Anyway, the land doesn’t need money, so Ye Qing wants to build this wooden house as spacious as possible, and it will be more comfortable to live in in the future.

And if you really live in a wooden house, then you can score out a few rooms, you can no longer be like in the cave, men and women mixed together, so that if the house is too small, the layout inside is small, and if you pile things up again and again, there is simply not enough space.

We can’t expand it when the time comes.

Now that there is time and strength anyway, it is better to do it in one step.

Funi is digging a hole over there, Ye Qing naturally will not be idle, went over to look at Funi over there, so after a while, she dug down a lot, it looks almost a meter deep.

The foundation is naturally better to be deeper, but after looking at it, it is already difficult for Furny to dig it now. It’s not because the dirt gets harder the further down you go, but this hole doesn’t want to dig very wide like building a house and digging the foundation, so at this depth, the Funi people can’t go down, they can only lie at the mouth of the hole and plan, the progress is very slow.

Ye Qing looked at it for a while, and felt that it was not necessary to continue digging, if the wooden house only built one floor, the foundation did not need to be deep, about one meter was enough, so he asked Funi to stop, let her rest for a while and dig another place.

As for Ye Qing himself, this is already picking a point to dig up.

His strength and endurance have been improved, digging up the dirt, it is almost like digging tofu, anyway, it is very easy, just a few minutes of Furney rest, he has already dug down tens of centimeters.

After a glance at Franne, she silently turned back and went back to work.

Seeing her like this, Ye Qing was dumbfounded again.

Why does this niko seem to be fighting with herself?

Not only the matter of digging the foundation, looking back on everything in the past, it seems that as long as Ye Qing is doing, Furni has to intervene, and it seems that it is difficult to accept that Ye Qing can do better than her, so she always works very hard.

This is a good thing, of course Ye Qing will not stop it.

After laughing, he continued to dig a hole.

After a while, Zhao Ling’s side also cleaned up, and when she saw the two of them digging a pit, she also knew what she was doing, and after asking Ye Qing where she was going to dig next, she took the sharpened bamboo that Ye Qing put aside, and dug it herself.

Half an hour later, Ye Qing’s side dug up, and after taking a look, Funi’s side was about to reach its limit, so he didn’t care and walked directly to Zhao Ling’s side.

Because Zhao Ling came later, he had never done this kind of thing before, and the progress was really a little unflattering, and half an hour had passed, and he hadn’t even arrived at twenty centimeters.

Ye Qing pulled her away and started her own hand.

After Furney’s side dug up, his side was almost finished.

A few minutes later, Ye Qing’s side was also done.

The four deep holes are nearly one meter deep, and this depth should be fine.

Next, let Furni and Zhao Ling go to rest, and Ye Qing himself ran to the side where the wooden strips were piled before, picked up a wooden strip and put it in the nearest deep hole.

However, after putting it in, he did not immediately fill in the soil and compact, but supported the wooden strip, let it “stand” firmly and “stand straight”, and then casually grabbed a handful of dirt from the side, wiped a handful of the wooden bar at the position of the horizon, and then lifted the wooden strip and placed it horizontally next to the deep hole.

Zhao Ling came over and asked puzzled, “What are you doing?” Why take it out when you put it all in just now? ”

Ye Qing explained: “We don’t have measuring tools now, so we don’t know the specific depth of these deep holes, and if we don’t use these pillars to measure, then their height will be difficult to measure after standing up.” ”

Listening to this explanation, Zhao Ling became more and more puzzled, and said: “No, if it is just to measure the depth of these deep holes, then you use a bamboo strip to measure one by one and mark it, and then mark it with the same length on the wooden strip?” Wouldn’t it be more tiring to try it one by one? ”

When Ye Qing heard this, he immediately smiled and said, “What you said is indeed correct, but the problem is, we don’t know the quality of the soil under these deep holes, if you only use bamboo strips to measure, then have you considered that the weight of the wooden strips will press these holes deeper?” ”

In the process of digging the hole, because some of the dug soil can not be cleaned at all, so can only be left at the bottom of the hole, plus when digging the hole, Ye Qing felt that the soil here is actually a little loose, although most of these wooden strips have been cut off, but each one is five or six hundred up and down, put it up will definitely press down the bottom of the hole a lot, but the soil bearing capacity at the bottom of each hole is different, the weight of each wooden strip is not the same, if only measured with bamboo strips and then marked on the wooden strips and then put the wooden strips in, At that time, the height of these wooden strips exposed outside will definitely not be the same.

After Ye Qing’s explanation, Zhao Ling found that he had actually ignored such a low-level and important question, and he was immediately embarrassed and stopped talking.

Ye Qing didn’t care about him, holding those bamboo strips and trying them one by one, then marked, and then took out the wooden strips and put them aside.

After all the marks were made, I still did not put all the wooden strips into the deep hole, but went to the side to cut a bamboo strip, took a length of about half a meter, cut off the burrs on the surface, and the whole bamboo strip was also polished smooth, and then made a mark about 20 centimeters from one of the ends.

After that, I found a bamboo, took a length of about five or six meters, cut the two ends flat, and put it aside.

After doing all this, he ran to the wooden strips, and from the original marked position, he laid the bamboo strips flat on top of the wooden strips, straightened them, and then marked the end of the bamboo strips.

Only from this mark and further, take the place where the mark was made on the bamboo strip and mark it on the wooden strip again.

After that, take the bamboo prepared earlier, measure it again from this last mark, and then mark it again.

In this way, there are four marks on a wooden strip, one is from the root to the first mark, about a meter in length, which is the depth of this deep pit.

The second mark is to keep the wooden house from moisture.

So Ye Qing planned to build a vacated wooden house, and the distance from the first mark to the second mark was the height of the wooden house floor from the ground.

From the second mark to the third mark, there is a distance of about 20 cm, which is reserved for chiseling mortise.

As for the fourth mark, which is five or six meters away from the third mark, this is the height of the entire room.

Ye Qing actually didn’t know exactly how much distance between these marks, but he had to ensure that the distance between these marks on each wooden strip was equal, which was why he put the wooden strip into the deep pit and then took it out.

………… The dividing line…………

Are there any wilderness, island survival movie recommendations?

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