By the time we returned to the cave, it was completely dark.

This was mainly on the way back, at Ye Qing’s request, the traces left by the place where his group walked, and some simple processing, which took a lot of time.

Today, several people were quite tired, of course, the four bear paws did not have the heart to do it, and after throwing a large piece of bear meat to Xiao Hei, the goods gnawed on the side by themselves.

And although Xiaolan has no merits, he has also received a lot of treatment, anyway, Ye Qing will not treat them badly.

As for Ye Qing himself, they cooked a pot of fresh bear broth and filled their stomachs with rice.

After that, I tinkered with the radio for a while, because it was already past the best time period for the signal, and naturally there was nothing to gain.

While Zhao Ling was cooking, Funi had already taken out the bear skin again, processed the part that Ye Qing had removed, and then used sand and gravel to grind off the remaining residual meat and fat on it, and finally cleaned it and hung it outside to dry.

So after dinner, the three of them had nothing to do, so they went to bed early.

The next day, the snowstorm was still the same, and the temperature seemed to have dropped a little more, although it was not large, but Ye Qing and they could still feel it very clearly.

For this reason, Zhao Ling and Furni also had to admire Ye Qing’s foresight.

According to this trend, just wolf skin can’t really keep warm.

Worried about the bones of yesterday’s dog-faced bear, Ye Qing planned to go over again today, otherwise if the temperature lowered later, he could only lose it, and felt a pity.

In fact, this bear bone Yeqing does not know what is the use, but I heard the old people in the village say before, it seems that it can be used in medicine, mainly to treat rheumatism or something.

Now none of them have this kind of problem, but talk is better than nothing, besides, bone soup or something, it is also quite delicious.

In addition, although there are a lot of food reserves now, the devil knows how bad the weather will be, if he can, Ye Qing also wants to cut some bear meat back, just in case.

This time, only Ye Qing and Furni went, and even Xiao Hei did not bring them.

I don’t know if yesterday’s battle made it too tired, and his expression has been stunned since he came back.

Because of the existence of a special connection, Ye Qing knew that it was not injured, so he didn’t care, and he could also protect Zhao Ling in the cave.

As for Zhao Ling, the fresh meat brought back yesterday still needs to be marinated by her, although it is only cut, but the dog-faced bear is very large, and these meats are almost worth the meat of a smaller young pig, enough for her to work for most of the day.

And Xiaolan has not gone out much recently because of the weather, so unless it is all the staff to go out Ye Qing will bring it, now with Zhao Ling and Xiaohei there, there is no need to bring it.

After breakfast, Ye Qing and Funi set off, except for the sword and saber they carried with them, plus a machete and some hemp rope, the two of them brought nothing, everything was light, mainly pursuing speed, anyway, there was nothing to take.

Following the road they had walked yesterday, Ye Qing and Funi checked again and found that there were no traces of other animals or people walking, which was reassuring.

After all, yesterday walked in a hurry, and covering up the traces was just a simple footprint covered with snow, and if you really had the intention to search, it was easy to find the traces of their walk.

Because they were not as cautious as yesterday and worried about being discovered by the panther, it only took the two of them about an hour to come to the snowfield.

But when approaching the body of the dog-faced bear, on the snowfield, Ye Qing and they found some chaotic footprints.

The footprints are very shallow, and it seems that they have been walking for a while, so that only a shallow mark is left, and it is impossible to see what kind of animal the footprint is, but these footprints look large and small, and should not be left by the same animal.

And when it came to the corpse of the dog-faced bear, the two were even more horrified.

When they left yesterday, although they cut a lot of meat, the dog-faced bear’s body was so huge, Ye Qing and they only cut off the parts of the legs with the best flesh, and the rest of the place did not move at all.

But now, the corpse of this dog-faced bear is almost only a skeleton left, and the meat on it has been gnawed to pieces, and there are no traces visible from the tooth marks, but Ye Qing dares to conclude that this is definitely more than a beast, and a beast alone cannot create this effect at all, even if it is the same kind of dog-faced bear, it is impossible to gnaw the corpse of the original dog-faced bear in one meal.

Furni’s face was a little ugly, looked at Ye Qing, and asked in an uncertain tone: “It seems that there are more beasts on this island than we thought.” ”

Ye Qing’s face was also not good-looking, not because his loot was robbed, but because of a deeper reason.

He said: “It’s not surprising that this island is so big, it has a food chain as complete as the outside, but in such weather, there are still so many fierce beasts, which is unexpected…”

After a pause, he pointed to the traces on the ground that were more obvious than the footprints found earlier: “You see, these places seem to be left by fights, and the traces of our fight yesterday, after a night of wind and snow, have long been covered, but now these can still be revealed, which shows that these traces are newly left, and it is very likely that many waves of wild beasts fought to snatch the body of this dog-faced bear.” ”

“It’s really something to be wary of.”

Furney said deeply: “From this point, it can be seen that although the weather is bad, there are still many beasts who are not afraid of the cold, but their food is extremely scarce, which will lead to a big fight for a corpse, which is very bad for us.” ”

“Yes.” Ye Qing nodded in agreement.

Furney’s meaning is very clear, these animals were originally at the top of the island’s food chain, but the sudden weather caused many animals to freeze to death and starve, and although these beasts were not afraid of the cold, they faced the problem of food shortage.

That is to say, in this situation, if you and others accidentally encounter a beast, the other party is very likely to treat themselves and others as food and launch an attack as soon as they encounter them.

This is definitely not a good signal for myself and others.

Because this means that once encountered, it is a life-and-death battle.

I was in a good mood to come over and deal with the loot that I didn’t have time to deal with last night, but now I was overshadowed by this matter.

Feeling a little irritable, Ye Qing and Funi hastily cleaned up the corpse of the dog-faced bear, brought as many bones as possible, and left directly.

It is impossible for these bones to be used for soup, but it should be good to keep them for drying and grinding into powder for medicine.

When they went back, the two of them did not bother, carefully cleaning up all the traces left by the places they walked on, and never let other wild beasts or people wandering in this forest follow these traces to the side of the cave.

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