Back in the cave, the day passed like this again.

After dinner, I tinkered with the radio for a while, but I found that the signal was surprisingly poor, and I received nothing except a few entertainment channels playing some songs.

Radio batteries can be limited, and you can’t waste it on this unnecessary entertainment.

Turning off the radio, Ye Qing remembered the talent he got during the day and said to Zhao Ling: “By the way, big star, please do something.”

Zhao Ling gave him a blank look: “Speak human words.”

“Ahem… So what, there is nothing to do anyway, or will you teach me a few foreign languages? Ye Qing said.

Zhao Ling’s eyes lit up, and he wondered for a moment: “It’s not impossible to teach you, but why did you suddenly remember to learn this?”

Ye Qing said positively: “Don’t you say that more skills don’t weigh down, in case you go out one day, when looking for a job, knowing foreign languages and not knowing foreign languages are two treatment, besides, isn’t this one more person now, it’s always strange to let you translate, if I myself will also, wouldn’t it be better?”

“Well, too.” Zhao Ling nodded, the current society is getting smaller and smaller, everything is international, the global village, how important it is to learn a foreign language well She has a deep understanding, Ye Qing can have such a self-motivation, she is also very happy for him, immediately said: “Then I am very strict, if you don’t learn well, you will be beaten to the board… By the way, what do you want to learn? ”

Ye Qing glanced at the female pirate Furni over there and said with a smile: “Let’s start with English.”

“What, how many more do you want to learn?”

Zhao Ling was a little surprised, and then frowned.

In general, the best time for a person to learn a language is early childhood, and once this stage is over, it takes several times more effort to achieve the same effect.

And after this period of getting along, Ye Qing’s English level she knows very well, in her opinion, after her own hand-to-hand teaching, Ye Qing can communicate with Funi simply after a month, it is good, if you want to continue to improve, it is initially estimated that it will take a year or two.

But now Ye Qing actually thinks about other languages, which is a little greedy.

Seeing her expression, Ye Qing couldn’t know what she was thinking, and quickly said: “Don’t worry, I will definitely study hard, anyway, we don’t know when we can go out here, learn a few more subjects as if I go abroad for further study.” ”

Zhao Ling was amused by his statement, in fact, he thought about it, too, when can he go out and say not necessarily, since he wants to learn, then he will teach it well, otherwise he seems to be very stingy.

She said, “Just learn here? ”

Ye Qing was puzzled: “How else?” ”

“Or let’s go to the beach for a walk, blow the wind, maybe we can pick up some supplies by the way, last time we picked up so many things…” said Zhao Ling.

Ye Qing almost didn’t laugh out loud, since the last time she fooled her and said that things would float over from time to time on the beach, this girl ran to the beach every day when she had nothing to do, but she didn’t see anything, I was afraid that she wanted to increase her luck.

Looking at the sky, the sunset, hanging on the horizon, at first glance, it is really a little beautiful, at this time, the beach should also be shining into the color of gold, to walk with Zhao Ling on it, maybe you can get out of the feeling of an epic movie.

nodded, agreed, and then the two cleaned up the cave, and went out with Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan, thinking about it, it would not be good to let the female pirate be here alone in case something happened and ran away, and finally Ye Qing untied the rope on her feet, and then pushed her out.

Three people and two beasts walking on the beach, such a combination is not to mention how strange, but Ye Qing and Zhao Ling did not have the heart to pay attention to this, and they were seriously learning English at this time.

After teaching for a while, Zhao Ling was completely stunned by Ye Qing’s learning efficiency, this has only been taught for half an hour, he will draw inferences, at this rate, it will not take a month, I am afraid that he can communicate with people normally in a day or two.

What shocked her even more was that Ye Qing’s memory was also extremely amazing, basically every sentence she said, he could repeat it word for word, and there was no pronunciation error.

At this rate, it is not impossible for the other party to learn all the several foreign languages he knows.

Ye Qing didn’t know what Zhao Ling was thinking, he was completely immersed in learning and couldn’t extricate himself, pondering this grammar for a while, and studying the pronunciation of words for a while, and the sound of him reading English aloud sounded from time to time on the entire beach.

After teaching again, Zhao Ling found that this guy could already communicate with himself simply in English, so he suggested: “Otherwise, in order to deepen your memory, we will all communicate in English in the future, what do you think?” ”

Of course, Ye Qing nodded in agreement, and then within a few minutes, Zhao Ling regretted the proposal he had made.

Because Ye Qing has been talking in English all the time around her.

“How are you?”

“How was your day?”

“What’s the weather like today?”

“How to go to the beach?”


Zhao Ling’s head is about to explode, and he has to answer Ye Qing’s various questions with a smile, no way, the pit he dug, even if there is a sea of sword and fire, he has to jump in.

But soon, the situation improved, because Ye Qing was no longer satisfied with this kind of simple meaningless conversation, he quickly ran to Furni’s side, and the thunderbolt crackled and the operation was fierce.

“Hey, woman, you’re playing with fire, you know?”

“Come to the duel, pirate!”

“Pirate’s daughter, let’s go find the treasure…”


Fu Nicole didn’t have as good a temper as Zhao Ling, and she looked at Ye Qing with idiotic eyes from beginning to end, and there was no answer to any of his words.

Ye Qing played with himself for a while, felt bored, glared at Furni fiercely, put down a few threatening words, and then ran to Zhao Ling’s side.

Zhao Ling only felt exhausted for a while, and his eyes searched the coast, only hoping to find something to divert Ye Qing’s attention.

Even if it’s just garbage. Zhao Ling thought desperately.

Not to mention, she was lucky today, and after a few minutes of Ye Qing’s devastation, on the beach not far from them, she finally found something that did not belong to the beach.

It looked quite big, but I didn’t see what it was, so I quickly pointed to the place and said, “Ye Qing, look, what’s over there?” ”

Ye Qingzheng said happily, at first hearing this, he didn’t understand a little, because Zhao Ling spoke in English and spoke quickly, but he noticed the direction that Zhao Ling’s finger was pointing, and he was suddenly shocked and unable to speak.

With [Hawkeye], he activated instantly, and then the things over there were clearly reflected in his line of sight.

That actually was… A ship!

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