Shen Zhao drove the Neng Angel and went straight to the city center with the D.Va of the De Angel.

With the last three days left in this survival game, it’s time to tackle the hidden quest D.Va received.

The closer to the city center, the greater the number of green-blooded beasts active in the ruins on the ground, and gradually larger and more ferocious types appear.

D.Va’s eyes were hot: “The kills of these big guys ~ the reward must be very high!” ”

Shen Zhao said lightly: “There will be a time when you fight monsters in a while.” Now focus and stay vigilant, and we’re almost there. -”

D.Va promised repeatedly: “I know, I am super serious now – really super vigilant!” ”

The two Gundam sped through the air, quickly flying past the site where the Human Resistance Task Force had been completely destroyed, approaching their destination.

D.Va looked around in the cockpit: “According to the commander of that force, the meteorite should have fallen near here.” Wait until I look to see where it is…”

“Don’t look for it yet. The host here didn’t welcome us very well and came to catch up. ”

Shen Zhao looked at a group of small black dots approaching in the distance, raised his hand and quickly pressed on the keyboard.

Noh Angel raised the GN Combined Spear Sword suit with his right hand, and pulled out the GN Beam Sword from his shoulder armor with his left hand.

“Get ready for battle.”

D.Va both eyes lit up, and the pretty face with the cat’s beard was full of eagerness: “Look at me killing them all!” ”


Hundreds of two-winged giant basilisk flew in with their tails cocked and pointed forward, and the ugly sarcoma at the end swelled sharply.


Before they could spray slime shells, the two steel giants struck first.

One by one, the GN particle beam shot towards the group of two-winged giant snakes, and several monsters immediately fell.

“Kill elite-level green blood beasts and get 100 survival points.”


Kill hints swipe the screen.

D.Va’s eyes brightened, and he saw a treasure: “These big bugs with wings are elite monsters!” ”

Shen Zhao didn’t speak, pushing the joystick.

The energy angel with one beam sword and the GN sword in the other, rushed forward with a group of winged giant snakes who were not afraid of casualties.

This time is different from before, if you want to get close to the meteorite fall point, you must destroy this group of flying giant snake monsters.

D.Va did not move, controlling the De Angel Gundam to hover in place, using the two twin GN cannons on the shoulders of the fuselage to continuously fire at the two-winged giant snakes.

The thick and long GN cannon is carried in hand, ready to focus on sniping more powerful monsters.

The training over the past two days has yielded initial results.

Her shot avoided the flight trajectory of the Noh Angel.

And not blindly shooting, but purposefully destroying the formation of the flying snake swarm and creating fighters for Shen Zhao.

In the face of the fierce artillery fire of the De Angel, one by one, the flying giant snakes flapped and scattered two pairs of large and small flesh wings to dodge.

Under the cover of firepower, the Angel of Energy rushed into the middle of the snakes with two swords, wielding the GN sword that was as sharp as mud, setting off a bloody storm.


One by one, the two-winged giant snake retreated to distance itself from the blue-white steel giant, while raising its tail and spraying slime cannonballs to attack.

Shen Zhao did not entangle with them, and rushed forward all the way to kill through the group of two-winged giant snakes.

Immediately, he turned around and re-entered from the rear of the snakes, holding two swords and slashing and slashing wantonly.

Do not deliberately pursue how many enemies to kill, the main thing is to contain this group of monsters and disturb their peace.

Let the De Angel in the rear be able to safely carry out long-range fire output and kill the entire group of two-winged giant snakes little by little.

Although the two-winged giant snakes did not have enough intelligence to detect Shen Zhao’s tactical intentions, they did not allow the energy angels to run amok.

While separating a small group to entangle the blue-white steel giant, he tried to build a spherical encirclement around it to imprison the angel.

However, Shen Zhao did not give them a chance to besiege him at all.

With the super mobility of the energy angel, he kept shuttling and crisscrossing, killing seven in and seven out in the snake group.

In the cockpit of the De Angel, D.Va repeated the action of locking and firing, and the words were chanted in his mouth: “Twenty-seven, twenty-eight…”

There are companions to attract the attention of the enemy, and she doesn’t shoot too well, it’s like hitting a moving target.

When the number in her mouth reached forty, the girl opened the points leaderboard and glanced at it.

Seeing his name finally appear at the top of the list, he couldn’t help but cheer: “Yay! ”

She knew very well who was to blame for this, and turned on the communicator and coquettishly said in a soft and cute tone: “Master, D.Va love you!” Meow~”

Shen Zhao, who had just swung his sword and cut off the head of a two-winged giant snake, heard these words, and only felt a tingling rush from the tail bone to the back of his head.

I can’t help but recall the scene of a delicate girl in a cute cat costume lying in front of him the day before yesterday, spitting out her pink little tongue and licking the lollipop.

The hand holding the joystick shook, and he almost fell to the ground without opening the angel.

But in the next second, he came back to his senses and let the body return to stability.

The tone was serious and criticized: “You are not allowed to seduce the master when you are not allowed to fight again in the future!” ”

D.Va wrinkled his small Qiong nose: “Hmph, what a seduction, people are obviously expressing their gratitude!” ”

Shen Zhao threatened: “You still dare to talk back, take something to block your small mouths before the next attack.” ”

D.Va immediately blushed shyly: “Master, you big colored wolf!” ”

Saying that, De Angel raised the giant cannon in his hand and fiercely pulled the trigger towards the group of two-winged giant snakes in the distance.


A thick pillar of light roared out through the entire group of snakes, creating a blank space in it.

Let the angel who was surrounded because of the mistake point just now get out smoothly.

Shen Zhao said with a smile: “The performance is good, keep up the good work.” When you go back, the host will reward you well. ”

D.Va raised his chin arrogantly: “Who wants your reward!” ”

With the cooperation of the two Gundams, the group of two-winged giant snakes was quickly wiped out.

“Let’s go!”

As soon as the battle was over, Shen Zhao pushed the lever and flew forward non-stop.

D.Va followed closely.

The two fly around in a Gundam in search of the meteorite’s whereabouts.

It didn’t take long for them to find their goal.

A huge crater with a diameter of more than a kilometer sits among the ruins, and in the middle is a giant dark green meteorite about the size of a ten-story building.

The moment he saw the meteorite, Shen Zhao received a game prompt: “Trigger the hidden mission: Source of Green Blood.” ”

“Do you accept it?”

“You can check the details after you pick up the task.”

Sure enough, as he guessed, hidden missions cannot be shared from other players, and can only be triggered by themselves.

Naturally, he immediately accepted the task.

A blue screen emerges, showing the details of the mission.

“Hidden Quest: Source of Green Blood.”

“Mission requirements: Explore the interior of the extraterrestrial meteorite to confirm the source of the green blood beast.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Mission Reward: Key to the World (Green Blood Wasteland Quest).”

Another key to the world!

Shen Zhao’s interest in this hidden task suddenly weakened greatly.

One of the keys to the world is enough.

It was used to find a place for his harem girls to hide from the survival game, and not to conquer the heavens.

At this time D.Va said excitedly: “Master, my hidden mission content has been updated!” The next step is to enter meteorite exploration to find the source of the Green Blood Beast. Mission rewards are the key to the world of this quest! ”

Shen Zhao said nonchalantly: “I know, I have also received this task.” ”

“You received it too?” D.Va urged, “Then let’s hurry down and do this task.” ”

“Forgot what I said?” Shen Zhao glared at the girl on the screen, “We are only here to reconnoiter today, and this mission…”

Speaking of this, his words suddenly froze.

D.Va asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong with this mission?” ”

Shen Zhao narrowed his eyes: “D.Va, do you know what the World Key is for?” ”

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it again.” D.Va said casually, “Probably so that we can re-enter this world after the game is over?” ”

“Good.” Shen Zhao’s eyes flashed, “The function of the World Key is this, but the most important thing is that this prop can also be used in the scenes of other survival games!” ”

“In other …” D.Va suddenly realized something, “Then wouldn’t it be possible to hide here and not participate in other games?” ”

0 ask for flowers

Although the world is not peaceful, it is much safer to stay in one place all the time than to constantly go to different apocalyptic adventures.

“I told you that I had other companions. Where do you think they are now? ”

D.Va knew the answer without thinking: “You have another world key, and you sent them all to other worlds?” ”

The corners of Shen Zhao’s mouth curled: “The answer is correct!” ”

D.Va muttered in disbelief, “It turns out that this doomsday survival game also has a way to cheat…”

After a moment, she said with interest: “Since you already have the key to the world, there is no need to do this hidden task. ”

Then he cheered up: “Let’s hunt monsters for the rest of the time!” ”

She sees herself as Shen Zhao’s person, and Shen Zhao’s key to the world means that she also has a place to hide.

No more energy and risk to complete hidden quests to obtain the key to the world.

It’s better to kill more green blood beasts to get points.

Shen Zhao said categorically: “No, we still have to do this task!” You and I are going to finish. ”

“If possible, others will also join in and fight for the world key of this copy.”

D.Va’s face was puzzled: “Why?” Can I sell the Key to the World? ”

“The Key to the World cannot be traded, it can only be used by yourself.” Shen Zhao said, “But this does not mean that there is no point in taking a few more. ”

This question he had just thought of.

“D.Va Do you know the difficulty division of scenes in survival games?”

Unsurprisingly, D.Va heard this statement for the first time: “And the division of difficulty? ”

Shen Zhao explained in detail: “The difficulty of the game scene is divided into low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk, and the survival game that we newcomers are experiencing now is low-risk difficulty. ”

D.Va couldn’t help but complain in his heart: You pervert is also a newcomer?

Of course, Shen Zhao couldn’t hear her heart, and continued: “After experiencing ten survival games, they will be forcibly projected to game scenes of medium difficulty. ”

“Or upgrade the permission level to 1v2 in less than ten games, and you can choose to upgrade to medium difficulty in advance.”

“If nothing else, I’ll be able to move up 1v2 after the next game. At that time, if I reach the medium difficulty, I will probably not enter the same game scene as you again. ”

“In this way, I have the key to the world in my hand, and I can’t send you to other worlds to hide.”

Hearing this D.Va he suddenly realized: “So you have to let others also get the key to the world!” ”

That veteran player of the Red Blood Guild said that the more difficult the game scene, the greater the mission reward.

Shen Zhao, who has the system plug-in, naturally wants to upgrade to the high difficulty in advance in order to improve his strength faster.

However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others would definitely not be able to keep up with him, which made him worried.

Strength is important, but the safety of the anime goddesses in the harem is also important.

Now I finally found the best of both worlds.

When he is promoted to 1v2 after the game, he can enjoy 1v3 treatment in advance with the blessing of the title of rookie king.

Pull the girls into the team.

After that, even if he is promoted to medium difficulty, the other girls in the team will be gathered under the rules of teaming.

Then, the D.Va who got the key to this replica world even Kato Megumi opened the door to the world and sent all the women to this world to hide.

“Let’s go, continue to complete the hidden mission.” Shen Zhao said with great interest, “First reconnoiter according to the predetermined plan. ”

D.Va also regained his fighting spirit: “Received! ”

The girl can’t wait to get the world key to this copy now.

So that the man in turn begged her to help settle his other women.

Hmph, you must embarrass that guy when the time comes!

With this thought, D.Va drove the De Angel to follow behind the Noh Angel and began to conduct aerial reconnaissance around with the meteorite as the center.

Before entering the meteorite, you must first eliminate all nearby threats.

Lest they enter with their front feet, the outside of the hind foot meteorite will be surrounded by a large group of powerful green blood beasts, cutting off their back road factory.

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