Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 3 Chapter 3: The fifth foreign land, Floating Lost City

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Soon, seven days of dazzling time passed.

The countdown to the portal is passing by, and the next alien world is about to begin.

And this time, Lin You already knew the background of the alien world.


[The prop "Any Door" is about to be used. After using it, a new foreign land will be opened in the designated world. Are you sure you want to use it? 】

Lin You clicked the button on the screen, "OK!"

【Please select the world you will go to. 】

"Machinery City!"

[Okay, the "Any Gate" has been successfully used. The foreign portal has set the destination to be within the range of the "Machine City". The next time you are in another foreign land, you will go to the "Machine City"! 】


That's it, Lin You used the item "Any Door" obtained from the last foreign land to determine the destination in advance.

The reason for choosing this foreign land is also very simple.

Hakalin had previously revealed to him the method of transforming a "puppet" into a "self-disciplined puppet", and this clue lies in the "City of Machinery".

Anyway, where to go in the next foreign land, it's good to find clues in the "Machine City" by the way.

Therefore, on the day when the foreign land opened, Lin You was ready and came to the teleportation square early in the morning.

On the square, the statue of the wolf **** in front of it is like a temple, with smoke and incense...

Several young people who were about to enter a foreign land were bowing their heads towards this statue, praying for blessings.

Before that, Lin You's video was widely circulated, and it has become a big hit both at home and abroad.

The black werewolf's unrestrained and hearty fighting posture in the alien world has turned into a symbol, deeply imprinted in the hearts of alien enthusiasts.

Before he knew it, the name "Lin You" had already equated with "Black Werewolf".

And "Lin You" has become the "exotic god" in people's hearts.

Just as candidates pray for a good grade before the college entrance examination, and worship the statue of Confucius, calling it "the **** of examination".

Participants in the foreign land gave incense to the statue of the "Great God of Other Land", and they also had the same idea.

However, the statue of the wolf **** did not live up to their hopes and gave a blessing to all those who bowed down.

A young man felt a magical power entering his body, opened the Nether Energy Instrument and looked at his status bar, suddenly ecstatic.

"The legend is true! This idol will really bless me!"

He exclaimed, happily holding the Nether Energy Instrument for his companions to watch, his expression as if he had discovered a new world.

The companions also checked the status after hearing the words, so a series of exclamations sounded in the square.

Lin You listened to their yelling and yelling, but he couldn't tell how useful it was...

Unfortunately, the champion himself stood in front of them, but no one recognized him.

The elves and dragons maintained order at the scene, and the people lined up in an orderly manner, talking in low voices.

And what they were talking about was nothing more than about what equipment they bought, how many medicines they bought, and so on, which was of no listening value.

So Lin You stood in front of the portal, half-closed his eyes, waiting for the countdown to begin...

[Countdown to the opening of the portal, one minute, please be quiet and wait patiently! 】

The familiar voice sounded, and Lin You opened his eyes.

As the countdown began, the energy around the portal began to fluctuate, and a faint rusty iron light gradually appeared in the door.

After that, the color became thicker and thicker under everyone's gaze, like thick blood that almost dried up, slowly converging from all around to the center of the portal...

Seeing the unknown color, everyone frowned and looked at each other.

The color of the alien portal is somewhat related to its theme.

In people's eyes, this color represents bad luck and danger, and is a bad omen.

After they see it, they will have concerns in their hearts, and that is understandable.

Only Lin You knew that this time the alien was in the "Machine City", this color was actually nothing but rust.

[Countdown to the opening of the portal, five seconds! 】

【five! 】

【Four! 】

【three! 】

【two! 】

【one! 】

The portal officially opened and a steady frequency buzzing sound was emitted, which meant that the portal was very stable and not dangerous.

After seeing the staff's confirmation gesture, Lin You did not hesitate at all and stepped into the portal first.

And the others who had originally had doubts, after seeing Lin You preemptively enter, also dispelled the worries that had just arisen quietly.

Some people even recognized him after noticing the first person who entered.

"Huh? Isn't that the boss of this company? I remember seeing him on TV..."

"The boss of this company is Lin You! He is the man who has won the number one spot in Alien Realm several times in a row! Are you talking about him?"

"Even the'Foreign Realm God' has entered, so what are we doing in a daze? If the one in front doesn't want to go, make a place for everyone!"

"What a joke! Who said I don't want to go anymore? I have waited for this opportunity for two months!"

As a result, under the leadership of the "Great God of Foreign Land", everyone entered the portal one after another.


After that, there was still a moment of weightlessness and dizziness.

Lin You has entered the portal many times and feels accustomed to it.

But what came from my ear was a strange electronic sound.

[The alien contestant has confirmed that the attribute module is being loaded! 】


[The attribute module is loaded, and the skill module is being loaded! 】

[Loading...Loading finished! 】

[The core control module of "Machine City" has been opened. Participants can freely combine and upgrade skill modules through the core control module! 】


Listening to the strange explanation that suddenly appeared in his ear, which made people unclear, Lin You slowly opened his eyes.

"Attribute module? Skill module? What are these things?"

He muttered, and his eyes began to observe his surroundings.

In Lin You's imagination, the name "Machine City" does not sound high-end ~ at best, it is the world of wasteland punk style.

In short, it will not be too far from his cognition.

But when he looked around, he was immediately shocked by the full sense of high-tech that appeared in front of him.

There is a silver-white metal pavement under the feet, and when you step on it, it feels as smooth as a mirror surface.

Surrounded by square buildings, large and small, are like inverted iron boxes without windows or glass. Standing in them gives people a strange sense of depression.

The exterior colors of the building are bright black and silver gray, so when you look around, the whole city can only feel like these two colors.

The sky was blue, and against the background of the two colors, even the white clouds were lowered and looked particularly low.

It looks particularly...low?

Lin You recalled her feelings repeatedly, and after chewing a bit, she suddenly noticed something.

Subsequently, the visual range of the "Eyes of Soul Searching" was pulled to the highest level by him.

From such a viewing distance, he saw the whole picture of this strange city...

This is a mysterious sky city that is floating slowly in the air with the wind.

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