Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Attribute increase

[Break through the "Growth Module (LV10, you will consume the "Growth Module" *20, is it a breakthrough? 】


[Congratulations, the breakthrough is successful! 】

[The growth module (LV10) has been upgraded to the growth module (LV11), and additional attributes will be unlocked at the same time! 】

【Growth Module (LV11): Physical +11

Additional attribute 1: Physical fitness increased by 10%. 】


"Physical gain?"

Lin You quickly opened the status bar and took a look.

Sure enough, his physique attribute increased by 10%.

And this increase is permanent. The higher his future attribute value, the more obvious the increase bonus, and the more additional attribute values ​​he will get.

"This is additional attribute 1? Is there additional attribute 2?"

So Lin You continued to click to upgrade with curiosity.

Anyway, he has a lot of attribute modules, which can withstand consumption.

[Upgrade "Growth Module (LV11, you will consume "Growth Module"*11, do you want to upgrade? 】


[Upgraded successfully, current module status, growth module (LV12): Constitution +12

Additional attribute 1: Physical fitness increased by 10%. 】


[Break through the "Growth Module (LV20, you will consume the "Growth Module" *40, is it a breakthrough? 】

"Oh, I probably understand the rule of consuming the number of modules with the same name to upgrade and break through modules, break through!"

[The growth module (LV20) has been upgraded to the growth module (LV21), and additional attributes will be unlocked at the same time! 】

【Growth Module (LV21): Physical +21

Additional attribute 1: Physical fitness increased by 20%,

Additional attribute 2: Life value increased by 40%. 】


Seeing this, Lin You understood.

The so-called breakthrough will give the module additional attributes, and these additional attributes will double the secondary attributes in addition to the main attribute.

"In this case, there is nothing to consider, just upgrade all."

Therefore, Lin You upgraded all the four attribute modules.

After the upgrade, he looked at the levels of the four attribute modules.

Jaguar module (LV28), assault module (LV26), growth module (LV23), light wing module (LV29).

These four attribute modules correspond to speed, strength, physique, and spirit respectively, and the growth module has the lowest level.

Since only three attribute modules can be placed, Lin You chose the three highest-level modules to place them.

And these three are also just in line with the choice in his mind.

If you want to use your natural ability for a long time, the mental attribute is indispensable, and it can shorten the time of being controlled, which is equivalent to reducing the damage received in disguise. This attribute is very important.

The power attribute, needless to say, directly against the target attack power, all weapons and attacks will eat its bonus, there is no doubt about this.

The speed attribute is very important to Lin You, who is good at close combat.

To approach the enemy quickly in the state of "Nether Rush", or to pass through walls, of course, the faster the movement speed, the better.

Among these four attributes, the "physical" attribute that is useful to most contestants is the most useless to Lin You.

He believes that as long as he kills fast, there will be no chance of injury.

And Lin You has a lot of life-saving skills, such as "Blind", "Nether Strike", "Molten Heart", plus the "Reflection Module" recently obtained.

There are too many methods he uses to avoid injury, and the chance of injury is very few.

Therefore, physique, an attribute that can only be effective when attacked, was ranked last by Lin You.

"If I choose three attributes at the end, I won't choose physique! This choice, I am not guilty of choice difficulty..."

"But the skill module is really difficult..."

Lin You sighed and closed the status bar.

He boarded Griffin again and glanced around.

"There should still be fifty'hunters', but unfortunately I didn't find any of them. They are also elite battle groups, but they are actually scattered... How many."

"Forget it, look for it!" Lin You thought helplessly.

When he was about to start searching for the "Hunter", an announcement appeared abruptly in his ears, making Lin You feel refreshed.

Announcement: ["Divine Power" is changing. 】

Just a few words made Lin You change his mind immediately.

"Go back!"

Those "hunters" will be handed over to the other contestants. After all, he himself has eaten half of this elite level.

Let others divide the whole thing!

He ate the meat himself, so he had to save some soup.

"Griffin! Let's go!"

Lin You patted lightly, and Griffin immediately waved his wings and jumped up from the ground.

"He is leaving, he is leaving!"

"When you appear on the stage, you will call the clouds and call the rain, and then kill the monsters in seconds, come and go like the wind, so cool!"

"Look at what he plans to do next! Maybe we can follow along!"

People on the ground talked a lot.

Everyone is paying attention to Lin You's movements, curious about his next move.

However, Lin You rode Griffin, skimmed directly from the high above the mechanical camp of the "strike team", and got into the underground passage with a "crush".

Looking at Lin You who disappeared behind the "Strike Team" camp, the contestants gave up the idea of ​​following him.

There is the base camp of countless mechanical warriors!

Unless you fly around them quickly from the air, you can't get close at all.

Therefore, the contestants can only watch the disappearing Lin You and sigh with excitement.

On the other side, Naheya narrowed his eyes.

She also saw Lin You's movements with her own eyes, but did not have the idea of ​​following the past.

Although her golden feather eagle form can fly, and is extremely fast, and has the ability to follow the past, she disdains to do this kind of behavior.

Her pride does not allow her to do this However, Nahya looked at Lin You, thinking about Lin You's every move and the reasons behind it.

"He disappeared for so long. He didn't see him for a few days but suddenly appeared at this kind of bones. It was obviously to steal the blame, but after it was over, he hurriedly left and went...under the ground. Is there any opportunity for him?"

Nahya frowned and wondered, "Why is this man so lucky...every time he can find good things keenly, it's not a coincidence."

Thinking about it, she shook her head, dispelling her extra thoughts.

Right now, she still has a lot of things to do, and it doesn't make sense to think too much.

After killing a "hunter", she raised her head and fixed her gaze on the tower.

She was only thinking about tracing the square tower in front of her, and she didn't plan to take care of other things.

"I want to work hard, ahead of everyone! Before...Lin You!"

Nahya had to close her teeth and thought firmly.

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