Survival In The Last Days: A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 198 The Mysterious Underground City, Running The Maze!

Before the creatures in the inner circle came to the human world.

Ye Tianling is leading the Tianyuan Shenlong to the lost ancient empire.

Although the territory is infinite, the Tianyuan Shenlong at this moment is extraordinary, and it took about two days to arrive.

The wild world in front of me is still filled with endless dust, endless desolation and dilapidation.

Sometimes Ye Tianling even thought that the ancient times of this human world should not have been so desolate.

Otherwise, those ancient human races would not have established some forces here.

Moreover, some imperial powers are very powerful, even if they live in the inner circle, it is more than enough.

If this place is desolate, there is absolutely no reason to come here.

But what is the reason that caused the human world to become like this?

It's fine to wipe out the extreme glory of the human race in ancient times.

It's really scary to be able to make this human world look like this now.

If it is a natural disaster, it is okay to say, but if it is done by a certain creature, it is really a bizarre event.

"Tianling big brother, Tianling big brother, we are here."

While Ye Tianling was meditating, Yaya cheerfully put her arms around Ye Tianling's arm, pointed to the land below and said happily.

11 As early as a month ago, Ye Tianling had no paper relationship with Yaya and Chuchu.

These two little fellows are no longer so shy towards him, even if such an intimate gesture is in front of everyone, they will not feel shy.

Ye Tianling looked at the ancient empire that buried the endless realm.

This is the whole week that Ye Tianling Beast has been digging day and night.

At that time, Ye Tianling thought it was a magnificent building in the shape of the Blue Star Pyramid through the ultrasonic wave of Leiyin Bat!

However, there is no comparison between the two. Compared with Dahuang, Blue Star is a little childish.

Because through perception, it can be known that this pyramid-like building has a height of no less than a kilometer?

But as the moment approached, Ye Tianling was stunned.

Because even if it is a thousand-meter pyramid, it is unexpected that this is just the tip of the iceberg exposed.

This is really the tip of the iceberg, because through the perception of Lei Yin's bat, this is actually the tip of one of the spires of this strange building?!

This lost ancient empire was buried about 5,000 meters underground!

Now that Leiyin Bat is using the ultrasonic probe with all its strength, the deeper it goes, the more incredible it feels.

The height of this building is about 5000....8000....12000....18000...24000...27000*!!!

Next is the area that Leiyin bats can't detect, it seems that there is a mysterious force blocking it.

What shocked Ye Tianling even more was that the spanning length of this mysterious building turned out to be more than 127,000 meters!!!

Similarly, if you want to investigate further, you will be blocked by mysterious power.

In other words, this mysterious building is far more than that!

Judging from its appearance, this should be the Emperor Pass of an empire, but it is so huge?!

Of course, what surprised Ye Tianling the most was that there were traces of many creatures in this imperial capital buried five kilometers below the ground?!

The qi and blood of these creatures are surprisingly strong!

Moreover, these creatures and even...plants are not something that the human world can possess, and at least they have the strength of the second level of the barren!

Ye Tianling really didn't think of this, but he didn't know that those areas that ultrasonic waves can't detect, what about those areas?

The most important thing is what kind of strength are the creatures there?

"The situation has changed, Yaya, Chuchu, Shiyu, Xiuyuan, the four of you come with me.

When everyone heard Ye Tianling's words, even Cheng Qingxue and the others wanted to follow him down.

But since Ye Tianling said so, he had no choice but to look at Ye Tianling and remind him: "Be careful."

After Ye Tianling nodded, he jumped directly into the five thousand meter deep pit.

After a period of free fall, Ye Tianling could feel the increase of gravity around him.

After all, this is a low of 5,000 meters, and the force of the center of the earth is naturally stronger.

However, they are extremely powerful, so naturally they will not be affected by this several times the gravity.

After adapting for a period of time, you can completely ignore this gravity.


With an extremely dull sound, the outer layer of the entire land boundary trembled uncontrollably.

Ye Tianling couldn't help shaking his fist, but unexpectedly, it just blasted a crack.

This really surprised him a bit.

Now Ye Tianling's physical fitness is comparable to that of the fourth rank, who would have imagined that one punch would not be able to break the outer end directly?


Ye Tianling directly used the "Taigang Sword Art", and a sharp Gengjin Immortal Sword directly cut out an entrance.

Entering this realm, although the oxygen is a bit thin, it can maintain a normal breathing volume.

"Follow me closely, if you fall behind, it's not a joke."

Because the structure of this imperial pass is very complicated, it doesn't look like a building for human habitation.

The most important thing to note is that these maze-like structural layers are constantly changing.

Tianling has a bat called Leiyin, so it's not difficult for Yue to be complex.

At this moment, Ye Tianling continued to move downwards.

In some places, you need to go back and forth to 867 several times before you can enter the next level.

In some places, it is still a blindfold. If the rock layer cannot be destroyed, then it is impossible to enter the next layer.

The guys who built these buildings are really geniuses.

Moreover, these rock structures are forged from unknown materials, and their defense capabilities are extremely abnormal.

At the beginning, Ye Tianling could also use the Nine Star Dragon Yuan Sword to split, but this thing was too exhausting.

This rock is very difficult to break through, but the guy who built this building is actually nearly 10 meters thick?

It is conservatively estimated that more than 200 rocks have been destroyed.

But just dived less than 3000 meters, looking at the dense rock structure below... This is definitely physical work!

Even though Ye Tianling was very strong, he was still terribly tired at the moment.

If there is no food supplement, wanting to continue diving is tantamount to talking in a dream.

Ye Tianling also didn't expect that diving would be so difficult, so naturally he didn't think of bringing food down.

If you turn back the same way, you will have to smash more than 200 huge rocks.

Since this is in constant flux, a return trip is not possible.

Fortunately, if you smash five more pieces, you will see a strange creature!

This thing...should be edible, right?

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