Early the next morning.

Shen Zhao, Poison Island Junzi and 2B went out early in the morning to hunt zombies.

An Yilun also fidgeted in the living room, his eyes looking at a certain bedroom from time to time.

When he didn’t know how many times he looked, the bedroom door finally opened.

Shiha Kasumigaoka slowly walked out of the room.

“Senior Shiyu!”

An Yilun also got up and looked at the girl with some excitement.

Shi Yu was startled, looked up at him, and asked expressionlessly, “Is there something wrong?” ”

An Yilun also plucked up the courage to ask, “Senior Sister Shiyu, are you dating Mr. Shen Zhao?” ”

Shi Yu frowned, “Does this have anything to do with you?” ”

“I just want to know why…”

Hearing these words, a nameless anger suddenly appeared in Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s heart.

“Why? What qualifications do you have to ask me why? ”

“Do I need to explain to you who I associate with? Who do you think you are? Daddy? ”

“If you have the leisure to care about other people’s affairs, it is better to find your own problems first! An Yilun is also classmate! ”

After a crackling verbal vent, she turned and walked back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut.

Leaving An Yilun also standing in the living room with a lost soul, there was a faint premonition that he was about to lose something forever.

He looked at the closed door and hesitated to knock.

Then explain to Senior Sister Shiyu that he didn’t mean anything else just now.


Another door opened.

A splendid blonde hair and a messy pear, Ying Li, came out and said dissatisfiedly: “What is the fat woman shouting here early in the morning, is it Lunye you stupid who made her angry again?” ”

An Yilun also lowered his head: “It’s nothing…”

In the room, Shi Yu leaned back against the door, and his body slowly slid down.

Finally, he sat on the ground, holding his knees with his hands, and his dark red beautiful eyes were dim.

When she faced zombie chasing, when she was coerced by that man.

The other party never thought of going to her to help her, but offered his affection to the newly acquainted “Senior Sister of Poison Island” here!

Now she asked why she was “associating” with that man.


If An Yilun also knew what she thought, she would definitely shout out her injustice.

How could he have imagined that Senior Sister Shiyu was also pulled into this so-called “doomsday survival game”.

Even if I think of it, I don’t know where to look, let alone have the ability to find it.

Senior Sister Shiyu’s dissatisfaction with him is not reasonable at all!

Unfortunately, women are never reasonable in their dealings with feelings and do not care about reason.

They only care about “facts”!

The fact now is that An Yilun also didn’t help Shi Yu when he was most helpless.

Now that she was angry, she didn’t take the initiative to apologize.

Just like last time!

The girl buried her head and muttered, “So be it…”

A few kilometers from the apartment in a certain park.

Shen Zhao and Poison Island Junzi sat side by side on a bench, resting while drinking energy drinks exchanged from the trading terminal to replenish their strength.

2B stands guard with a knife.

“Junzi, do you feel that these zombies seem to be getting stronger.”

“Shen Jun really found out.” Poison Island Junzi nodded, “Compared to the first day, the strength and speed of the zombies are slightly improved now. ”

Shen Zhao frowned: “It seems that the difficulty of the game will continue to increase.” ”

Poison Island Junko stretched out his hand to smooth his eyebrows, and said softly: “Don’t worry. Unless everyone doesn’t make it through alive, we’ll be among the survivors. ”

The two are one first and one second in the standings, and if they don’t survive to the end, the others will surely die.

What’s more, he still hangs, what to be afraid of.

Shen Zhao suddenly relaxed: “What you said makes sense. ”

He grabbed the jade hand of the junzi and played with it gently, and said on his mouth: “But I am worried that a corpse tide will break out behind and hit the location of the trading terminal.” ”

“To be on the safe side, we’d better set up another emergency shelter and move it if we can’t resist it.”

Poison Island Junzi smiled and said, “If Shen Jun feels it necessary, then do it.” ”

This meek gesture made Shen Zhao’s heart move.

It is worthy of being an anime goddess of the Yamato Fuko type, and such a good woman must not miss it when she encounters it.

After resting for a while, the three set off again.

While hunting zombies, choose a suitable location in an area slightly away from the trading terminal and build a new shelter.

At noon, I didn’t go back for lunch, but used the energy bars and energy drinks exchanged to deal with it.

I was busy until the evening before setting out on my way home.

Back in the apartment, Shen Zhao was keenly aware that An Yilun also looked at him with a somewhat subtle look.

There was a trace of repulsion and jealousy.

He roughly guessed what was going on.

However, the other party did not directly show it in words and actions, so he ignored it.

I only practiced a little longer with the equipment during my bedtime routine.

As a result, Shi Yu was very enthusiastic and proactive in pandering this time, which surprised him greatly.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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