What Zhao Ling said was not wrong at all, the distance between her and Ye Qing was really close.

Ye Qing’s side had just come out of the cave, and not long after waiting on the side of the campfire, in less than ten minutes, a girl turned out from behind a reef at the bottom of the cliff.

The girl wore a white dress, which looked like she had just been soaked in the sea, and clinged to her body, reflecting her perfect figure to the fullest.

Her long black hair was also wet, making her delicate face look pitiful, and her expression was a little depressed, completely lacking the fairy feeling she had seen on TV before.

But this does not affect her to give people a sense of amazement, at least her poignant appearance now directly stunned Ye Qing.

“Ye Qing?”

Zhao Ling walked in front of Ye Qing and stretched out his hand to shake it in front of his eyes.

Ye Qing came back to his senses and smiled awkwardly: “It’s me, I haven’t seen a living star before, I’m sorry.” ”

“Wow, it’s really you!”

Zhao Ling jumped up excitedly again, and the radio bar in his hand fell to the beach, and then Ye Qing felt that there was an extra soft body in his arms, and Zhao Ling’s whole body was almost hung on him.

Such a fierce reaction made Ye Qing a little difficult to accept, although the other party was a big star, but in the end it was still a stranger who had just met.

Gently pushing Zhao Ling away, Ye Qing said, “You better bake your clothes first.” ”

“Uh oh.”

Zhao Ling bowed his head in response, obviously also ashamed by his actions.

In fact, she just hugged Ye Qing simply because she finally didn’t have to be alone on this island anymore, and she hugged Ye Qing with emotion.

Now calm down and find yourself too defenseless.

I don’t know anything about the man in front of me, just chatting a few words through the radio and risking danger to come to him, what if this is a bad person?

Both of them began to fall silent, neither of them knowing what was going on in their hearts.

In the end, it was Ye Qing who broke the calm first and spoke, “That… The fire here is not strong enough, there is a cave over there, it is my temporary residence, or should we go first? ”

He is not simply looking for words, but the fact that he is saying.

Although this fire also has dry firewood, it is not built for heating, many of them are raw wood and leaves, and it emits a lot of smoke when burned, but in fact the fire is not large.

Zhao Ling tilted his head and glanced at Ye Qing, and then said, “Then you lead the way.” ”

Ye Qing didn’t say anything anymore, although there were not so many scruples in this special period, but two people, still lonely men and widows living in a cave, it was still quite awkward.

He still had some questions to ask Zhao Ling, but it was not very convenient to see the other party like this.

Ye Qing silently led the way in front, while Zhao Ling also followed him silently.

The two returned to the cave, remembering that there were many women’s clothes in the suitcase before, Ye Qing opened the box, and then said: “Here are some women’s clothes, let’s see if you can wear them, now it’s easy to catch a cold.” ”

Saying that, he turned around and went out again, leaving only a fluttering sentence: “I’ll go find something to eat.” ”

Zhao Ling looked at his back, and then looked at the fish soup that was still exuding aroma when she came in on the ground, and the corners of her mouth gently hooked, revealing a reassuring smile.

After changing his clothes, he found that Ye Qing did not peek in the process, and his liking for this man who looked quite handsome increased a lot.

Sitting on the edge of the fire, Zhao Ling shouted outside: “I’m changing, you come in.” ”

As soon as the words fell, Ye Qing’s figure turned in from the door of the cave.

I have to say that Zhao Ling, this woman, is really good-looking, she is simply a humanoid self-propelled hanger, and she looks good in everything.

At this time, she changed into a clean denim, and her hair was also tied high, giving people a heroic and sassy feeling.

“Didn’t you go looking for food? How did you come back empty-handed? Zhao Ling teased with a bad smile at the corner of his mouth.

Ye Qing sighed, and casually said: “It’s too dark outside, I didn’t make it.” ”

Saying that, he brought over the fish soup that had been taken off to cool before: “No, this is my dinner, if you don’t mind, let’s go together.” ”

Although he had already discovered it, Zhao Ling still showed a very surprised expression: “Did you come here in the end?” Not only fire, but now there are actually iron pots, and so on … Is that mineral water over there, my God… What is this again? Seasoning? ”

If there was an exaggeration in it at the beginning, but later, seeing the situation in the cave, Zhao Ling was completely shocked.

Everything here is really nothing on the outside, but here, it has become a rarity. With these things, where is this difficulty, is it simply a vacation?

The space of the cave is actually not large, so many things can be seen at a glance, which makes Ye Qing shout, and he already knew that he put away some of the things before going out.

But now that he has been discovered, he has nothing to worry about, just smiled lightly: “I picked it up on the beach, maybe I was lucky.” ”

“Your luck is also a bit against the sky.” Zhao Ling suddenly looked a little lonely.

Ye Qing was slightly stunned, and then thought of what the other party said on the radio before, he had been eating raw meat for the past two days, and he did not have some sympathy.

In the end, this woman is only in her early twenties, although she has acted in a lot of TV movies, but she can put it on ordinary people, she has not yet walked out of school at this age, and she is a big star, where are there any island survival skills, can identify a radio station and can use it is already very powerful.

“Hehe, let’s solve the stomach problem first.” Ye Qing sent an invitation to Zhao Ling.

Zhao Ling looked at the large pot of fragrant fish soup, swallowed his saliva, and whispered: “This… How to eat? ”

This question, Ye Qing was really asked, before he had always eaten grilled fish and grilled shrimp and the like, just grabbed it with his hands, but now this… This is a pot of soup, you can’t reach out and grab it, right?

After thinking about it, he ran to the place where dry firewood was piled on the side, picked two small wooden sticks, cut them with a dagger, and handed them to Zhao Ling: “I’ll use this, I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” ”

I used to imagine the deliciousness of the soup, but I completely forgot that I didn’t have anything to hold at all, and now I can only make two pairs of chopsticks to pick the meat to eat.

Zhao Ling seems to have really not eaten much in the past two days, several pounds of fish, Ye Qing did not eat much, all into her stomach, and then did not care about hygiene and unhygiene, removed a piece from the coconut leaves that Ye Qing spread on the ground as a bed, rolled it up, scooped a few mouthfuls of soup and drank, and then sat contentedly by the fire to rest.

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