The pain lasted less than a minute, but Ye Qing felt as if he had gone to hell.

He could even hear the sound of blood flowing in his veins, the sound of bones breaking and recombining… Various voices weave together in his body a beautiful and deadly song.

When the pain disappeared, he felt as if all his strength had been exhausted, and he slumped at the mouth of the hole, sweat beads on his forehead dripping down in large drops, and his clothes were already soaked with sweat.

After resting for a while, he felt much better, but because Fang Cai’s pain made him sweat a lot, his clothes stuck to his body very uncomfortable.

Anyway, there was Xiaolan helping with the vigil, he couldn’t care so much, immediately ran to the beach, and wiped it on himself without saying a word.

There is no shower gel soap or the like in this place, so this is the only way to remove sweat stains.

After washing for a while, feeling much more refreshed and comfortable, Ye Qing went ashore to prepare to get dressed.

Of course, the clothes have already been washed.

But while getting dressed, he suddenly noticed something.

That’s your own beer belly… It actually turned into six-pack abs!

What the hell is going on here?

Ye Qing was completely stunned, and checked other places on his body and found that there were changes, such as the biceps of the brachii was enlarged, and the skin seemed to turn white.

What made him feel even more incredible was that the injuries he had suffered when he ran out of the woods before had all disappeared, leaving not even a single scar.

Ye Qingke remembered that the right calf was cut by a jagged leaf at that time, and even if there was medicine, it would leave an ugly scar in the end.

But now, that’s all gone.

Then put on the clothes, he always felt that the shoes seemed to be one size smaller, the pants were a little tight, the trouser legs were shorter, and the clothes did not feel any change, but that was because Ye Qing deliberately bought one size larger when he was buying, just to wear comfortably.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he had become stronger and seemed to have grown a lot taller!


Rao is under the control of the system, Ye Qingdu has adapted to all kinds of strange things happening, but this kind of change that directly happened to him, he still felt a little incredible.

You said that these figures can be trained through exercise, but what is this height?

Faced with this result, Ye Qing was mixed.

The good thing is that I seem to be stronger, more agile, and have more capital to talk about girlfriends.

The worry is that this is on an island, and it is useless to become stronger, taller and handsome… It’s not right, isn’t there still a Zhao Ling, if he gets up tomorrow morning and finds that his brother has become handsome, will he fall in love with himself?

Bah! What to think?

Ye Qing spat fiercely on the beach, feeling ashamed of his thoughts… In fact, on this island full of unknowns, this huge improvement in the body is still very good for future survival and development, for example, when you encounter danger, you can bring yourself more opportunities to survive, which is incomparable to any resource.

After narcissism on the beach for a while, he found that it was almost dawn, and Ye Qing no longer stayed, and hurriedly returned to the cave.

However, before going back, he first tore off the legs of his trousers, and the trousers directly became medium pants.

No way, the pants that were almost dragged to the ground originally, after this change, even the ankles can not be covered, as long as they are not blind, they can see the changes, in order not to make Zhao Ling’s sister suspicious, he can only do this, anyway, is there a measuring instrument or something here, visually confused and it will be fine.

When he went back, Ye Qing found that his running speed seemed to have become faster, and his lung capacity had also increased, and when he climbed up the cave from the bottom, he tried it, and when he jumped up, he could be almost two meters high, which can be said to be very terrifying.

It seems that this is the effect of the so-called “strong” talent, but I didn’t expect that the map that was ignored by myself could still give me such a big surprise.

After sitting down at the entrance of the cave, Ye Qing couldn’t wait to open the [Exploration Progress] option, and he began to look forward to what gifts other map labels would give.

But the result disappointed him again, except for the “fighter wreckage” label, the other labels did not have the previous small gift package flashing situation.

Randomly clicked “shabby hut”, and a word “75%” popped up on the interface, which made Ye Qing’s eyes light up again.

Could it be that in addition to the degree of exploration of the main topic of the island, these labeling points also have the degree of exploration?

Thinking so, he clicked “fighter wreckage” again and found that 100% of the words popped up.

Gee, this dog system actually plays hidden rewards, if it weren’t for his boredom tonight, I’m afraid he would have missed these rewards.

Silently complaining a few words, he quickly clicked on the other marking points.

“Coconut grove”: 25%.

“Blue crab colony”: 75%.

“Low cliffs”: 90%.

“Freshwater resources”: 15%.

“West Side Beach”: 5%.

These are the places where Ye Qing has been so far, the “low cliff” is the cliff he found when he and Zhao Ling went to find the cave before, and the “western beach” is the beach where Zhao Ling was before.

Ye Qing remembered that when he went over before, although he did not thoroughly investigate, in order to find the information of the fighter, he also traveled a lot around there, but he didn’t expect to explore 5%, which shows that the beach over there is bigger than the beach on his side.

“It seems that you can’t always stay in the cave in the future, and you have to go to the outside world…” Ye Qing said to himself, completely forgetting that there were still unknown dangers outside.

But in fact, even if he realized this, I am afraid that he would not give up this plan, just imagine, if every place reaches 100% completion and gives something to improve his own ability, these dangers are really nothing.

Isn’t there a saying that goes well? What is called you work hard may not necessarily succeed, but if you do not work hard, you must not succeed.

If you don’t do anything, what can you get?

Having made this decision, Ye Qing thought about it, and still felt that he had to discuss it with Zhao Ling, after all, his decision now affected not himself.

Unconsciously, the fate of himself and Zhao Ling was already tied together.

When dawn came, Xiao Lan flew down from the cliff and squatted on Ye Qing’s shoulder.

“Wow, what a beautiful bird!”

Zhao Ling didn’t know when he woke up, and looked at Ye Qing in front of him, always feeling that in the middle of the night, he seemed to have become more handsome.

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