Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 116 In a hurry, break the world record! (5, please order!)


Lin Han took off his shirt and shorts and plunged into the water. An agile carp wagged its tail, and in the blink of an eye, it was several meters away.

On a large ship in the distance, the camera crew of the program team heard that Lin Han was going to catch lobsters, and quickly released the three prepared underwater drones.

This time, they were fully prepared, basically seamless.

"Lin Shen hasn't been swimming in the sea for a long time, and he really wants to see the underwater scenery.

"Quick, I want to see Underwater Wonderland!"

"Lin Shen did not avoid the golden crystal beast, can he catch a big lobster?

"Xiaohua, go and call Xiuyuan and Zhengguo over."

In everyone's eyes, riding a crocodile into the seabed to catch lobsters is a domineering and wonderful thing.

If you look forward to it but can't do it, you naturally want to have an eye addiction.

However, this time Lin Han left them at home to watch.

Nowadays, there are more and more assets in the family, and people need to be guarded at all times.

[Ding, swimming +7!)

Lin Han showed off a wave of swimming skills, and his experience increased instantly.

"Shui Xin, come here, I will show you the wonderful underwater world!"

Lin Han made a circle at the bottom of the water, exposed his head from the water surface, and shouted to Li Shuixin.


Li Shuixin was just hesitating whether to take off her clothes. She wanted to dry it, but she gave up this idea.

If it's just her and Lin Han, it's okay to take off the clothes outside, after all, there is still a layer of "seven nine three" inside.

But when she thought that there were still thousands of viewers, she couldn't let go.

Forget it, get wet when you get wet, anyway, this island is not cold at night.

She quickly tied her hair into a bun with a homemade rubber band, then leaped lightly and jumped into the crystal-clear water.

Compared with Lin Han's swimming style, although her skill is a little worse, she is beautiful, and any movement is beautiful.

"Strong onlookers, mermaids are coming."

"It's a pity, it would be nice if the goddess had a set of bikini."

"As expected of a goddess, her swimming posture is so beautiful.

Li Shuixin used the butterfly stroke, with her feet swaying slightly, like a mermaid's tail, very beautiful.

After a while, she came to Lin Han.

"You know, this is the first time I have been swimming in the sea in such a long time on the island.

With Lin Han, Li Shuixin is very happy.

"I swim so well, I just don't give me a chance to perform.

Lindsay quipped.

"Woolen cloth."

Li Shui Xin was stunned for a moment, and he understood immediately after signing, Lin Han was joking at himself and gave him a stern look, "I'm afraid that if I don't know how to swim, I'll be laughed at by you again.


"You seem to have misunderstood me. 99

Lin Han is serious.

"No, it's a deep understanding."

Daily bickering is one of the pleasures of the two.

"Come on, let's go see the underwater world. 99

Lindsay took Li Shuixin's hand and plunged into the water. Take her and keep going underwater.

Where they were, the water depth was almost five meters, and after a while, the two came to the bottom of the water.

There is a stone at the foot, so even the drone with the sign in the sky can see their figure. As for the drones in the water, they can clearly photograph their every move.

The view of the seabed is beautiful, and there are colorful fish swimming around everywhere. Just like the underwater dragon palace in the movie, it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Lin Han took Li Shuixin to walk underwater,

He has fallen in love with this girl, so he can't help but want to do something romantic with her.

But soon, he discovered that the only romantic one was himself,

Li Shuixin didn't dare to open his eyes at all.

She has no traditional protection. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for human eyes to open in water. Seawater will irritate the cornea, make people cry, and even feel stinging.

A few seconds is fine, but definitely not like Lin Han, with his eyes open all the time.

After discovering this, there is no point in walking in the water. Lin Han took Li Shuixin's hand and quickly rhythmically swim on the water surface.


Li Shuixin's suffocation was far inferior to Lin Han's. After a minute of suffocation, she was choked up enough. After the hook was exposed, she took a deep breath.

"It turns out that the seabed is so beautiful.

Li Shuixin exclaimed.

She opened her eyes for a few seconds just after wrapping it up. Although many of them didn't have time to appreciate it, she still felt very beautiful.

What made her happiest was that Lin Han held her hand the whole time.

"Unfortunately, you can't keep your eyes open. Seawater and plankton can irritate people's eyes.

Li Shuixin-face regretted authentically.

After just a few more seconds, she already felt uncomfortable.

"It would be nice to have a pair of goggles.


Lin Han's eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized that he can make a pair of glasses!

However, he didn't say it right away, he planned to give Li Shuixin a surprise.

"It doesn't matter, swimming in such a beautiful sea is also a very comfortable thing."

Lin Han smiled.

"Well, you're right, it's been a long time and I haven't been as relaxed as I am now. 99

Li Shuixin suddenly felt emotional, "I thought that surviving on a deserted island would be a huge test in my life, but I didn't expect to meet you and let me enjoy the ease that I have never had before.

swimming, playing,

It was a luxury for her before.

Although she can swim, it is definitely not a hobby, but must be able to.

Growing up in such a family, she hardly ever decided what to do since she was a child. Coming to participate in the desert island survival was the only time she made a decision to fish for herself.

Therefore, she said that she envied Lin Han's childhood, and she was sincere.

Her previous life was really difficult.

This is "moved? 33

Lin Han smiled.

"Yeah, can't you? 99

Li Shuixin stared straight at him.

"I mean, the police are in a hurry to be moved, and the days to come are still long.

There are still more than ten months, and this is too touching. What should I do in the future?


Li Shuixin showed a smile, as if she couldn't stand Lin Han's provocative words, she plunged into the water and swam out like a happy fish.

Lin Han waved his arms and followed behind her.

[Ding, swimming +11!)

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the swimming skill to Lv6, the swimming skill has been successfully obtained, and the rhythm of the water is additionally rewarded. )

finally complete?

Lin Han stopped in surprise,

Swimming is the skill he has practiced the longest.

He hurried to check for extra rewards.

【Water Rhythm】: You can use the power of water like a fish to better control the water.

Suddenly, there was a special energy in the sea, which got into Xiao Lin Han's body. It was as comfortable as a spa treatment, allowing every pore in his body to breathe comfortably.

Lin Han found that his control over water has indeed become much stronger.

The most intuitive thing is the speed of swimming. His current speed should be three times that of the previous one.

Because of mastering the rhythm of the water, the resistance of the water is infinitely reduced, which means that at the same speed and distance, Lin Han's physical energy consumption is far less than others.

After he felt the reward, he realized that Li Shuixin had already traveled a short distance.

At this time, they were almost forty or fifty meters away from the coast, and the sea water under their feet was getting deeper and deeper.

"Lin Han, come and chase me."

Li Shuixin has completely unloaded the burden and let go completely. She doesn't think about anything now, she just wants to relax.

Seeing that Lin Han didn't catch up, he happily waved at him.



Xiaobai, who had a sign in the sky, let out a sharp cry, and flew towards the distant sea quickly.

The sudden change suddenly shocked everyone.

"What happened to Xiaobai?

[God of Eagles]: This is, a warning sound! There is danger in the sea!

"Damn it, Xiaobai must have found something, it can't be a great white shark!

"Shut your crow's mouth!

"Goddess run!"

"Lin Shen, hurry up and save your wife! 99

For a time, the two live broadcast rooms were in a dilemma, with more than 10,000 viewers, and instantly became nervous.

Because Li Shuixin was far away, everyone was very worried about her.

Netizens can understand Xiaobai's warning, and Lin Han has a heart-to-heart connection with him, so how could he not understand.


Although Lin Han didn't know what the danger was, he reacted extremely quickly and swam towards Li Shuixin quickly.

The rhythm of water!

Not only did the speed increase a lot, but he didn't feel any effort at all, as if the water was pushing him forward.

The distance of more than thirty meters between him and Li Shuixin passed in less than ten seconds.

Netizens in the live broadcast room of Lin Han,

Stunned again.

"Fuck, what is swimming past!"

"Black question mark: How many seconds did it take you to follow Lin Shenyou to Li Nvxia?

"7 seconds 28, the distance between Lin Shen and Li Nvxia is about 30 meters, that is to say, he averages at least 4.12 meters per second. The current 50-meter freestyle world champion is 21.82 seconds, with an average of 2.29 meters per second. M. Lin Shengang not only broke the world record, but also crushed the opponent. (Explain, I am a PE teacher

In class, I happen to have a stopwatch in my hand)

"Fuck, is this a physical education teacher?"

"Report, there are physical education teachers watching the live broadcast during math class."

"Physical education teacher, come to the principal's office after math class, the history teacher wants to talk to you.

Although Li Shuixin didn't understand Xiaobai's warning, she also sensed something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Lin Han?"

She grabbed Lin Han's arm nervously.

At this moment, a huge shark broke into Lin Han's sea sensing range.


"Go back and swim first, and go ashore first.

Lin Han didn't tell her that what Xiaobai found was a shark.

"And you?"

Li Shuixin was worried.


"Obey, you go back first.

Lin Han stretched out a hand and gently stroked her face.

For a moment, Li Shuixin felt at ease.

She turned and swam quickly towards the shore.

At this time, her straight-line distance from the coast was about 60 meters, and her swimming speed was almost one meter per second. In other words, it will take her a minute to swim to a safe shore.

That's why Lin Han stayed.

He has to stay and stop the sharks!


Xiaobai sometimes used a high-altitude draw, sometimes swooped down, trying to frighten the shark away with his screams.

However, the shark was unmoved by its threat.

It was in the water, and Xiaobai couldn't do anything about it.

This shark was just wandering nearby, but now that it smelled the food, it naturally wouldn't give up easily.

"In order to save the goddess, Lin Shen broke the world record!

"Enough man, if the dreamer encountered such a situation, he would have run away by himself."

"Lin Shen, thank you for saving my goddess, and I will silently bless you in the future.

"Lin Shen, you must be safe!

Li Shuixin's live broadcast room was the first time that Lin Han was so thoroughly touched,

At this moment,

Whether it is a fan of Lin Han or a fan of Li Shuixin,

All are praying for the forest god!

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