Survival Game, I Have a God Reminder

Vol 3 Chapter 28: Transformation of people

"It seems that there is nothing unusual in this way... Is it really because the garrison power at this level is weak?"

Jiang Ping looked at the stairs in front of him, then carefully glanced around, and said to Nahya.

There are really not many mechanical bodies at this level, they are all "spider-shaped" small mechanical bodies, and their strength is very weak.

It feels easier to clean up than the first layer.

"Look first." Nahya replied.

Jiang Ping nodded, and then activated the "tracking technique."

"No enemy was found above, and no...Huh?" He whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"I seem to see someone!" Jiang Ping hurriedly looked at the other side of the corridor, "It makes no sense, even if it can fly so fast!"

Every once in a while, he will use his natural ability to scan the surrounding enemies and the situation.

Only a few minutes before and after, how could someone break through the second layer of machinery so quickly and reach the fourth layer?

After the "sharing of vision", Nahya also saw the "people" Jiang Ping said.

It was not a human being, but a mechanical body with a human appearance.

It's just that its outline is too realistic and its movements are too smooth, making Jiang Ping the first time after seeing it, he even admits it was wrong.

"It's here, kill it first." Nahya said.

The opponent looked menacingly, and it seemed that the goal was very clear, and it was aimed at them.

In order to prevent being attacked from behind, she can't let the threats go.

Jiang Ping naturally knew this truth, so he took out the sniper rifle without further explanation.

The sound of the target's footsteps came from the corridor, and the sound of steel collision was very clear from far to near.

"Do it!"

Nahya sent out a signal, and then several golden rays of light flew out of her hand and swiftly shot into the dim corridor.

Jiang Ping leaned on the glimmer of light and quickly caught the silhouette of his opponent, and then pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot, and a flame lit up in the dark.

He accurately hit the enemy's head with this shot.

But both Nahya and Jiang Ping knew that this powerful shot might not be able to kill the opponent.

Mechanical bodies also have a core position, but they are not the same as humans.

They may hide the core in the head, or in the abdomen, or even behind.

In this way, the larger the volume of the mechanical body, the harder it is to guess the location of the core, and the difficulty of dealing with it will increase.

However, since the opponent is a humanoid machine, the first attack position is naturally its head.

It's a pity that Jiang Ping guessed wrong, this shot did not hit the opponent's core.

After the humanoid mechanical body was attacked, it was not blocked, but increased its speed and rushed towards the two.

The distance was getting closer, Jiang Ping finally saw the person's appearance, and his heart was shocked!

"Why is this guy so familiar!"

Before he could think about it, Nahya had already taken the initiative to meet him and was fighting with the robot.

Jiang Ping drew his long sword, and then walked around the two sides to help Nahya.

But the opponent's fighting method is extremely similar to that of humans, and it is different from all the mechanical bodies that have been seen before!

But this iron guy is still not Naheya's opponent.

The feathers of the Tier 3 "Golden Feather Eagle" are as hard as iron.

Just when Jiang Ping thought he had the chance to win.

The "stubborn" guy who got up from the ground suddenly changed!

The mechanical structure of its body surface seemed to be alive, rapidly reorganizing, and in a blink of an eye its arms became stronger than before for several laps.

Then comes the body and limbs.

In the blink of an eye, a huge steel orangutan appeared in front of the two!

At this time, both Jiang Ping and Naheya were deeply shocked...

They have recognized the appearance of each other, after all, they have just met.

It is the contestant who died on the second floor just now!

A bad premonition made Jiang Ping's scalp numb. In order to verify the guess in his heart, he launched the "tracking technique" and cast his gaze on the second floor.

Before, the contestant fell here.

But now, only a puddle of dark red blood was left there, flowing slowly along the ground.

"Sure enough..." Jiang Ping murmured.

Nahya naturally knew what he was talking about.

She had the same guess in her mind.

Hearing Jiang Ping's words, the accuracy of this guess has increased again.

"Anyway, as long as you die here, you will never end well."

Facing the steel orangutan in front of her, she finally revealed the blade hidden in her wings.

Jiang Ping saw this scene and hurried back a few steps.

Afterwards, Nahya waved her wings, faced the huge gorilla, and rushed forward without fear.


The feather blade collided with the steel shell of the gorilla.

After a few rounds, Nahya's eyes flashed with cold light, and several golden lights flew into the joint of the steel orangutan.

The iron guy's movements suddenly stagnated.

Then I saw Nahya leaping up like a whirlwind, and feather blades swept over the joints of the orangutans.

Then with a "clang", a section of the steel arm was successfully removed by her, and the neat cut was exposed in front of the two of them.

On that arm, the steel was mixed with flesh and dripping blood, so terrifying that people couldn't help but tighten their hearts.

Nahya frowned slightly, but did not stop in her hands, her feathers flew, and she succeeded in dismantling her opponent in a few strokes.


"Transforming people" was completely ruined.

However, Nahya and Jiang Ping both felt uncomfortable and felt a little uneasy.

The machinery here actually used human corpses to make the same machinery!

Although you can't expect the enemy to be compassionate, but the body after being transformed is really too miserable...

Nahya did not speak, nor did Jiang Ping.

They all knew that if they died in the battle, the end would be the same.

But they will not back down because of it.

If they were afraid of death, they would never come here at all.

"Let's move on."

Nahya returned to normal form and nodded towards Jiang Ping.

The two of them walked to the top of the stairs one after the other.

When Nahya raised her leg and stepped on the stairs to the fifth floor, her body shook, but her falling leg suddenly stopped...

"Do not move!"

Nahya hurriedly waved to stop Jiang Ping, who was following behind and about to advance.

As soon as her voice fell, her legs were suddenly lifted, and then her whole body was quickly pulled up by something invisible.


Nahya, who was hung upside down in the air, reacted extremely quickly, and the golden light flew out and chopped off upward.

The thin and invisible things were cut off, but then more things entangled her hands and feet-it was a thin metal wire with extremely high toughness.

The metal wire squeezed into Nahya's skin tightly, like a sharp blade, cut into her body.


She couldn't help but let out a scream.

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