Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Would you like some gas tanks?

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"Doesn't even bats give face so much?"

Lin You took a step forward and continued to chase and slash with the knife.

And the bat seemed to be against him deliberately, one dodge after another, and the body was so elegant that it was annoying.

The blade can hit the bat's body every time, but every time this guy avoids injury in a strange way.

After cutting more than a dozen knives, Lin You's heart gradually became angry, "Tsk! I can't cure you with a little bat?"

"Twisted hand! Tie it to me!"

Several tentacles came out, suddenly appeared beside the bat, quickly wrapped around it, and bound it firmly.


The knife finally hit, and the poor bat was cut in two, and his life died...

"Huh... this time I feel comfortable!"

The frustration in Lin You's heart finally vented, and he suddenly felt refreshed.

Phantom energy meter broadcast: [Kill the cave bat and get 1 kas of Phantom Energy. 】

"1 Cass? Are you begging?"

Lin You secretly despised it.

This extremely agile bat wasted several minutes for him, and his strength is not even ranked as a star, which is a bit too much.

"Could it be that this alien land is another advanced difficulty? Don't let it go, I didn't treat me like that..."

He doesn't want to be too difficult in another world.

Because the number of survivors is directly related to his customer volume and income, the more people survive, the stronger human strength will accumulate, and the demand for medicine and equipment upgrades will also increase.

High-level difficulty will be destroyed at every turn, so how can humans accumulate?

"Be simpler~ The difficulty of the foreign land is simpler~ Please omit the meaningless group annihilation..."

Lin You gently hummed an out-of-tune song, turned on the headlights of the Nether Energy Instrument, and moved on...

In the dark cave, people's sense of time will always become chaotic. Fortunately, there is a universal tool like Nether Energy Instrument, which prevents black and white from being reversed.

Lin You soon met the second strange guy.

"Huh? Why is there an old woman in the cave underground?"

Anything can happen in a foreign land, and it's not uncommon for someone who shouldn't be here to appear.

Even if the old woman turned into a monster and opened her mouth at Lin You in the next second, he would not feel abrupt.

Fortunately, this scene did not happen.

The old woman crouched on her back, was short, and wore a big purple cloak, with a small basket in her hand, and walked forward awkwardly.

She turned her back to Lin You, Lin You could not see her face, but it was obvious that she was not a human being, and it was impossible for a human to live in such a dark place.

She blocked Lin You's way, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he turned on the prompt system.

[The magical spirits in the cave can often be transformed into a look that fits your perception. They have no attack power and no harm. This is just for self-protection.

But if you attack it, it will explode in place.

Of course, this injury will not be fatal, at most it will blow off your arm or half of your leg. 】


"Oh~ they belong to gas tanks. It's fine if they are not dangerous. Are they the mascots here?"

Lin You walked straight over, planning to bypass it and move on.

As he passed by, Lin You glanced curiously at the basket in the old woman's hand, wondering what would be inside.

But when he saw the truth, he suddenly became calm.

Inside was a pale, severed hand. Blood was dripping from the gaps in the basket. There were blood stains in the gaps of the black nails, which looked terrifying.

"Is this what it turned out?"

Lin You looked back at the ground where the old woman had walked, and sure enough, there was a thin blood stain on the road it passed.

The smell of blood can still be smelled in the nose, this is definitely not an illusion...


Lin You resisted the urge to hack it to death.

No matter who owns this hand, there is no need to shoot this guy right now, just ignore it and move on.

He stepped up and walked forward quickly.

Looking back after a while, the old woman was still there, moving slowly, turning a blind eye to Lin You's passing.

Lin You thought about it for a moment, and pulled out the rechargeable gun and gave it a shot-leaving this kind of thing behind him, a little uneasy.

The bullet hit the old woman, "Bang!"

There was a dull explosion.

The sound was not loud, it was absorbed by the uneven cave wall, and it didn't spread far.

But something unexpected happened again.

After the explosion, the old woman completely disappeared, and a young girl appeared in the same place.

She looked around in a daze, and when she noticed Lin You, she walked quickly as if she had seen an acquaintance.

"Bang!" There was another shot.

The young girl disappeared, followed by a pupil carrying a schoolbag, a social animal with glasses, a white-collar lady in black silk...

The images of each character continued to change, and eventually exploded in Lin You's gunshots.

The illusion is endless and endless.

In the end he came to a conclusion that this thing cannot be killed.

"The system said,'If you attack it, it will explode on the spot.' But it didn't say that it will disappear after the explosion. Hehe, he actually played a word game with me..."

Lin You put away the gun, decided not to entangle with this thing, and walked forward quickly.

"This thing is usually not dangerous, but it can explode indefinitely if it is hurt. Then if you throw it in front of the BOSS and keep shooting with the gun, wouldn't it become an infinite explosive barrel?"

This idea may be feasible and worth trying.

In this test, Lin You felt that these bullets were not spent wrongly.

Get rid of the entanglement of the magical He looked down and checked his status, "Hey, there are 250 kas of phantom energy left. This number is really unlucky."

"So, which of the two roads in front of me should I choose?"

He came to a fork in the road.

The dark cave did not seem to be any different, Lin You looked left and right with the headlight, "There is no difference."

He looked down at the soil of the two passages, carefully distinguished, and finally distinguished the subtle differences.

The ground of the passage on the left was moist and covered with slime, indicating that this was the place where the giant worm passed.

The passage on the right is relatively dry, and the humidity is not very heavy. The worm did not choose this path.

"Worms don't take this path, which means that there is no food it likes, and it may even be dangerous... But it may also be blindly selected with its eyes closed."

Lin You was in a dilemma, "So, which way should I go?"

Just as he was having difficulty making a decision, a small but sharp cry for help came from the passage on the right, "Come on, help!"

"Okay, I decided to go to the left!"

Lin You made a decision very quickly.

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