After a busy day, it ended with washing away the blood stains on the stone slab in front of the cave.

After changing your clothes, washing and drying by the fire, it’s time for dinner.

Because of the fresh wolf meat, there is no need to eat fish this time.

Zhao Ling has a fascination with eating, according to Ye Qing’s thoughts, he is already so tired today, just cook some fresh broth.

But Zhao Ling refused, and drove him to the fire to bake the fire with Xiao Hei, and he took Funi to start tinkering with the night.

It took nearly two hours for the dinner to be ready.

The same wolf meat, but they drummed up several tricks, what braised it, fried wolf steak, stewed meat, look at Ye Qing’s drool.

Without saying much, the wind swept through the clouds, and the three people ate the amount of five or six people before they gave up.

The radio signal was still very poor, and Ye Qing learned English for a while at night, because he was too tired, so he went to bed early.

The next day, the rainstorm continued, there was no intention of stopping, and the three of them chatted around the fire.

But the time when there was nothing to do passed too slowly, and the lips were about to break up, and the morning had not passed.

Ye Qing couldn’t stand it anymore, so he said goodbye to the two women, and then entered the cave and began to rummage through the pile of debris.

It’s not that he hopes to find something to pass the time, it’s just that there are so many things that he hadn’t counted properly before, and he didn’t care about it after moving off the ship.

This time, it really made him turn over a lot of useful things.

An iron shovel that has not been handled, although it is rusty, but it can still be used for grinding, and there are a few pieces of scrap iron, which I thought was useless before, but Ye Qing looked at it and found that these iron pieces were not large, only the size of a palm, and one thin and one thick, if you polish it well, it can also be used to replace stone axes.

It’s a good thing, and you have to put it away.

After finding some things that could be used at present, Ye Qing collected them, and then found a place to place them again, so as not to forget them later.

Finally, he found a deck of playing cards in this pile of groceries.

It has not been opened, there is a plastic wrap outside, even if it is soaked in water, it is not broken.

I used to feel that there was not enough time, but now it’s good, a heavy rain directly traps them in the cave, and when they are idle, they always feel that there is nothing to do, and their hearts itch.

The appearance of this deck of playing cards made Ye Qing seem to see the light from the darkness.

Immediately excitedly ran out of the cave, playing cards in his hand and shouting: “What do you think I found?” ”

When the two women heard the movement, they turned around one after another.

When Zhao Ling saw the things in his hand, he was also excited.

Even Furney had a slight smile on her face.

Because this poker is modern, I have never seen this material and pattern, and I am curious about it.

Then the three of them reported the gameplay they knew, and took over the gameplay that Ye Qing and Zhao Ling knew, and Fanny didn’t understand, because they had been fighting and killing before, and they hadn’t played seriously.

No way, the two of them then explained to her all the ways they knew to play, and finally found that this nizi was particularly interested in fighting the landlord, and it happened that this was also something that three people could play, and began to fight the landlord.

This play, another day has passed.

After eating a night, they couldn’t play anymore, gathered around the fire, and didn’t know what to say, so they were all silent.

Suddenly, a thunder startled the three of them, and then found that the rain had increased a little, and the wind was blowing, and a lot of rain was blown to the mouth of the cave.

There was no way, but to shift the position, pack up the things, put them in the cave, and then move to the inside behind the door.

Sitting in front of the fire again, Zhao Ling said with a worried expression: “Ye Qing, when do you say this rain will fall?” ”

Because Ye Qing can now understand a lot of English, the three of them usually communicate in English.

As soon as Zhao Ling’s words came out, before Ye Qing could say anything, Furni spoke: “This kind of rain will not stop easily, for a long time, it can even fall for ten days or even a month or two.” ”


Zhao Ling and Ye Qing both shouted in silence.

Zhao Ling was because of this rainy period, while Ye Qing was because of something else.

Although they are not short of food and water now, if it rains for so long, the man can also be moldy in the cave.

And he is worried about more than this, it has only been two days, and there are already green wolves who can’t stand to run here, if it really takes so long, then will there be other animals coming?

The geographical location of this cave is very good, it is easy not to be flooded by rain, such a existence, it is estimated that the nearby beasts are also very aware of this, if the rain is too heavy and too long, these beasts have no place to shelter from the rain, and it is not impossible for them to run here.

Furni didn’t know what Ye Qing was worried about, and thought that they were just shocked by the time they said, so she continued: “I don’t know how big this island is, but generally on the island at sea, the weather system is linked to the sea, and when I was on the ship before, I had encountered such weather many times, and I was used to it.” ”

“That’s troublesome.”

Ye Qing frowned.

Furni’s words he did not doubt, after all, this is a woman who grew up on a ship, and her understanding of the weather at sea is definitely far more than herself and Zhao Lingyu.

If the rain really lasted as long as Furney said, the previous fears would probably happen.

But today, just one green wolf has exhausted himself and the others, and even (Wang Zhao) Zhao Ling is almost in danger of life.

What if it wasn’t the green wolf that came all the time, but the short-faced bear he had seen?

Even though his body has been greatly strengthened now, he still thinks back to the feeling of splitting his liver and gallbladder when he faced the short-faced bear, even if everyone here plus Xiao Hei is together.

Another point is that although this cave is not easy to be flooded by rainwater, if it rains heavily every day like today, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be stagnant water around it to form a flood and wash it down, in case of mudslides or something, it will be troublesome.

Seeing that his face was a little wrong, Zhao Ling said, “What’s wrong with you?” We don’t lack anything now, even if it really takes so long, at most it’s boring. ”

“It’s not that simple…”

Ye Qing told them his worries, and the two of them immediately looked worried. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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