Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 53: Pick the laurel crown first, then stain the blood with black yellow (3/4)

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Unfortunately, Laurel Base City and Great Wall Base City were destroyed successively.

The first to fall was Laurel Base City, because the area itself was the bait laid by the Moonlight Gods. In order to attract their old enemies, the "Sunlight Gods" to go to that place, they even did not hesitate to mine the land over the years The fluorite was recast in a special way onto the hollow zenith.

Due to the fierce character and vigilance of the Sun Gods, if they keep monitoring the area for a long time, they will soon attract their attention. This is not bait, but a war guide between the two Gods. The fire is out.

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, the Moonlight Gods chose to leave this area temporarily, and then came to check it out every two months or so.

According to the amount of fluorite they cast in that space, the waiting race cannot dig cleanly every three or four months.

Lin Anlan even knew that the moonlight goddesses had burned special runes in the depths of the fluorite that had been integrated. Once a large amount of fluorite was mined, it would attract the moonlight goddesses' attention.

The lunatics of Lieyang Shenju almost surpassed most things in their pursuit of fluorite.

The supreme divine Sun God behind them is not so active that there is a saying within the Sun God Family that because of the darkness in the crypt, countless mid-footers gradually lose their knowledge of the sun.

And as the two most important natural luminous bodies in the crypt, the light of fluorescent algae is dim and difficult to illuminate most places. Only fluorite of different quality can have the glare like the sun in myths and legends. Light".

This makes the Fiery Sun Gods always one, the so-called fluorite, is the embodiment of the power left in the crypt by their great gods.

For those believers, what can be happier than collecting the remaining breath of the Supreme Divine?

It's just that neither the Moonlight God Family nor the Fiery Sun God Family had expected that a red chess piece with a weak power suddenly jumped out of the anticipation of the distinct black and white chess.

However, they also know that in a hostile situation like this, it is the correct option to prioritize the removal of disruptors, and even that there is no need to specifically target...

It's like a fight between the boss of herbal tea and the second child of herbal tea, and the third child is killed by accident.

Laurel Base City was like this, indeed, after fighting hard, it was destroyed by Moonlight God.

Then, the remaining survivors of Laurel Base City began to gather and embarked on a short-distance migration. The locations of the migration were scattered scattered other base cities.

Unexpectedly, the Moonlight Goddess was coming on fiercely, and one base city after another was removed by them who were well prepared. As a last resort, the survivors of the Dome Star could only make a difficult decision——,

Gather a lot of supplies and make a farther migration.

The target terminal is the Great Wall base city.

Later, in order to welcome the arrival of the new blood, the veterans of the Great Wall Base City not only opened their doors to welcome everyone, but also changed the name of the Great Wall Base City to soothe their tired and frightened hearts.

Since then, the Great Wall is no longer, and Xuanhuang is reborn.

Xuanhuang Base City has stepped onto the stage of history.

However, bad luck came unexpectedly, and Xuanhuang Base City also fell.

First encountered the siege of the Goblin United Empire, and then besieged by the forces of the moonlight, sunlight, and death. The giant tribe wielded a ten-meter-long mace to destroy the walls and break every wall. The group of red dragons did not know where they got it. The news launched a dragon's breath spray from the sky again and again at them.

Lin Anlan grinds his teeth and suddenly feels a little painful.

Obviously after the confluence of the forces of all parties, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of Xuanhuang Base City is no longer under some civilizations, and it is not impossible to even play the Dead Moonlight Faction one-on-one.

But the result was dramatic, and he was under siege from beginning to end, and he lacked the ability to do so.

Finally, with the impact of the Terra Zerg, it crushed the Xuanhuang base city like the last straw, triggering a new round of escape.

First pick its laurel crown, then stained with blood and yellow.

How can it be a tragic word.

Lin Anlan put on a cold color on her face, and directly replied in the comment area:

"The friend who found the big cave just now, you'd better not go to that place often, and leave immediately after mining a few more fluorites. It is very dangerous."

"Hey, don't worry about danger. After staying in the dark for a long time, my whole mental state is not good. I have no shortage of food, but I can't bear the darkness and loneliness."

"That's the truth... So brother, can you tell me where to mine those thick and hard fluorite? I'll just chisel two, not too much."

Lin Anlan: "I don't care, but if you are going to be caught by those lunatics, remember to commit suicide as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid you won't even be able to die."

"???"Boss, what do you mean?"

Lin Anlan's explanation made the survivor who dug the fluorite in the "Daylight Hollow" nervous.

"It's nothing, there is a bait, a trap set by a powerful civilization against another powerful civilization. If you stay there for a long time, you should be lucky enough to encounter those war madness who have no mercy."


"Good fellow, I'll call you good fellow!"

"Boss, don't say that, I'm not far from that empty space, QAQ who feels chilly behind me when I walk on the road like you"

Lin Anlan: "So I advise you not to stay there for a long time, because they are targeting another civilization that is as dangerous and deadly as they are. The crowd targeted by the trap does not include us, but even so, don’t stay. Too long, stay away from that place as soon as possible, they don't care if they trample an ant to death."

"Big brother, can't you beat them?"

Lin Anlan: laughing and crying) Why do you think that a group of survivors who have just descended into the crypt for a few days, we survived with a little luck, can beat a group of survivors who have been in the crypt for thousands of years? Old woman?"

"Old woman? I'm not tired when you say that."

"Browsing history: old ass?"

"Please, you know well, I hope people are okay."


There is a little color in the comment area, especially some people in it. Lin Anlan has also dealt with in her previous life. It is a group of women soldiers. As a result, in the comment area, one is more aggressive than the other.

In the end, Lin Anlan took the initiative to interrupt their speeding car:

"Okay, don't think about it so much. Those guys are no better than the drow. Somehow the drow can make you drained out of pleasure. They... only make you... Under the shining of the moonlight, their souls were scattered and turned into fertilizer for them to nourish the mother tree.

Also, let me say one more thing, at least now I really can't beat them, with an average level of LV16 and above, I can't afford to beat them. "

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