Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Lord of Water

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As soon as the obsidian giant door opened, a refreshing breath rushed toward him, making Lin Youdun who had been sweating profusely feel refreshed.

Compared to the heat outside, the temperature inside the castle is much lower. Under this temperature difference, the body surface feels much more comfortable.

"Oh! It's cool!" Xiao Lan whistled and prepared to sprint.

With a cautious attitude, Lin You stretched out his hand to block the "wild boar" who wanted to rush in.

He used the reminder system and the "Eye of Soul Searching" to monitor the surrounding situation first.

This is always the nest of the enemy, so we should be more cautious.


This huge castle seems to be made of a whole piece of obsidian, excavated, transported, carved, and built. The internal structure is rather rough, and there are obvious tool marks on the walls and the ground.

Presumably under the enslavement of the Balrog King, the dark iron dwarves are not very motivated to work, their attitudes are not very good, and their work is sloppy.

The structure of the entire castle is complex, divided into several floors up and down, and each floor has a large number of separated rooms, like a maze.

Through the ability of "Soul Searching Eyes", Lin You saw the dwarves in rooms and passages of all sizes, almost all over the entire castle.

At the thick bottom of the castle, an ice blue crystal exuding cold air absorbed most of the heat and lowered the temperature inside the castle, allowing the dwarves to live normally.

Looking up a little bit, Lin You found a glance at the magic spring water. A dark iron dwarf was bending a fat body and fetching water in the spring water with a wooden bucket. Presumably this was the condition for them to survive here.

Then he saw the smelting furnace and forging table at the other end, but no one was working around, and it was currently in a state of shutdown.

I don't know what the reason is that the dwarves who are good at forging abandon this traditional craft?

Maybe it's simply because the King of Flame Demon doesn't need it!

Looking to the upper level, he saw a huge pool full of flames, almost covering the entire upper level.

There live fire monsters and some weird other types of lava creatures.

He did not find the so-called "King of the Flame Demon".

But this is also normal. Since it is the final boss, it must come on the fifteenth day, and it should be possible to start the strategy officially at that time!

The general structure of the Flame Demon Castle is like this. With the help of the "eye of the sky", Lin You easily included it in his eyes.


"This place is not bad, the whole is a self-sufficient ecosystem... If it's not too big, I really want to move back directly, just this volcano and castle can be a spectacle in the'dungeon'... "

Lin You stood in a daze, thinking about his "how to make money", and was lost for a moment.

He didn't come back to his senses until Xiao Lan poked him lightly next to him.

"Shall we go in?" Xiao Lan asked timidly, looking at the dark walls around her.

Lin You nodded and reminded: "Of course, remember to speak quietly after entering."

He took the lead in walking ahead, while using the "soul search eye" to monitor everything around him.

After finding out the route, he wanted to take a rest near the magic spring.

After all, "sharpening the knife and not cutting wood by mistake", upgrade after a good rest, it should be twice the result with half the effort!

As a result, the two crept into the castle secretly.

At the corner of the terminal of the gate corridor, Lin You and the two met the first "Black Iron Dwarf".

[The dwarves of the Dark Iron clan enslaved by the Balrog King have a strength level of about two stars, but their equipment will make their real combat power greater than this level.

The life span of dwarves is very long, very long, and they can almost always live as long as they are not eliminated.

Now, the fire monsters are in charge of controlling them, like shepherd dogs preventing captive creatures from escaping.

They had left "the mark of the Balrog King" in their minds, and they basically had no normal thinking, which was equivalent to a walking dead. 】


"It turns out that there is no self-awareness, but this is much easier to handle."

Lin Youzheng is worried that there will be a situation like the last time in the strange land, and this time he has no psychological burden to kill...

He drew out his dagger and was about to give the dwarf a knife. Unexpectedly, there was a sound of footsteps next to him, and a small group of seven or eight dwarves came out in the other direction.

In order not to cause chaos, Lin You took Xiao Lan to the corner and gave up the killing plan.

They were not exposed, and after a while, the dwarves slowly left.

Xiao Lan stroked her chest in shock, her eyes widened, and asked Lin You anxiously: "Are these dwarfs very powerful?"

"Dwarf..." Lin You couldn't help laughing.

He shook his head and replied: "No, they are weak, but now I don’t want to mess up here. What we need now is something to eat, drink some water, sleep, and rest well. Before that, temporarily No war."

"Sleeping here?" Xiao Lan looked around and shrank her neck.

Sleeping in the enemy’s lair, I’m afraid it’s crazy-she wants to say that.

But all the previous experiences convinced her of Lin You's judgment.

As a "life-saving straw" in distress, Lin You is still reliable. This level of "reliability" even made Xiao Lan wonder if she was hugging some thighs.

Otherwise, why for others, the alien world on the edge of life and death is an upgraded game of fighting monsters for Lin You?

Unexpected prophet, predicting danger, outstanding strength, and strange skills emerge in an endless stream... She has fully seen the power of Lin You!

Therefore, she dispelled the doubts in her heart, and when it came, she would settle down, and just follow Lin You to the end!

"What can you do! Come on! Let's go!"

With such determination, she closed her mouth and continued to move forward behind Lin You.

Lin You quickly found the nearest way to the next floor. The "Soul Searching Eye" allows him to cleverly avoid all kinds of enemies, saving him a lot of trouble.

When we came to the next floor, the temperature suddenly dropped a lot, but even so, Lin You's sweat never stopped.

This is a volcanic crater after all.

With such a fire baking underneath, even if there is a cooling magic spar, there is no way to completely withstand the heat.

However, the current temperature is still acceptable...


"The magic spring water is in the room in front. It feels like almost no other dwarves will come here except for the dwarves who fetch water. It's safe!"

After bypassing a few huge stone pillars and then passing through numerous labyrinths, Lin You reached the destination smoothly.

In the room at the end, a magical statue appeared in front of the two.

This statue is different from the surrounding environment. It is carved from pure white rock and looks like a griffon-not a ground dragon, but a real "griffon".

The clear spring water was slowly flowing out of its mouth and gathered in the small pool in front of it. This is the so-called "magic spring water."

"Water! It's water!" Xiao Lan shouted in surprise.

"How did you know that there is water here?" she asked curiously.

Looking at Lin You's eyes again, it became more intense and full of worship.

Lin You didn't answer—too lazy to make up a reason.

He stepped forward, ready to check if the water here is drinkable.

But at this time, the long-lost announcement sounded--

[Congratulations, get the hidden mission "Wrath of the Water Beast"! 】

"Task? Here?" Lin You was taken aback for a moment, and continued to check.

[Hidden mission "Wrath of the Water Beast": Defeat the King of the Balrog and destroy the Castle of the Balrog!

Task reminder: This is the revenge of the beast of water. Use your best to help "Water" defeat "Fire"!

Task reward: "Gryphon's Bell". 】


"It's actually a mission to kill the boss..."

Lin You looked back at Xiao Lan, and found that the other party was staring at him intently, without knowing it, as if he had not received the same task.

"Come on, come here!"

Lin You beckoned to her and pulled Xiao Lan, who was puzzled, to the statue of Griffin.

After a while, he asked Xiao Lan, "Now, have you received the hidden mission?"

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Lan asked, tilting her head.

It can be seen from her expression that she did not receive this task.

"I didn't receive it... So did the hidden mission be triggered only when the first person approached?" Lin You squeezed his chin and muttered to herself.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Oh!" Lin You shook his head, "Don't understand...Aren't you thirsty? Drink water!"

"This water is okay, it's great..."

Xiao Lan immediately knelt to the ground, leaned over and took a sip of the clear spring with both hands, "Ah! So sweet!"

She was excited for a while, and held the cool spring water on her face again... the whole face was instantly cool!

"Ah, that's great! I really want to jump in and take a bath!"

She was playing with water greedily, and her skin, which had been hungry for a long time because of the heat, was finally satisfied at this moment.

Because there was enough water in the pool and there was a steady stream of spring water flowing out of the statue, Lin You did not stop her wasteful behavior.

His gaze stayed on the statue in front of him for a long time.


[This statue is the "King of Water" Griffin. It was originally a griffon-a living griffon!

Dwarves and Griffins seem to be a very common combination.

As the king of griffins, Griffin possesses the "wings of the eagle", dominates the sky, has the "body of the lion king", and dominates the land.

The only thing it is not good at is "water".

So in order to overcome its weaknesses, it took the initiative to practice, whether it was water combat or water magic, it never let it go.

After many years, Griffin's use of the "power of water" finally became stronger and stronger, even surpassing other aspects, and gained the reputation of "the king of water".

But the good times didn't last long, and the greed of the Dark Iron dwarves harmed themselves and Griffin.

The Balrog Lord flooded the dwarven city-state with lava and enslaved the Dark Iron dwarves.

It will deprive the Griffins of their original power and grant them the ability to use flames, turning them into the so-called "earth dragon".

The most powerful griffon named "Griffin" was solidified by the Balrog Lord using magic and turned into a statue.

After many years, Griffin's "power of water" still hasn't been exhausted. In this form, it is making the final resistance to the King of Balrog. 】


"A griffin who is good at using water magic...It's strange, but a statue that can hide missions is a good statue."

Lin You reached out and knocked on Griffin, "Don't worry, I will avenge this grudge for you... But I hope you don't make any resurrection scenes at that time, I just want to move you home as a fountain... …"

Naturally, the statue would not respond to him.

Hearing Lin You's words, Xiao Lan raised her face and asked curiously, "Who are you talking to?"

"With you." Lin You answered casually.

"Nonsense, how could I be a fountain?" Xiao Lan frowned, pretending to be angry.

She silently repeated the sentence, the more she pondered, the more wrong she became, and her red face became even more red.

"Smelly hooligan!" she cursed softly.


The pure Lin You looked innocent.

He sat directly on the ground, took out a few boxes of simple cans from his backpack, and handed them to Xiao Lan.

"Eat and drink before you sleep."

He ate the food and looked at the time, "The elite monsters will appear in two hours. I don't know what's going on at that time, so take a rest!"

"Just two hours, where is enough!"

Xiao Lan pouted and complained, "Besides, what should I do if I can't sleep in such a terrible place?"

She asked this sentence, but no one answered after a while.

Looking back, Lin Youwo was in the dark corner of the wall, closed his eyes, and started to fall asleep.

"It's really heartless to sleep when you're full!"

Xiao Lan bitterly opened the can and gobbled it up.

Ten minutes later, she patted her bulging belly, satisfied.

"Finally I'm full! Oh, I'm so miserable!"

After that, she looked at the corner of the wall where Lin You was, and turned her head to look around. Apart from the dim light on the wall, she couldn't see anything in the dark.

After the survival crisis was lifted, she finally had time to be scared when she was full and full.

"This dead pig..."

She climbed up to Lin You and poked.

no response.

With a ruthless heart in Xiao Lan, she just leaned against Lin You, drilling around like a slippery loach and finally managed to get into Lin You's arms.

Lin You was awake long ago.

He frowned and shrugged his nose, "Well, you smell so bad!"

"I want you to take care of it! It's as fragrant as you!" Xiao Lan immediately countered.

How can you keep tidy after sweating so much!

She yelled at Lin You for "not knowing the current affairs" in her heart, but instead buried her face in his arms in action, sniffing the smell of him.

"Smelly man! So stinky... This time I really became a ‘smelly man’!" The horror in her mind started again.

"By the way, this is the first time I have smelled such a smelly guy...I'm not polite, I don't understand Lian Xiang Xi Yu, he's a standard straight man... But he feels safe."

"Those greasy noodles with cologne spray and neat hair are really seen too much! The outside is neatly dressed, and the dirty work inside is disgusting..."

She was thinking about it, and suddenly there was an inspiration in her heart.

"Oh! No wonder I don't feel anything to them all the time, is this one that really attracts me?"

As a result, she finally "woke up" with her brain wide open and came to such a strange conclusion.

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