Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Heat up

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The temperature on the way forward is getting higher and higher, and the originally damp ground becomes very dry and hard.

Walls, ground, rocks, soil, all places are trying their best to release heat, if you add a little humidity, it can be used as a sauna.

The entire passage is like an oven, and there are no traces of monster activity around.

The sulphur smell in the air gradually became stronger, constantly irritating the nasal mucosa, making Lin You's nose almost ineffective. Even if he didn't deliberately strengthen it, the irritation was enough for him.

It seems that the sense of smell is too sensitive, and sometimes it is not a good thing...

The temperature adjustment function of the You Neng suit also didn't have much effect. Lin You was already sweating under the clothes.

It should be very close to the crater!

too hot!

Ashley, who was sitting on Lin You's shoulders, completely got down.

"Master, I, I can't stand it..."

Her whole body is surprisingly hot, because it has no temperature regulation function, and the puppeted body is like soap that has been thrown into the oven, and now it is almost melted.

Lin You reached out and touched her naked body, "So hot!"

Because she was worried that Ashley could not stand it, Lin You took her back into the "witch puppet".

"Ashley is really good," Xiao Lan said enviously after watching this scene, "you can hide in the nether energy instrument to escape the heat...I want to be taken in, too."

Lin You listened in her ears, but did not reply.

He was thinking about another thing.

"The core of this alien realm is undoubtedly in the volcano, the'Ancient God Cave', is the so-called ancient **** in the magma? But if it is such a harsh environment, even survival is impossible, how can we go about it?"

"Is it really feasible for me to go straight like this? I don't know it, I can't guarantee...what is it that I have overlooked?"

(Thinking hard...)

Now, Lin You has discovered that the difficulty of this alien land is actually not high.

Except for a few disgusting monsters, he didn't encounter particularly troublesome enemies.

The four-star Death Spider Queen is also Quanmin with crispy skin, and the cavemen are so stupid and dumb that they can't stop Lin You from going to grab water in an upright manner.

The most difficult part of this foreign land lies in the environment.

The dark and humid underground requires energy to illuminate, lack of food and water, and can only fight for a little bit of survival resources.

The same is true here. The gradual increase in temperature here is stating the fact that environmental factors will become worse and worse in the future.

"No matter what, let's check it out first..."

Lin You glanced at the time, "It's the fourth day, although I really want to rest, but this kind of place is really not suitable for sleeping!"

He took the "refreshing soup" from his backpack and poured it into his stomach.

Seeing his movements, Xiao Lan also took out the "refreshing soup".

She bought a lot of auxiliary items such as potions for this foreign trip.

She followed Lin You along the way, studying his intentions thoroughly.

For example, Lin You's action of drinking refreshing soup means that he intends to temporarily give up rest and move on.

And she just needs to do the same, and then continue on her way.

Therefore, this little tacit understanding without words made Xiao Lan feel complacent.


The progress continues.

The temperature of the ground already gave people a burning sensation, and the bare skin tingled faintly.

The place covered by the nymphomaniac was soaked in sweat, and the feeling was much better.


Xiao Lan, who was walking behind, exclaimed, and Lin You immediately turned her head.

It turned out that the spider web behind her had been scorched by the high temperature and became extremely fragile, and the remaining roasted spiders scattered all over the ground.

Xiao Lan hurriedly bent over to pick it up. Unexpectedly, as soon as she stretched out her hand, Lin You stepped forward and grabbed her wrist.

"Don't pick it up." Lin You pulled Xiao Lan up and motioned her to look at the ground.

The spiders on the ground gradually turned black under the high temperature baking, and soon smoked...

"Ah! I finally went back this way..."

Looking at the fruits of her labor, she felt a little regretful.

Pulling free of Lin You's iron-like hands, she wrinkled her nose and complained, "It's so painful, can't you take it lightly?"

"Let's go..." Lin You ignored her and walked forward step by step.

Without the burden, Xiao Lanton felt light footsteps, even in such an environment, she talked to Lin You enthusiastically.

"Hey, Xiaolinzi, shall we discuss something, okay?"

"not good."

"Hate! I haven't said anything yet!"

"There must be nothing good..."

"That's why we have to discuss it!" She quickened her pace and turned to Lin You, "Hey, you are so strong, do you want to be an assistant for me?"

"do not want!"

Faced with Lin You's indifference, Xiao Lan was still unyielding, "Well! It's the kind of driver, bodyguard, assistant, and life assistant who all do everything!"

Lin You raised an eyebrow, "Isn't this just a little white face, don't you have it?"

"What are you talking about! Of course I didn't, but many of my colleagues have... Hey, why is the topic crooked! It's not a little boy... Do you want to..."

"do not want!"

"Think about it, Lin Daxia!" Xiao Lan stood in front of Lin You with a begging expression, putting her hands together above her head.

Lin You put her hand down, helpless.

What is the structure of this woman? In this environment, you are still so energetic?

"What do you think of me? Can't I change it?" he said.

"Um..." Xiao Lan thought for a while, "a lot!"

She breaks her fingers and counts them one by You see, you are not only smart, but also strong, the key character is still mature and stable, not moved by beauty, are also long. You have to be handsome, eh! Very attractive! And... there are many more, but I'm afraid you will be proud if I don't tell you! "

Xiao Lan held his head high and proudly held up his slightly raised chest.

The tips of her hair were wet with sweat, there were thin beads of sweat hanging on her face, the corners of her eyes were smiling, and her charming appearance became even more alluring.

"Yeah!" Lin You nodded, "Indeed, I have always been so good, it is difficult to change these."

"So!" Xiao Lan looked at him expectantly.

"Hehe..." Lin You shook his head, "You rich women... I didn't see your figures when I was incapable. Now that I am capable, I want to lie down and make money..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Xiao Lan gave him a blank look. "I didn't mean that! I just think that the relationship between people is so alienated now, and it's rare to be a real and unpretentious person like you! The point! Yes, we two get together!"


This chatter...

Lin You got a headache when she was around, and suddenly felt that it would be easier for her to do some work.

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