Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 131 Eat a suite for every meal (5, ask for full order)

Since Lin Han made a bottle of frog oil worth 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, Li Shuixin has been numb to the price.

On a desert island, some food is good, but why do you care about the price.

"How do you know so much about matsutake mushrooms?"

Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes stared at Lin Han, who was carefully observing the matsutake mushrooms.

After so long contact, she thought she could understand Lin Han.

However, the more contact you get, the more you don't understand. Always feel very mysterious, understand a lot of things, and powerful.

Staying with Lin Han, she is no longer as cautious as she used to be.

The safety that Lin Han brought her made her almost forget that this is the wilderness. Rather, a paradise, a place without troubles.

Lin Han's reliability makes people want to know him more deeply!

"I watched it on a food show."

Lin Han mumbled.

These are not very great things, knowing only shows that he has a wide range of knowledge.

Li Shuixin obviously didn't believe it, but she was smart and didn't ask much.

"There are so many matsutake mushrooms that we can eat for a long time."

At the mention of eating, her stomach began to throb.

The salivary glands were also noticeably active.

She couldn't wait, and reached out to pull the matsutake mushroom.


"Eight One Zero"

As soon as her hand reached out, Lin Han patted it back.

"Yeah, why are you hitting someone?

Li Shuixin pouted and looked at Lin Han aggrieved.

Obviously, this time he was beaten hard.

"Because of a near miss, hitting is a warning. 99

Lin Han said solemnly, "Matsutake is a very precious food, not only because of its high value, but also because of its harsh growing conditions.

Looking at this pine forest, it is very large, but there are absolutely not many places that can breed Matsutake.

Because the pine mushroom mycelium can be bred, it is at least fifty years old trees. Moreover, it takes five or six years for each hyphal spore to breed an entity. If you just follow the collection method, it will destroy its mycelium, and in this pit, it will be difficult to grow matsutake mushrooms in the future.

This kind of practice is to exhaust the pond and fish, you say whether it should be hit or not. "

"Oh, people don't know.

Li Shuixin was obviously still a little aggrieved, and pouted.

"Okay, I'll teach you how to dig pine mushrooms.

Lin Han knew that she wasn't really angry, so she smashed the matsutake from the roots with her hands, leaving the rest in the soil.

After removing the matsutake mushrooms, cover the fungus pit with moist soil and leaves.

"In this way, the mycelium can be protected. At this time of the second year, there is a greater chance of growing new matsutake mushrooms here."

"I said earlier that people wouldn't be like that.

Li Shuixin pouted and looked up at Lin Han.

"Okay, let's gather together, we can eat fresh matsutake mushrooms at night."

Lin Han smiled slightly. Speaking of which, he had never eaten matsutake mushrooms before. This time, he had to give it a try. This mountain delicacy is more expensive than gold.

"Remember, walk around the tree, there are more leaves here, pay attention to your feet.

Lin Han reminded.

Li Shuixin nodded, listening to what Lin Han had said, she naturally would not make the same mistake again.

Soon, she was immersed in the fun of mushroom picking.

When turning over a pile of leaves and seeing a mushroom, the whole person is excited.

"I have a big one here!

As soon as Lin Han turned around, Li Shuixin's excited voice came from behind.

Following Lin Han's example, she carefully folded the palm-sized mushroom, and then picked it up and showed it to Lin Han, "Lin Han Lin Han, look at the matsutake I picked, is it big?"

Lin Han glanced back, suddenly dumbfounded, "Ha, that's not called Matsutake.

That mushroom had a big canopy, similar to the mushrooms bought in the market, obviously not the matsutake mushrooms after the caps were opened.

"Ah, what is this?"

It was not matsutake mushrooms, which made Li Shuixin a little disappointed.

He looked carefully at the mushroom in his hand and wanted to throw it away.

Lin Han stopped, "Jingdiu, this is a clump mushroom, also called pine needle mushroom, a kind of pine hair fungus, and it is also a rare delicacy.

Although he has never eaten matsutake mushrooms, he ate a lot of bush mushrooms when he was a child. Before the spring ploughing and rainy season, a group of children in the village would go up the mountain to pick mushrooms after the rain.

The central part of Hunan Province is a hilly area with many mountains and trees, which has nurtured many treasures.

In the mountains of Lin Han's village, there are more than a dozen edible mushrooms.

The fresh ones are used for frying meat and stewing soup, and the extra ones are sun-dried and used for roasting or stewing meat, which is also a rare delicacy.

After listening to Lin Han's words, Li Shuixin put away the big bush mushroom again and continued to pick it.

The two of them searched the forest again, and they collected five or six jins of bush mushrooms, green mushrooms, and pine milk mushrooms, and there were less than ten mushrooms.

The others were either too small or the caps had been opened, and Lin Han didn't want them.

In order to pack the mushrooms, Li Shuixin had thrown away all the wild flowers he picked on the road, and put a layer of grass under the bamboo basket, filling a basket full of mushrooms.

"Well, isn't it wise for me to bring a basket hook.

Li Shuixin was not too heavy, and kept carrying the basket.

Every now and then, the smug Lin Han shows off. As if these mushrooms were all her credit.

Sometimes, she is really cute like a child who has not grown up.

"You are the wisest, you are the best.

Lin Han will say the last sentence in a tone that is obviously not complimenting.

In fact, without a basket, he has a way to bring these mushrooms back. In the mountains, the most important thing is the material. With pine branches and grass, you can weave a basket hook in minutes.

After collecting half a pot of pine resin, the two returned the same way.

By the way, transport that lemon tree back with soil.

Lin Han planted the lemon tree next to the vegetable field and chose a shady place to plant it.

It turned out that his guess was correct. After the lemon tree was planted, its progress in opening a new vegetable field increased by one notch.

Three crops can open up a new vegetable field.

The remaining one, plus the lemon tree, has two crops. As long as there is another crop, a new vegetable field can be opened!

He hopes it will be too late before new crops are found.

"Shui Xin, go wash all these mushrooms, we'll make it a little richer at night."

Lin Han prepares to bake rosin.

Li Shuixin is a girl, and she is more careful, so that she will wash the dishes more cleanly.


Li Shuixin readily agreed and walked towards the lake with a basket.

Xiuyuan raised her head and glanced at it, her expectant eyes seemed to ask, "What's so delicious?

However, seeing Li Shuixin carrying a basket of vegetables, it immediately climbed down lazily.


"Society, my brother, Xiuyuan, the reality has nothing to say!"

"Xiu Yuan's expression is so funny, I thought Li Nvxia brought something delicious in the past.

"It's delicious, but not what you eat."

These pets around Lin Han can always bring joy to netizens...

"By the way, what is God Lin doing?"

"What about making a shower room, why are you picking mushrooms and planting trees? Where are you playing with fire now, can you do business!

"I don't understand the nonsense of the police, Lin Shen is burning rosin.

“If you don’t understand, ask: What is rosin, and is it used to eat? 33

Rosin is a raw material extracted from rosin after distillation. It has strong adhesion and waterproof ability. I think Lin Shen should have wanted to use rosin to prevent the water storage bucket from leaking.

"It turns out that, thanks to the big brother's popular science, I learned some useless knowledge again.

Sand sculpture netizens, endless joy.

The process of hot pine resin is not very complicated, just put it on the fire and it will be finished.

Taking advantage of this time of hot pine resin, Lin Han made a Bamboo Anvil Pass. The gate adopts a simple tenon-and-mortise structure, and sticks the pieces of bamboo closely together. Both sides are fixed with bamboo wedges, which are very sturdy.

Even if it falls from a height of more than ten meters, or is beaten by gravity, it will not be damaged in a short time.

At least, a year is no problem.

After selling the rosin, Lin Han must apply it to the inner walls and crevices of the water storage bucket before they solidify.

To this end, it uses hair to make a brush, which can prevent its hands from being stained with rosin, and can ensure that no gaps are missed.

After half an hour, the wall of the water storage bucket is ready.

When the rosin is naturally air-dried to form a yellow solid, the waterproofing around the water storage bucket is ready.

Of course, this is just a simple waterproofing measure and cannot be squeezed.

Lin Han carefully put it aside, and then made the bottom of the water storage bucket with wooden boards.

The water storage bucket is not a cylinder, but a rounded table.

After completing the base map, Lin Han tapped the map down gently until the periphery of the base plate and the cylinder wall were closely attached.

The wood itself is ductile, and it will not leak after being closely attached together.

Just put some rosin on the gap between the wooden figure and the board.

After more than an hour of busy work, a decent-looking bucket hook is now in the sight of Xiao people.

The outside of the bamboo tube is reinforced with bamboo strips, so even if it is filled with water, it will not crack.

The average diameter of the cylinder is one meter, the height is one meter, and the water is filled with almost eight 3.4 hectoliters.

Enough for the daily needs of the day.

It doesn't matter if it's not enough, Lin Han has a way.

After completing the water storage bucket, it would be dark for about an hour. Lin Han used this time to build a 1.9-meter shelf.

He is 1.82 meters tall, and Li Shuixin is 1.73 meters tall.

Therefore, the height of the rain shower head is set at 1.9 meters, which is completely sufficient.

After finishing the work on the shelf where the water storage bucket was placed, it was already dark.

Take a break and cook.

Dinner is naturally matsutake mushrooms and wild mushrooms,

pan fried matsutake mushrooms,

Advanced ingredients often require simple cooking. Heat oil on a small fire, fry both sides until golden brown, and the aroma will soon permeate the hook.

As for the bush mushrooms, they are boiled with bacon, and a pot of steaming, fragrant bacon and fresh mushroom soup can definitely arouse people's appetite.

Seeing Lin Han and Li Shuixin eating so happily, netizens complained one after another.

Two pounds of matsutake mushrooms, according to Gourmet Ajie, is 20,000 knives, more than 100,000 yuan!

And these wild mushrooms, bacon, oyster sauce, top ham...

Together, there are at least tens of thousands.

This meal, I ate another suite in a small city...

Lao Wang said that even he would not dare to eat like this every day,

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