The environment on the second floor is similar to that on the first floor, just a little smaller.

But the number of bookworms did not decrease, but increased.

At a glance, they were densely packed.

With previous experience, Liu Yang did not wait for the bookworms to move and took the lead in attacking.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

The crossbow arrows shot wildly, and the bookworms fell one by one.


A bookworm jumped up while Liu Yang was reloading the arrows and hit him head-on.

Liu Yang was startled.

After a quick inspection, he found that he was unharmed.

"Yes, I am also level 5 now, and I still have excellent leather armor. I am afraid of hair!"


Liu Yang stood still, only paying attention to the defense from the neck up, and focusing on attacking.

In this way, the bookworms died faster.

Kill monsters, collect arrows, and go upstairs.

Second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor

Soon, all the bookworms in the library were eliminated.

Liu Yang stood by the window on the fifth floor and looked out.

Except for the land, grass and flowers around the book building.

Far away, it was just chaos.

Raising his hand to shoot an arrow, the arrow flew into the edge of chaos.

An invisible force appeared.

The arrow was like ice falling into lava.

Melting, evaporating, and disappearing in an instant.

Liu Yang felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to try again.

At the same time, he was very glad that he did not go there before.

Looked at the time in the upper right corner.


"Hey, the monsters are all killed, and I don't know how to get out."

"But even if I can go out, I won't go out. What if it refreshes again after a while?"

With nothing to do, Liu Yang began to count his gains from the beginning to now.


[Name]: Liu Yang.

[Age]: 24 years old.

[Level]: 8 (63.41%).

[Location]: Book Tower.

[Physical condition]: Healthy.

[Energy value]: 450/450.


[Instant Kill lv6: The only skill that can 100% instantly kill creatures of the same skill level. The success rate decreases by 20% for each level. Each use requires a certain amount of energy. The switch can be controlled freely. Upgrading to the next level requires 70 skill pages. ]

[Warehouse (72.31%)]

Food and water: 3500 ml of drinking water, 100 g of steamed buns x3, 100 g of whole wheat bread x1, 550 ml of mineral water x2, 300 ml of cola x4, 200 ml of milk x2, 1 egg tart, 4 rat king meat in the underground palace, 100 g of large meat buns x2, 180 g of pickled pepper chicken feet x1, 80 g of potato chips x2, 3 bananas, 2 apples, and 3 oranges.

Materials: 1 meter of linen x3, fluorescent grass x5, charcoal x16, hay x32, fire spirit stone x3, wood spirit stone x4, water spirit stone x1, psychic energy x241, book page x26, wood x86, iron block x51, stone x55, copper block x8, corrosive grass x10, poisonous heart grass x8, corpse spirit grass x5, poisonous cat teeth x6, corpse soul grass x7, corpse cat rotten meat x4, heartbroken vine x6, blood-sucking wood x9

Items: psychic lighter x1, gold necklace x1, roll of paper x3, medical gauze 5 meters x2, excellent wind spirit crossbow matching crossbow arrows x32.


Ordinary steel knife, ordinary wooden bed, ordinary psychic faucet, small wooden barrel, excellent wind spirit crossbow, excellent wind spirit crossbow matching crossbow arrows 10, stone bowl, simple wooden table, small charcoal stove, excellent leather armor set.

(PS: Warehouse and manufacturing data are only sorted out once in this article. If there is a need in the future, a separate chapter will be issued.)

"A lot of arrows have been scrapped along the way, and more must be added."

[You have made 100 excellent wind spirit crossbows with matching crossbow arrows, iron blocks -20, wood -40. ]

[Congratulations on obtaining 100 excellent wind spirit crossbows with matching crossbow arrows. ]

"It's a pity that only book pages and spiritual energy are dropped here. It would be even better if other materials were also dropped."

"Now that there is so much spiritual energy, it's just right to feed the breadfruit tree and replenish the faucet."

Do it as you think of it.

Liu Yang went down to the first floor and released the home in the open space in the middle.

Pushing the door open, he took the lead and walked towards the breadfruit tree.

One point, two points, three points

With the input of spiritual energy, the flower buds slowly grew, bloomed, and bore fruit.

Until the 47th time, the bread was finally ripe.

Liu Yang smiled as he looked at the 3-meter-high breadfruit tree full of breads that were about the size of his palm and exuded a faint wheat aroma.


Forty-one loaves of bread.

If you live frugally, even if you can't get any other food, you can survive for more than a month.

Pick one and taste it.

It has a strong wheat aroma, and is soft, glutinous and sweet.

Then there is something more important that needs to be verified.

Liu Yang picked all the bread and stored it in the warehouse.

Looking at the breadfruit tree again, it was lush and green.

It didn't wither directly as he worried.

"Then, whether you can grow bread infinitely as long as you invest spiritual energy depends on the next experiment."

So Liu Yang invested spiritual energy into the breadfruit tree again.

10 points. 20 points. 30 points.

A large amount of spiritual energy was invested, but the breadfruit tree didn't move at all.

This made Liu Yang look a little ugly.

But 30 points have been spent. Wouldn't it be a big loss to stop now?

What if it's because of insufficient spiritual energy?

It was 20 o'clock again, and the breadfruit tree finally changed.

Some sharp corners appeared again on the branches.

Liu Yang took a closer look and found that it was the tip of the flower bud.

"OK, it turns out that this breadfruit tree can produce bread again as long as it has spiritual energy."

"It's just that the consumption of spiritual energy is a bit high!"

After the breadfruit tree issue was resolved.

Liu Yang collected the water in the bucket under the spiritual energy faucet into the warehouse.

Then he added 2 points of spiritual energy to the spiritual energy faucet.

The work was done, there were no monsters to fight, and there was no crisis.

After being unconscious for so long, I didn't feel sleepy even when I wanted to sleep.

Suddenly, Liu Yang felt a little confused and empty.

This made him, who had been nervous all the time, feel a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, I haven't told Shi Yufei that the bread has been harvested yet. This flower pot was provided by her, so I just gave her some to try."

Thinking about it.

Finally remembering that there was something else to do, Liu Yang immediately took action.

"Thank you for the flower pot you provided. I used it to plant a breadfruit tree, which is the kind that can directly grow bread. As a thank you, please taste the first batch of bread harvested."

Transaction, send.

Initial Underground Palace No. 201314.

The girl held the hard steamed bun and nibbled it in small bites.

Her facial features wrinkled together, and she said pitifully:

"Hey, Sister Feifei, why hasn't your boss replied yet? I'm still waiting for him to cook meat for us."

Shi Yufei soaked the steamed bun in clear water.

Then she opened her mouth and took a bite, chewed a few times, and swallowed it.

"You know what everyone is like now.

Maybe they are fighting with some ferocious creatures in the underground palace.

Wait a little longer, and when he's done, I guarantee you'll eat so much that you'll vomit."

"Hey, a young and beautiful girl like me.

It's the age to listen to music, go shopping, and watch movies.

I didn't expect to be dragged into this survival game to suffer.

God is blind!"

"Since you're here, make the best of it. If you think about it carefully, it's much more exciting than the boring study life."

"Really? I don't know who's always shouting that his body stinks and he wants to take a shower"


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