickered in the eyes of the fallen angel, she murmured softly, and changed direction on the road of Decheng.

The mansion is guarded by little demons, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

Although that little devil has always been cautious because of his race, but Wenwen's strength, as long as anyone who knows the demons will understand its strength.

Even if the dignitaries of the Huaer family attack the mansion, it should not be able to break Wenwen's protection for a while.

It is precisely because of this that she will pay more attention to herself instead of...


A familiar atmosphere erupted not far away, the head maid raised her brows, and turned to look at the unpretentious house.

This breath is...


"Willis?! You want to attack me!"

Frightened and angry, Otoncia jumped up from the bed in a thin nightgown, and looked at the gloomy man with clenched fists.

She was just resting normally after completing her official duties...Under all the normal schedules, the captain of the guard of Decheng attacked her like crazy at night!

If she hadn't been on guard at night in Decheng, she might have had a few bloody wounds on her body before she could get up!

"Bitch, are you ready to die?"

He took out a bottle of emerald green potion, and the faintly flickering liquid in the dark was smeared on the sword like viscous honey, making Willis, who was already extremely gloomy, even darker.

This woman turned his back on him! To flirt and flirt with that new businessman!

When I rejected myself before, I used the so-called "priority to take care of Decheng's work" and "I don't have time" as an excuse, but after that man arrived, even if I betrayed Decheng's interests, I still fawned on that guy!

All the dirty stuff between this guy and that businessman...he knows it all now!

"You are no longer the pure and flawless you you once were..."

Willis muttered viciously, and approached the unarmed Otoncia step by step.

No one knows better than him the power of the city lord he once guarded day and night... To destroy this woman who is gradually slipping away from his control, it couldn't be easier for him.

"How did you have always been a member of the Huaer family?!"

Recognizing the unforgettable hatred and loathing in the other party's eyes, Otoncia felt a little guilty, and at the same time her eyes widened...

No wonder... How could the Huaer family, who had been trying to evade themselves all the time, not do something to the people around them!

She thought it was Willis' wishful thinking about her that made him reject the invitation from the Huaer family, but the result was obviously quite different from what she had expected!

This guy has already turned to the family! The assassination itself may have been planned by the Wall family alone!

Feeling that you are gradually out of their control, you start to panic and prepare to do it?

" you think you can beat me?"

Although going against her original intention to some extent made Otoncia's tone no longer as firm as before, this little wavering still couldn't interfere with her fighting.

As a member of Decheng... fighting and the desire for power have long been integrated into her soul!

"Why did you become what you are today? Was there anything wrong with you in the past? Or is everything just your lie?"

Holding a sharp blade capable of killing the opponent, Willis asked the last question in his heart.

Before that damn businessman arrived, Otoncia had always been the dutiful lord of the German city, an absolutely loyal and pure lady.

But after that guy came...

"I just know that I can't win those dirty and low-level guys by being upright... so I can only do things in my own way!"

Against insidious enemies, only more insidious than them.

Willis' betrayal made Otoncia see even more that in the eyes of those families, she was just a naive and dreamy little girl!

No matter how sincere she is, she can't win the trust of those around her.

Her tolerance and following the rules will only make those guys more unscrupulous!


Only one's own strength is the prerequisite for gaining respect...

Putting on a coat casually to completely cover up her hazy body, as a member of Decheng, Otoncia is also full of fighting spirit!

"I might not have been your opponent before, but it's different now."

After drinking the ancient dragon's blood many times, Otoncia is no longer the self-impeded self she used to be!


Willis laughed hysterically, shaking the knight sword in his hand.

Being sent by the Huaer family, it is naturally impossible for him not to know Otoncia's strength.

The bloody whore really gained a lot of power with that merchant by selling everything she had. But he, Willis, is definitely not a kind person!

The big sword in his hand and the venom flowing on it... are his greatest reliance!

"I will bring your head back to the Wall family as a letter of recommendation for me to fully join..."


This stupid fool actually trusted those families to keep their promises...



The complete wall collapsed! Otoncia, who was drenched in blood, began to flee in embarrassment like lightning!

The green venom clung to her wound... The dripping blood never stopped flowing!

Her body was bruised and bruised, and the power in her body was constantly decreasing. In front of the green venom, she couldn't exert 100% or 70% of her power!

Escape, only escape!

Gritting her teeth, Otoncia looked in the only direction she could ask for help...

"It seems that you are facing great difficulties, Ms. Santo."

Putting his hands in front of his lower abdomen, he respectfully stood up to the standing maid, watching everything that happened in front of him with cold eyes.

As for that woman, she, like the mistress... dislikes very much.

As a human being, he also tried to lure His Majesty to become her servant, to remove all obstacles on her way forward for her.

But... After all, this guy is an ally of His Majesty, and watching her die is a dereliction of duty for a loyal fallen angel.

"You are..."

The sluggish Otoncia looked at the head maid under the cold moonlight, and the pressure on her body suddenly eased...


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