Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 109 The cause has been found! (3, please order!)

"Are your relatives sick?"

Li Shui thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something.

"Parents. 99

Forest track.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole hall was in an uproar.

In the live broadcast room, the bullet screen rained instantly,

"It turns out that this is the reason why Lin Shen participated in the survival of the wilderness, and he burst into tears! 22

"He is to raise money and treat his parents. He is eighteen years old. 22


"Shen Lin is doing well, uncle and auntie will definitely get better! 99

"Nvxia Li, you must cure your uncle and aunt. Those are your future in-laws.»

star city,

Xia Tingyue, who was lying on the bed watching the live broadcast, instantly moistened her eyes.

There were two clear tears on his face full of vitality.

"Fool, big fool."

In an alley a few miles away, in a shop called Hanyue Convenience Store, a middle-aged couple looked at the screen in front of them and shed tears involuntarily.

"What a stupid kid...

"Child, you must come back safely. Otherwise, parents will be more uncomfortable than dead with so much money alive.

Once, a customer came to buy something, and when they paid, Lin Han's live broadcast was playing on the mobile phone, and they found out.

Therefore, they have been following Lin Han's live broadcast.

The first month's money has already arrived, and it is three million according to the regulations. Although the program team used the name of the hospital to tell them that the money was raised by the hospital, they knew that it was money that Lin Han exchanged for his life.

Hearing Lin Han say the word "parents", his tone was particularly heavy,

Li Shuixin couldn't help but feel nervous,

"I've read a lot of medical books and techniques, but I've never heard of any kind of disease, which occurs according to age. Did Zhao Zeting say that uncles and aunts were the first to suffer from this disease?"

Li Shuixin then asked.

"Well, he said there are similar, but not exactly the same. As for the onset at the age of forty, it is also his inference. Because my parents started to feel some symptoms from the age of forty. 99

At the age of 40, I felt it, my adoptive father was 43 years old, and my adoptive mother was 42 years old, and had obvious symptoms of 793.

Now that a year has passed, although there is no furniture for the disease, through the monitoring of instruments, it can be found that the organ is declining.

"This inference is unfounded, and I guess it should be the uncle and aunt who developed organic lesions at the age of forty, or two years earlier, which led to organ failure, and thus the disease. 22

Li Shuixin said seriously.

Since studying medicine, she has never been as serious as she is today.

Lin Han frowned, "As you said, what is the cause of the disease? Why did it suddenly happen?

"Let me ask you first, do the elders of uncles and aunts have similar symptoms?

Li Shuixin asked.

Lin Han shook his head, "It seems not.

He has not met the parents of his adoptive parents, only one uncle. But that uncle is alive and well, in his sixties this year, his body is still healthy.

"That is to say, the disease is not hereditary, but is caused by the acquired environment.

When I was studying abroad, I came across a similar example. She is Ovary/Ovary Decay, the girl who fell in love at twenty-three, but lost function in just one year. At first, some people thought that this was a primary lesion, but after research and investigation, it was known that she had tattooed on the ovary, and tattooed repeatedly, which destroyed the skin tissue and caused tissue lesions first.

Later, Yinshu with excessive mercury content was detected in the pigment of the tattoo, so her lesions were caused by heavy metal radiation.

Think about it carefully, have uncles and aunts been exposed to radioactive substances in recent years, or whether the places where they live and work contain obvious radiation?

Li Shui Xin condensed.


Lin Han thought for a while, then suddenly startled, "Could it be, those two stone pendants!

He heard his sister say this,

Three years ago, my adoptive mother had a dream that she would have a son.

I didn't take it seriously at first, but then I met a fortune-teller Taoist priest who also said that there would be children among them.

Ding, refers to men.

The meaning of Tianding is to have one more son.

They thought it was amazing and believed it to be true.

The Taoist priest said that as long as you give a little incense money, you can give them a stone pendant to keep them safe.

His parents gave him a rough dollar in exchange for a stone pendant.

Within two months, they met Lin Han, so they believed the Taoist priest even more. In order to protect the safety of their children, they have been wearing stone pendants.

Now think about it, that Taoist priest is definitely a liar!

"If that's the case, it's best not to bring those two stone pendants. 93

Li Shuixin wasn't sure, but just in case, it was better not to sew it up.

Lin Han panicked, "But, I can't inform my parents.

"You forgot, you have fifty or sixty thousand viewers."

Seeing that Lin Han was very anxious, Li Shuixin reminded softly.


forget you.

"Friends, I have no choice now, and now I want to ask you all for a favor. I heard what I said just now. If any friends from Xingcheng see my live broadcast, please go to 403, Building 7, Huayuan Community, Huayu District. Room number, tell my parents and ask them to take off the stone pendant.

Please everyone. Please leave your name and contact information, and I will come to thank you when I complete the challenge!"

Lin Han stood up and bowed deeply to the camera.

Many netizens have already been moved to a mess, and they have expressed that even if they are not in Xingcheng, they are willing to rush over to help.

Garden "community! It turns out that the male god and I are neighbors! Little cuties, I went to my uncles and aunts, and I will tell you the results in half an hour.

Star City is a big city with a population of 8 million, and it is also an emerging Internet celebrity city in China.

There are not a few people watching the live broadcast.

As soon as Lin Han finished speaking, hundreds of people expressed their willingness to help.

Regardless of whether what people say is true or not, it is a matter of heart to go by yourself!

"Don't worry, everyone will definitely help you."

Li Shuixin pulled Lin Han's hand and comforted her softly.

Her hands are very cold.

-A sense of comfort, passed from the fingers.

Lin Han gave a soft grace and sat down slowly.

He naturally believes in netizens. After all, he can help him reach six cans of popularity, and everyone's enthusiasm need not be questioned.

But it was his parents' life after all, so it was impossible for him to be completely at ease.

"Shui Xin, since you know the cause, is there any way to save my parents?"

Lin Han asked nervously.

"Yes, change your mind!

Human organs, from birth, are constantly aging. Years ago, the vitality was relatively strong and the metabolism was vigorous. As we age, dead cells gradually become redundant with new cells, and organs will also slowly age.

Uncles and aunts get older, and the growth rate of cells decreases. Therefore, even if the radiation source is removed, the diseased organ is difficult to recover. If you only use drugs, you can extend your life by several years. But if you want to be the same as normal people, you can only change to a healthy heart. 11

This answer is similar to what Zhao Zeting gave.

"But don't worry, this kind of disease is not sudden, so the uncle and aunt are not life-threatening within a year or two, and you have enough time to prepare.

Li Shuixin leaned over and continued to comfort him.

"Well, thank you. 53

Lin Han felt much more comfortable.

At least, hope is a lot bigger.

"If you come for surgery, how sure are you?"

Lin Han suddenly turned around and looked at Li Shuixin.

She seems to be even more powerful than Zhao Zeting. Perhaps, the success rate of the operation is higher.

Zhao Zeting said that the domestic heart transplant surgery is very mature and is in the leading position in the world, with an average success rate of 30%.

And he is an experienced old doctor who can increase the success rate to 35%!

Originally, Lin Han thought that this was very good.

But he met Li Shuixin and became dissatisfied with 35%.


Li Shuixin didn't know how to answer Lin Han, and hesitated for a moment, "I have no experience in this area, so I can't grasp 10% of it. But if my grandfather asked for an interview, it should be 40% to 45%."

"Is it difficult for your grandfather to come forward?

Lin Han asked reluctantly.

I have 10% more confidence than Zhao Zeting, I must grasp it!

Li Shuixin blushed, "Grandpa...he hasn't seen a doctor for many years. It's not impossible for him to hook up, but the conditions are relatively harsh."

Lin Han can't get around so much, "I will agree to any conditions, as long as he can save my parents! 39

Li Shuixin blushed, "Uh, let me ask him.


It was dark and everyone couldn't see Li Shuixin's face clearly, so they didn't know what this sister was thinking.

Hanyue Convenience Store,

Xia Changhe and sister Xiuying watched the live broadcast and were a little dumbfounded.

They all heard what Lin Han and Li Shuixin said.

The two touched the stone pendant subconsciously, and stared at each other for a while, dumbfounded, "Daughter-in-law, is what the girl next to Xiaohan is telling the truth?

"Whether it's true or not, what this girl said is definitely not a lie, let's just listen, and quickly take off the stone pendant."

Shu Xiuying was wiser and quickly took down the stone pendant.

"Why are you so sure that what the girl said wasn't a lie?"

Xia Changhe smiled meaningfully.

Although they knew they were sick, they were more optimistic. In particular, seeing Lin Han being so filial to himself, I was only happy.

As for sickness, it is life.

"Don't go around Huahua, don't you see that this girl is interested in us like Xiaohan?

Shu Xiuying gave Xia Changhe a fierce look.

"Dad, Mom!"

Xia Changhe was about to pick up his daughter-in-law and have a good kiss when a young girl suddenly ran over,

"Uh, you guys..."

"Cough, Tingyue, why are you here?"

Xia Changhe blushed as he looked at Tianhuagang and asked.

Xia Tingyue didn't care so much, and said anxiously, "Dad, Mom, quickly take off the stone pendants you are carrying, they have radiation, so you can't bring them!"

"Goo, over there."

Xia Changhe pointed to the trash can next to him.

Knowing it was poisonous, they would have thrown the stone away long ago.

"Uh, how do you know?

Xia Tingyue said.

"We are also watching your brother's live broadcast."

Shu Xiuying didn't hide it from her daughter, and turned the computer screen over.

I see.

Xia Tingyue hesitated to dry it, and fished the stone pendant from the trash can.

"Tingyue, what are you doing, put it down quickly."

The two old men were startled and rushed over excitedly.

"I'll take them to check."

Xia Tingyue felt that if it was really the reason for the stone pendants, they should still be useful.

"Just leave it to us, you police. 93

How dare Xia Changhe let his daughter touch this, and quickly snatched it away.


Parents still need two hours to close the door, Xia Tingyue went home by herself,

After a while, a delicate-looking girl with a ponytail knocked on her door,

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