Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 104 Six years of wind? Kirin jade? White in the mist? (3, please order!)

"You come?"

Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin in surprise.

Lin Han's netizens were also stunned, and they immediately started booing.

"Wow, Nvxia Li actually treats pets?

"Lin Shen's expression brightened!

"Let you underestimate Li Nvxia, you've finally been slapped in the face this time. 99

As for Li Shuixin's fans, they seemed to be exasperated.

"My goddess knows a lot, but you just didn't find it. 39

"See if you dare to underestimate my goddess in the future!"

"Goddess, show him a hand."

Li Shuixin rolled her eyes at Lin Han angrily, "What's your expression like?"

"Curious, curious!"

Lin Han secretly wiped his sweat and explained quickly.


Li Shuixin raised the corner of his mouth, a little proud. It is hard to imagine that Goddess Li, who has always been aloof and cold, can actually show such a little girly attitude.

Honey, once again shocked the big teeth.

"My grandfather is a world image of traditional Chinese medicine. My grandfather and grandmother know medicine. They want to pass on their medical skills to the only bloodline, that is, my mother. But my mother was not interested in studying medicine, so when I was very young, they let me Go and study medicine for her."

In other words, when she was very young, she possessed extraordinary medical skills.

Although, she learned reluctantly.

But this medical skill is real.

While speaking, she had already started to check Hai Dongqing's injury.

Lin Han comforted Hai Dongqing next to him, "Don't be afraid, this aunt is here to help you heal. 22


Li Shuixin's body shook violently.

"Pfft hahaha~ Lin Shen, are you trying to laugh at me to death? You just said that you haven't reached level ten yet, but your feelings have already surpassed level ten!"

"The first level 11 straight steel man in history, do you know?

"Can Auntie call you whatever you want?"

"Nvxia Li, it's hard to take care of yourself."

Li Shuixin's fans' noses are crooked with anger,

"Call me Aunt Fairy? Lin Han, Zhu Yongshen, be single forever!

"Goddess, it is difficult for Wanjing to have the same knowledge as him. You will always be the eighteen-year-old goddess in our minds! 33

Lin Han didn't pay attention to this at all, and after speaking, he reacted,

Seeing Li Shuixin's murderous gaze, he quickly apologized, "Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue.


. "

Li Shuixin took a deep breath, and her cultivation from a young age made her calm down quickly.

Hai Dongqing's injury, she has already figured it out,

Next, is bone setting.

I saw that she squeezed lightly with her hand, and then very gently, straightened Costin's wings back.

Lin Han only heard a very slight "click".

Hai Dongqing opened his mouth, but did not call the hook.

It is very spiritual and can feel kindness. Therefore, Li Shuixin did not reject the pain caused by it at all.

The speed of her treatment is fast, and the faster it is, the less painful it is for the patient.

In just a few seconds, the most severely injured left wing was already in place. Then quickly, use a branch on it to fix the bones for the costocyanine.

Bird bones and human bones are different in structure, but Li Shuixin has a very high talent in medicine.

When she was studying abroad, she treated pigeons, so she handled Costin's injuries very lightly and skillfully.

I believe that it will not be long before it will be able to fly into the sky again.


In less than three minutes, Li Shuixin helped Costin wrap up.

The short-term pain turned into a comfortable feeling, and Costin exclaimed "woo~" excitedly, as if to thank Li Shuixin.

"Although it is seriously injured, as long as it can eat, it is not life-threatening. Birds have the ability to heal themselves, and if they recover quickly, they can fly again in ten days at most (aide).

Li Shuixin said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

When she was studying medicine, although she was very disgusted, but now she is very happy to use this skill to treat illness and save people.

Lin Han nodded and touched Hai Dongqing's head with his hand, "It looks like you're starving, I'll go get you something to eat. 99

In the nearby reef, there are many large krill. These guys breed fast, but move very slowly. It only took Lin Han a few minutes to catch a dozen of them.

Haidongqing was really starving, and he ate them all in one bite.

It expresses its gratitude "to brother Lin Han!".

"Hehe, you're welcome, you can follow me in the future.

"Cuckoo" (good host~)

The spiritual connection established by FanTong is like a kind of soul imprint, which makes animals recognize Lin Han as the main, and have kindness and dependence on Lin Han.

Therefore, Lin Han conquered it, it was a matter of course.

"Fuck, Costin actually took the initiative to get close to Lin Shen, could it be that it has been subdued by Lin Shen!!

"It's incredible, even more incredible than God Lin subduing crocodiles and leopards!"

Many eagle lovers have exclaimed in amazement.

[God of Eagles]: "Haidongqing is a very arrogant bird of prey. If you want to subdue it, you have to boil the eagle. Usually it takes seven days and seven nights to burn off its wildness and make it tame.

It took less than half an hour for Lin Shen to gain its recognition and completely retain its wildness, which is incredible!

I'm afraid this is the first case in the past few years!"

[Favorite Eagle]: There are historical records that this should be the first case, after all, such adventures are rare. The most inconceivable thing is, why did the Costofa living in the temperate grasslands ask the sky above the tropical waters? Could it be that the habits of the Costumes have undergone a gap change?

[Animal image 007): "You are right, there are many species of Costin, our country is called the Northeast Asian species, and usually lives in You Province, Meng Province and Xijiang Province. Most of them belong to resident birds. The part of Xijiang Province is migratory birds.

In addition, there are North America and Central Asia, as well as the East and other regions. But what is certain is that this bird is not comfortable growing in the tropics.

Knowing that Costin was out of danger, the direction of discussion in the live broadcast room changed.

Many professionals have developed a strong interest in the appearance of costocyanine in tropical regions.

In particular, this animal is like 007, who is a member of the Institute of Zoology, responsible for the study of mammals and endangered animals. At first, I was attracted by Lin Han's big and small flowers.

Poultry is not his specialty, but as an animal portrait, he naturally understands more than ordinary people.

However, what they are talking about is professional terminology, and many ordinary netizens hear it in the fog and don't quite understand it.

"I said, everyone, what is a boiled eagle, what is a migratory bird, and why Haidongqing does not grow in the tropics, can we clarify?"

"That's right, we are elementary school students, can we open university classes?"

[Animal portrait 007] went to call and told his friends who study birds to watch the live broadcast.

[God of Ten Thousand Eagles]: "Boil the eagle, it's easy to understand. That is, when you catch a raptor, let it go to sleep for seven days and seven nights, and use this method to kill its wildness and achieve the effect of taming.

However, as a friendly reminder, most raptors are now protected animals by the state. It is illegal to boil eagles, the fines are light, and they are usually sentenced. So please don't do it.

"As soon as I said it, I knew it, just staring at it with big eyes, I played in "Xiuxiu's Iron Fist"."

"Souga, although it's useless at all, I'd still like to thank Wanying for the reminder. 99

"Boil the eagle? I have to have an eagle to go around first."

"What about 007, it's your turn to popularize science, it's called art migratory bird, why can't Costin live in the tropics?

"Call 007?"

Lin Han let Haidongqing and Xiaohua rest on the shore, and he continued to go fishing.

With the sensing of the sea, any creature on the seabed can be accurately positioned, so Lin Han basically grabs whatever he wants.

In less than half an hour, I caught two large lobsters and a large blue crab.

Each big lobster weighs two pounds, and the big blue crab also weighs more than two pounds, enough for the two of them to have dinner.

Throwing them into the basket, Lin Han returned to the cave with Xiaohua and Haidongqing.

"Come on, Hai Dongqing... uh, what would be a better name for you?"

Lin Han stretched out an arm and made Costin jump up.

"You are a divine bird in the sky, the ancients praised you as the being closest to a god, and will call you a great god in the future?

Lin Han shook his head, the Great God is too vulgar, a bit of a middle schooler.

He looked at Costin carefully, and wanted to find some characteristics from it, and then named it according to its external characteristics. Just like big and small flowers.

"La? After I noticed that your feet are actually white jade, this kind of costocyanine seems to be rare. Isn't it usually yellow and blue-gray?"

Lin Han doesn't know what kinds of Costumes there are, and his knowledge is limited to books and TV shows.

But these feet gave him inspiration, "Baiyu feet, then call you Xiaobaizu? Xiaobaifoot? Forget it, just call Xiaobai, it's simple and practical.

"Learn about the tenth-level naming waste?"

"God is such a little white, this name is really popular.


"I'm such a domineering little white dragon, you actually call him little white!

[God of Ten Thousand Eagles]: "Wait! The white jade feet, could it be a... unicorn pillar! My dear, this is the top grade in Costume.

Rarely seen in a hundred years, rare in a hundred years! 99

He jumped up again excitedly, and the iron ball in his hand hit his foot, screaming in pain.

However, it still couldn't hide its excitement.

[Favorite Eagle]: "Old Tie, you're wrong. Look at its size, it's bigger than normal Costin, at least fifty or sixty centimeters long and weighs seven or eight pounds. Such a Costin It is very rare, at least six years old or older.

If you look at its coat color, it is uniform in black and white, and each tail feather is divided into six sections in black and white, which is clearly a six-year-old phoenix.

[God of Ten Thousand Eagles]: "There is some truth in what you say, but the usual six-year-old phoenix has golden claws, but it has white jade claws, how to explain this?"

"Ha six years of phoenix? Ha unicorn column? Ha ha ha, what you said is all ha!"

Seeing their discussion, netizens were stunned.

At this time, another great god stood up,

[Animal expert 001): "You two eagle friends are both right and wrong. This Costin is indeed a special police officer, and it is not the same as what we usually see. It not only has the characteristics of the six-year-old phoenix, but also has the unicorn. The characteristics of the column. More, it is the characteristics of the misty white.

But I can tell you very clearly that none of these three.

It is a very rare species, and there may be one in every 10,000 Haidongqingli. 93

[God of Ten Thousand Eagles] [Favorite Eagle] almost simultaneously exclaimed, "You are talking about one - Jade White Dragon!!"

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